Resource Redistribution Update

Good catch. likely because it remains a nullsec sov ore to make sure the big sov alliances are not impacted that much by the change.

well i see a problem hereā€¦ CCP , its a game and we play games for fun. but one after another you make it less fun and more work that dont benefits. it becomes a playable real life versionā€¦ you invest time and money to archive something and instantly CCP comes and takes it away. it might be youĀ“re game for sure but its our timeā€¦ and its not that there arent alternatives to EVE out anymore.


Yeah but where is the SPUD in the anomsā€¦

This is true for the large alliances who will surely deploy to each security space. I donā€™t know if you remember what happened when Hulks were introduced to the game, but mining got really bad. Right after down time, the larger groups that had the ability to field groups of Hulks just swept the high sec systems. They later nerfed the Hulks a bit. Unless you were on at that time, you got little to no mining in. Be prepared to seethe same thing happen right after down time as alliances will position themselves to corner the high sec and low sec markets. There will be some scraps in less productive systems but not enough to be worth it.

I hope you love inflation.


Worse redesign of the mineral system I have seen. Been playing and mining in EVE from April 2004, and this will not solve any of the problems you think your solving. It will only cause people to shoot more rats and reprocess even moreā€¦

On the bright side, I can cancel 3 Omega accounts :stuck_out_tongue:


ā€œThe fact that Gneiss will be increased by 300% means that a lot more HS miners will probably be venturing into LS.ā€

Like CCP, I donā€™t think you understand HS at all.


Whatā€™s your point? Did I miss a patch where these ships became literally invulnerable to attack and automatically win? Or is this just more highsec carebear defeatism?

This is utter nonsense. You do understand that all PLEX used to pay for accounts comes from people buying PLEX with cash, right? If I pay a bunch of ISK for my subscription it is only possible because some other player bought a subscription worth of PLEX with cash, and did it at a rate that is higher than paying for omega status directly. If I stop using PLEX and pay $15/month for omega status then CCP loses money!

I swear, if I had 1 PLEX for every time someone posted a ridiculous misunderstanding of how the PLEX system worked Iā€™d never have to pay for a subscription again.

Nonsense. These changes are a massive increase in fun, they encourage you to go out into lowsec/nullsec where content can happen instead of sitting mostly-AFK in highsec watching your wallet number go up. The only people hurt by this change are the ones who want to play EVE like a menial IRL job.


Good point, donā€™t know ā€¦ but I donā€™t think they remove spod from the game when the buff the numbers. And it was always a null ore.

The original MUDS and tabletop D&D like games is becoming to glimmer brightly once again thanks to the stench of changes many game ā€œmastersā€ are making today kinda like this one here.

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forcing people to do something they dont like never ends good.


Instead of saying massive unsubs coming, why not actually do it and show CCP that playerā€™s opinions do matter.

They probably think they will be fine because of EVE Echos, but little do they know that even their game on mobile, those type of games die out after a year or two on mobile.

But after all, itā€™s their game, and if they want to lose subscriber numbers, so be it. So much for a player driven game, pure illusion.

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Only if you define ā€œuseless perma-victim farmers ragequitā€ as a bad outcome. I donā€™t.

Yes, clearly it is an illusion that players drive the game when CCP is creating new opportunities for player-driven conflict and reducing the importance of mindless AFK farming by hordes of bots (and bot-like players).

In this case it willā€¦the sound of a large toilet flushing this game into the sewer hole its headed towards begins

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ya know if nuff quit youre alone at a dead gameā€¦ then you have your fun


I disagree with your assumption that everyone else in EVE is useless perma-victim farmers. I believe that EVE has enough competent and ambitious players to survive just fine without the dead weight, and in fact will be in a better state with more opportunities for mining and industry players.

you dont seem to be around since 2003 or? i am and ive seen nuff players quit after hard changes and also die nuff games cause developer focused to much on one side and ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  up the other. but you will learn the hard way.

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Where do you play?

We still have mineral distribution by sec status and faction, but what we have now matches the blueprints, this is just a joke, newbie T1 blueprints require minerals from high/low/null. That is plain stupid and anyone who thinks new players will buy minerals on the market has never really tried to make isk manufacturing.

For a new player with low trade skills and low industry skills they have to mine their own mats or there is no profit margin.

Get a clue.

Right, but by grounding it in in-game things obtainable w/in-game ISKā€¦ itā€™s just Boosters, like Mindflood. Maybe even limit it to only one at a time.

Individuals can be rational. Populations are not. Populations are herds, and a stampede is always one momentary fright away.

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Spodumain is notably absent from the ā€˜composition of sov anomsā€™ chart.