Resource Redistribution Update


With people like you it’s no wonder that CCP keeps introducing garbage. Let me explain it for the challenged:

Ore anoms are also spread all over the system. But in contrast to belts which are static and always at the same place, which makes it possible to see them on dscan all the time and to have bookmarks near interesting spots, anoms change every other hour and can be outside dscan range depending on the system size. Hence, you can find things easier if you know how to dscan.

Well, there goes the next level of being challenged: Rorquals need to be culled. No more than one rorqual on grid ought to be able to have the Indu Core up and running and all benefits of the Rorqual (tank, mining yield, boost, Panic) need to be tied to the active indu core. I have said that countless times and even in this thread. There goes that argument.

And another uninformed post of the challenged: Belts deplete and do not replenish every day or every hour like anoms. Even a system with 30 belts can and will deplete quickly, which forced people to move around to other systems. And then these systems deplete and people have to move again. This is the beauty with the old asteroid belts: they already have a farming limiter in place, especially in massively farmed systems. Furthermore, high yield systems with lots of belts are far and few in between which makes them valuable and thus good targets for camping. You cannot avoid these systems anymore if you want to mine simply because an uncamped system had the same anoms as the camped system. Take a look at Delve, for instance. There are only a handful of systems with a high number of belts. Those are the system worth camping the most.

Not to mention that “turling up” in high yield systems opens up opportunities for things like this as mining comes from barges and exhumers again and not from Rorquals which necessitate dread drops if they are on field in large numbers.

Next time, I suggest you use your head before you succumb to baseless hysteria.

Who is too rich in your opinion?

  1. All HS miner?
  2. Player with more than +100 mill SP?

And who has too much in his inventory?

Actually hurting is this step new players who need to buy amunition, did you realize that you removed an important source into 0.0???

The +100 mill SP Player dont care about these changes, your effort ist like the US Presidents, who lowered taxes for the rich and therefore everybody has more to live from…

But if you want only high level players who can gank around, then your changes are perfect.

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And one more thing. During nowadays…hard and difficult times…with covid19 and all hate around the world. I just wanted to enjoy the EVE and talk to friends and relax. I do not want to solve and become accustomed with your mistakes. We all have to deal with more important things in RL and this game should be just relax, something little bit more stable when everything around is heading into The Storm…


So after the economics shuffle and prices increases, I expect four indirect impacts will happen:

  1. Some gank-troll-asymmetrical ‘PvP’ group will start ‘creating scarcity’ by suicide killing miners and PvE players constantly;
  2. The players being ganked will disproportionately be the people who pay for omega without PLEX and who will not be able to afford to replace their ships without a ridiculous amount of time doing things they don’t enjoy and will not consider paying for a subscription any longer;
  3. The player base will be reduced even more to the all-day playing, multi-boxing, a thousand alt creating player base which has proven unsustainable and results in CCP shooting their income in the foot.
  4. CCP will introduce additional monetization systems to attempt to keep profits sufficient.

The reality is EVE needs more new players and fewer characters per player to actually improve both in income generation for CCP as well as sustaining a variety of in-game activities. I have only returned recently after a hiatus and unfortunately, all the changes I am just learning about will likely continue to drive away less active and new users further shrinking the actual player base. It is rather frustrating, but I guess EVE lived long enough to become the villain.


Well I admire the risk-taking from CCP on behalf of all you salt miners. Hopefully they can maybe start seeding belts and Moons with salt as a new mineral…because, whilst pvp salt is an asset treasured by all true capsuleers (including myself), I have a feeling that the miners/industrialists salt expressed here is of a far more concentrated, end-of-subs kind.

The worst thing about this kind of change is that is shatters the meta, the immersion, for those involved in industry…and why on God’s earth would you bother with an industry set-up in Eve Online unless you were invested/immersed in the World? Seriously?

Fortunately for me I also love the ruthless nature of pvp in the game…Lo sec style. Couldn’t care less about Sov, null-sec mother’s meetings or all that other pseudo care-bear stuff that ppl in huge Null alliances mistake for in-game superiority.

So…choices…fortunately my tiny little corp has generated enough ISK from industry to go out and spend maybe the next year being pirates and loving every second of it…as long as the game lasts that long which, given this latest misconceived intervention, seems unlikely. After that, well, who knows. I sincerely hope that I’m completely wrong about this because, God knows, I’ve invested a massive amount of time, energy and a not inconsiderable amount of RW money into this beguiling game. Part of the problem is even that this update has encouraged me to think about this stuff in a RW context tbh…anyway…have at it Scoots etc.

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Ever consider maintenance costs for ships? Like wear and tear that requires regular repairs to keep the ship working optimally. Not in the sense of combat damage, but simply needing new parts when old one wear out with age, needing to scrub missile tubes of carbon build-up, fix shield field stabilized coils, scrub nanite paste distribution lines, replace a faulty drone control unit and other such stuff related to all those little parts we salvage from wrecks. And of course dirty worn out parts and modules will need to be refurbished before repackaging. And maybe even introduce a new “refurbished” state of older modules that are simply slightly inferior to the brand new. Still better than the next tier lower, but lesser. You could also require food, pay and other items from crew members. The more crew the more resources you need. And better paid crew with life insurance and higher technical stats could be more skilled and give bonuses. I may be spouting pure nonsense (I’m fairly new) and I know this is about diluting surplus and raising costs of ships, but I pick up an underlining desire for CCP to create money sinks so I’m just shooting off ideas. This would be a isk sink that would not just effect veteran PVPers, but also PVE players who aren’t losing ships regularly.


“-Increase of mining ship losses
-More market transactions for ores/minerals
-Mineral income from refining items to increase
-Prices of minerals to change”

Lol, you mean less interest in mining and even more hoarding. Scarcity is right! This will be like when toilet paper disappeared in the States!


“Prices of minerals to change” ya think??

“All Ore Anomalies will be removed from Hisec systems.”

Why? So new players don’t get the chance to see rarer stuff that might entice them into wanting to go to null or low sec to find richer opportunities?


I know… looks for all the world as if CCP are trying another (doomed) attempt to lure hi-sec lovers into lo/null. Quite why they don’t get that enticements into lo sec and maybe 0.0 will only happen after a new player has become hooked into the easier mechanics of the game…it’s a mystery to me. They must make their money some other way. I do hope this isn’t just a PLEX money-grab…if it is, then CCP better be ready to take on several new competitors in their space - because the strength of Eve is its uniqueness. Lose that, and it’s all gone.


Was there actual discussion about this with the community before hand?? You guys seem to like acting unilaterally lately with out factoring what players really want.

Also, also, maybe, maybe, are you guys (CCP) going to ever actually update the “Updates” page of the website so people can actually see what’s planned for more than let’s say… A MONTH out!!! Remember when people could see what’s tentatively planned for a whole year? That would be nice again, thank you!


did I miss something, when is all this happening?

I already stoped paying RL money for a long time.

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With all the changes this is how CCP thinks off his players!!!


It’s a real worry I reckon. The fantastic thing about this game is that, in a world where great games last a couple or three years on average,here we are still so engaged with this thing that we’re still passionate about its future. If unilateralism from CCP takes hold, for whatever reason, I think they will lose…and if they lose then , in the end, we will lose a truly rare and wonderful experience that, imho, is a historic marker, a milstone by which all MMO should be judged.


Where is the incentive to sell ore rather than “stock pile” when it’s harder to accumulate?? You guys (CCP) really need to rethink your strategies. The cause and effect outcomes you’re trying to generate probably won’t happen and your going to piss off a lot of money paying players in the process.

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Maybe it’s a "Kool-Aid " thing. We, as players/addicts, have to be lured from RW to engage in this crazy, ruthless, surprising sandpit. In effect, if we last more than a couple of months, we have drunk the Eve “KoolAid”. like any publisher in this escapist space it’s CCP’s job to keep us drinking.

Unfortunately I think they’ve started to drink their own Kool-Aid of late and that’s a bit like the Wizard of Oz dropping the curtain. I hope I’m wrong…cause I’m still drinking the Kool Aid fro all it’s worth…but the world of Eve has to immerse you, or it’s nothing.

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I know now why I was very very wary of online games when they first became popular. I should’ve listened to my gut-feeling and never downloaded a single one of them and kept playing my offline single-player games.
Online gaming has become a HUGE disappointment and rip off.
ALL pay NO play NO FUN, just grind grind grind for months and years for things you think you’ll need until they go ahead and “implement” crap like this “Redistribution” BS.

The sooner online players realize they’re being taken for a ride the sooner they’ll wake up and demand MORE from those con-artist-corporations.

Back to offline games for me.
I mentioned I was going to try Gears 5 this weekend… NOPE. Changed my mind. I don’t want anymore thing to do with online games. I’ve already wasted enough money on them for mediocre fun, if that.


I don’t think this is the end to the game that a lot of commenters are making it out to be. This is definitely the end of an industrialist being able to mine all materials themselves. The fact that Ore Anoms are gone from HS means that HS miners will have to move around a ton more to mine and will have to adjust for that with scout alts/tanky ships.

Low Sec mining will be the interesting part as LS is already pretty dangerous for miners. For the ore that is unique to those systems I bet the price jumps up a bit over the next few months. The fact that Gneiss will be increased by 300% means that a lot more HS miners will probably be venturing into LS.

Null Sec Ore Anoms look so small compared to what they used to have, if I’m reading the SOV Ore Anom table right.

The problem I’ve had with a lot of the changes is that mineral pricing, raw ore pricing have vastly increased. So if you are a miner purely your income doesn’t take that big of a hit or improves depending on your setup if you are only selling those ores. But for Industrialists, I think the problem is pricing on hulls hasn’t kept up with mineral pricing. Hulls pricing has increased but I do see the increase lagging behind mineral/ore pricing.

Mining is definitely a lot tougher today and Newbros should look at cost v reward for sure and see if they really want to get into it or just go into Expo or Ratting as an income source. Importing/Exporting is probably a pretty solid occupation as well now just for Compressed Ore.

The Rorq is definitely not the King of miners anymore. While it might still have jump capability, ore hold size, mining capability, and defense capability over sub-cap mining or Orca mining, Orcas and Exhumers can really hold their own for being able to move around grids easily, no siege times, can align out and get out if a hostile comes into system, and have a smaller train time and investment if the ships get destroyed plus no fuel costs like the Rorq has.

Also reprocessing of ratting loot might need to be looked at and see how much it’s worth generally. I’m curious with the increase of mineral prices if that’ll be worth doing when you’re out ratting.

I’m not happy miners are taking another hit. I love mining, in most of my posts I’ve talked about my love of it. These changes definitely pushed me out of mining and into other ISK generating fields. But for those trying to get into it I would suggest a hard look at the current landscape and really specialize to make the most out of the shitty situation.

Personally I think CCP should help out sub-cap miners and give them a boost on ore holds, tank, and/or speed. Miners shouldn’t be the loot piñatas of Eve which is what CCP seems to want to make them.

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Civility Maintained:

So what you’re telling me is the risk-averse and incompetent, the AFK miners of high-sec, are now not only being rewarded for their minimum effort gameplay, but are being factored into the equation as a fundamental part of the economy?

Also :eyes: for ways in which massively spiking prices across an economy creates either incentive or drive to play as newer or smaller players. Another change that will benefit the megablobs, and punish literally everyone else.

Highsec should be an optional gaming mechanic that players can choose to engage in to significantly reduce their gaming QOL, not a mandatory functional part of all building, and therefore the entire basis of an economy, anywhere in EVE. This doesn’t require an economist, guys, and your refusal to factor input from the PanSwarm CSM is disturbing.

Dreads costing 6B for a functional T2 hull doesn’t really encourage anyone to go around the game dropping the hammer, except those with the resources to absorb a loss like that comfortably. So it’s more “whoopsie, we tried to nerf the superblobs and instead shattered an economy by turbonerfing everyone who isn’t in a powerblob.” Bad look, especially as the cyno changes have made a lot more room for smaller groups who now find themselves criminalized for being small groups.