Resource Redistribution Update

you guys are braking this game… if you don’t want people to play this game as they enjoy then just give that what you want so they can’t do anything else they want.

you guys keep nerfing the mining, again and again, do you know how hard is this to keep up for the miners like us. and now this ■■■■■■■ distributing ■■■■■■■■. if you guys gonna just ■■■■ if mining like this then JUST REMOVE MINING FROM EVE simple solution do it. if not then stop ■■■■■■■ with it. I have invested 3-4 years of my life in eve to be a better miner in this game and now it’s all ■■■■■■ up cause you guys had a ■■■■■■■ idea like this ore distribution…

all these years of training spending money just gonna be useless now so what point I have now played this game.

good buy eve. thank you for ■■■■■■■ up this game CCP I have successfully wasted 4 years of my game time for nothing. you guys should get some badge fo this achievement

this is what I said to ccp

Can I have your stuff ??


Is Eve a mining simulator? If so, these are very serious problems.


So let me get this straight…

  1. Gas sites will decrease for the most part… Mkay - I have never seen one. Well thats nice.
  2. Critical minerals no longer available in Null… Well now… As if the amounts you got from reprocessing didnt suck enough. Now lets just take em out!

In looking at the logic, it seems you want mineral prices to go up, which in turn will raise prices on items built with said minerals. This in turn will force people to fight over minerals, but this is a oxymoron because fighting over said expensive minerals will cost even more than it does now, which will in turn make people less likely to fight over said minerals.

Basically you are turning New Eden into Nigeria, or the Weimar Republic. Prices will explode for commodities that are required and in turn prices for products of said commodities will downright go nuclear.

Maybe all alliances, corps and players in game should unite - stop fighting and show CCP how dumb this idea is. No one will be able to afford it… Sure the huge nullsec powers have the isk to hold on for a while… This wont last forever though - and next thing you know they will be forcing everyone over to Echoes, which is basically Second Galaxy - filled with scammers, Chinese bots, and sucks worse than STO…

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to start sinking all my isk into minerals before they evaporate. Although if this is any indication, they will already start to become scarce.


Are rorquals useless?

This is a buff to mining.

Wow, I just get back into the game and I am going to need to give up trying to be a high sec industrialist who mines all of their own everything?

Granted, my playstyle of solo industrialist, not multi boxing, is kind of a minority playstyle, but wow. Looks like I will go run some agent missions.

The price of tritanium is not going to fluctuate much, nothing to keep null sec miners from coming into high sec to mine it themselves. Can’t say the same for high sec independents.


Yep. It was never a good idea in a multiplayer game to have “do everything yourself and never leave the tutorial zone” be a viable long-term plan.

Can’t say the same for high sec independents.

Well yes, players who define themselves based on a rule of never leaving the tutorial zone will struggle compared to people who go wherever is necessary to win.

Dear CCP,

I can see you are in need of an economist. I have my resume ready and can supply references upon request.

Thank You,


What do they win ? MORE isk ? Ooooh Aaaaah… How useless of a game where ALL you do is try to get MORE of the SAME.
Where’s the FUN in all that ? Not supposed to have fun while PLAYING a GAME ? Haha!


Good question. Why are so many highsec players objecting to this change and demanding a game where they can sit AFK in highsec 23/7 and passively accumulate more of the same?

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Thanks for letting me know to cancel my account in advance. This game is already very challenging for new and causal players but this is just too much.


I don’t know, I’m not a hi-sec player. I live in Low-sec. But this change seems to piss off more than just hi-sec AFK players. I’m not an AFK player and don’t live in hi-sec but I DO know that this change is going to mess all my playstyle.
I was preparing to move to Null and thrive there… listen to me, “thrive” hahaaaaa!!

I’ll thrive alright… when quit paying for this JOKE of a so-called sandbox where I’m FORCED to play as someone else tells me to play. That’s not sandbox and it’s NOT player driven.

I’ve read your posts in this thread. You’re either cluless or are just another CCP mouth-piece like Pedro and a few others, just sock-puppet accounts to counter what WE REAL paying players are saying here.


Needless to say my wife loves this change as I have canceled my subscription re-new on my accounts. We all know CCP does not read these messages, never in my gaming community have I seen a more out of touch executive team as the ones at CCP. NO!

This game is no longer appealing or fun, good luck to the rest of you.


I’m sorry EVE does not live up to your expectations of being a menial farming game. I wish you luck with WoW.


In reality, the consequences will be:

  • Highsec people don’t suddenly stop shitting their pants when they just hear the word “lowsec” just because “there will be more profit”. There’s been more profit already for years.
    Of these, 99% will stay where they are right now. In highsec. Doing their lemming ■■■■ like they do every day. Or simply unsub. There might be some extra profit mining that Trit or refining mission loot tho. Check mark on that one, well done CCP.

  • Lowsec residents like me, who live(d) a niche life of being a self-sufficient swiss-knife dude, mining and manufacturing in low, running a small local supply “hub” as a side business will suffer.
    I really COULD just get the Ark out and cyno this Trit 10+ jumps deep into low just to do even basic industry. But to be honest i got no clue if i want to yet.

  • Null and bigger lowsec alliances will have an easy time mining all this ■■■■ from low and high and just push everything away that even looks like it could touch these belts. They got the logistics, motivation and the manpower needed. There simply won’t be a lot more mining ships being killed, they got an umbrella consisting of more capitals than the average corp has players. It just won’t happen CCP.

  • Blocs already bought all the supplies from the hubs, surprise ■■■■■■■■■■■■. There will for sure be changes to mineral prices, but it won’t dry any swamp CCP.

And please don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a “muh small corp/solo guy vs. bad big null bloc” rant post (i actually couldn’t give more of a ■■■■ about this topic. I actually live in between null bloc/lowsec pirate people as a neutral and i feel damn fine with it. I love the extra challenge and i’m really not mad when big folks make big money).

It’s just stating how it’s going to end and that’s apparently the exact opposite of what CCP wants to achieve. Don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that.


Apology accepted.

Correct. And it’s not even accounting for the highly predictable behavior of players in scarcity. More Hoarding of resources, not to mention the most powerful entities in the game will try to monopolize the new revenue streams. This has literally been the case with every single major resource rebalance in this game.

Have fun contending with a staging keepstar housing 300 supercapitals for that nocxium.


Well said!


It’s also supposed to be a sandbox game but it isn’t… In the face of such blatant manipulations, I cannot justify, in good conscience, giving them my money.
I already spent too much time and money on deluded plans for this character. The only way I can get back into my money is to play for free.

What’s next, CCP ? No more Alpha accounts ? You might as well, those Alphas don’t bring you any revenues.

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