Resource Redistribution Update

No. Mining Escorts didn’t work in the past and they won’t now because well no one wants to do that. Its boring plain and simple. CCP wants people to move well they need to make it easier to deal with the what one encounters in Low Sec. The battle is too one-sided to the ones doing the killing. Yes it is.

This is still a huge gamble by CCP. If Nullsec decides to not trade with HighSec then its pretty much done. As a small corp or even as an Individual you will never get past a gate to Null Sec space.

Time will tell if this was a good idea. Competition in the space MMO arena is starting to heat up.


History says Nullsec will trade with highsec. So I wouldn’t stress. History actually says that Nullsec will flood the market with high end minerals. Now, will history hold true this time? Who knows, but looking at previous times we should be fine.

Yeah, I pointed this out earlier, but for CCP concepts like ‘the Past’ don’t exist when new devs take over and are absolutely CERTAIN that just because it was tried before and failed doesn’t mean it will fail this time.

I think from what I am looking at with the notification WH will be the only place for Arknoor?

But that makes no sense either. I can understand tweaking WH frontier deposits so they are more unique and varied.

But, there is no talk here about the systems that only have one Asteroid Belt or None, and are forced to rely on the generous graces of an ore anomaly spawning in system.

On top of the major headache, that NPC mining fleets have become in certain systems. Completely stripping out resources that players would like to get at.

Is there going to be any fix to that? Or will they become a huge juicy target for miner pirate raids. So we can get resources quickly that are being denied to normal miners.

So its a big mess right now. And a mad scramble is ensuing as players are beginning to mine and reprocess materials like mad
before the reset.

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It’s only boring to you.


Generally speaking, it’s pretty boring. You wait for the Commander to make a call, you go do it, someone gets primaried, and pops, and then the process continues until either you get popped or someone buggers out. I’ve tried every brand of PvP in this game, including some that aren’t practiced, or even possible, any more. If you still find any of it exciting, you’re a newb.


I agree.

Horrible design. CCP why do you even have a CSM? There’s no stock in having faith that whatever future developments for this has.

Repeal this.

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And to anyone who isn’t a clueless newbie. It’s completely mindless, there’s essentially zero chance of failure, and every action you take is scripted in advance. Press F1, receive rewards.

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Gone will be the days of mega thousand dollar, history making battles, because no one is interest in fielding such expensive, massively inconvenient to build capital ships anymore. Free Ibis fleets will be all the rage! At least your servers could probably handle that scenario.

Maybe Goons were on to something.

I’m sorry you lack the imagination to see more than a simple dichotomy in terms of EVE players.

Except it doesn’t. As scarcity increases, that makes it more necessary to farm resources in order to maintain current levels of destruction, not less. Like I said, that lack of imagination you’ve got is a real shame.

Why should he? Contempt is all your dismissive mockery deserves.

‘More effort-intensive’ is not the same as ‘more interesting’. Doing the same menial thing, over and over, quickly gets boring as hell, no matter how complicated the sequence of clicks is. Doesn’t matter if you’re digging a ditch, or assembling a high-power harness that could potentially fry someone if there’s a mistake being made during QA-testing. Been there. Done that. Totally possible for work to be both excruciatingly exacting and detail-dependent, and simultaneously so boring you almost wish you’d screw up and get blasted across the test-bay.

Complexity != engaging. Half the problem with CCP is their devs don’t understand that.

The other is that they don’t really care enough to figure it out.

Competent industrialists aren’t selling to your two-bit arse, though. They’ve got regular customers in markets you can’t dock in, where the margins are a lot better than Jita.

Nope. Highsec miners might be complaining some, but null miners are looking at how much they’re going to need to mine in highsec, because the most common mineral needed out here… we can’t get here. And mining in lowsec’s gonna be open season for Snuff and PHEW in the northwest and south. They’re already setting up their agreements to hunt miners with dreads and titans. FRT’s planning similar measures in the east.

The only people who’ll be mining in lowsec are the groups who don’t need to worry about being attacked… because they’re doing the attacking.

Says the person who literally repeated the same exact response to two different people.

Good thing EVE isn’t that kind of game, huh? If I drop 200 HAW revs on a gang of 20 battlecruisers, I don’t need to buy anything at all, after. Tether up, get repaired, T1 crystals don’t get consumed… nothing to replace.

BWAAAAahahahahahahahaha. Sure. D-scan, local, escorts. That’s not gonna do you a damned bit of good when the brick-tanked Arazu decloaks, multi-scrams, and cynos in a few dozen bombers. If you plan to run every time a single neutral comes into local… better stay in highsec, kiddo.

Well, then you don’t want a patch that makes people need to mine more, not less.


So anyone who prefers to do something you find boring is a newbie. Got it.


This is a major factor to keeping small man Corps viable, Agreement!

Is there any information on when the update should drop?

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keen to know this too

Gosh, if only there were multiple ways of capitalizing on the many opportunities presented in this very thread before this change takes place in a couple weeks.

No, only newbies lack the game knowledge and optimization to make EVE’s PvE a menial grind with essentially zero challenge or chance of failure.

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a sarcasm emoji! :wink:

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I was hoping you guys would go towards the same concept as Second Galaxy. Where you do away with the mining and resource stuff and we hire agents to mine and harvest for us and whatever and leave mostly players to PVP. but instead your going the opposite?