Resource scarcity

So basically you’re a nullsec carebear worried about losing ships in a PVP game. That’s all you had to say…

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Except I’m not I pvp all the time? Nice strawman though, I expect nothing less you :wink:

Then you shouldn’t be worried about undocking, defending, and possibly losing a Rorqual…

Lol no you absolutely no matter who you are should be. You really don’t know much about null sec obviously.

So go mine in low sec, or are you scared of losing ships there as well?

Done that before but also not really viable for a lot of living in null locations.

Heh actually fun story I got my orca dropped on by two nyxes

Yes, but

Q: What led to fleets or Rorqs?
A: Skill injectors and SP farming.

CCP opened that door to cash in and inflate thier bottom line via PLEX sales. Once they opened it, there is no way to close it without completely reworking industry. It also accounts for the fleets of titans that most nulsec groups have.


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Unit value of individual minerals is not the deciding factor here. It doesn’t matter if isogen is the most valuable on a per unit basis.

All the matters for the value of ore is isk/m3. It doesn’t matter that isogen, an individual component mineral, is high value, the ores that contain isogen are not because of the demand for isogen. ABC ores are the second, third, and fourth most valuable ores still, with first being Mercoxit, on a volume basis.

Edit: If wurgles are 5 times the value of boogles, but boogles have 6 times the demand, then boogles are still more profitable than wurgles despite being 1/5 the price. Isogen is irrelevant and you should not be basing your assessment on the value of Isogen. Furthermore you cannot mine Isogen, it is not an ore - so it’s impact on the value of a full ore hold is further reduced proportionally to its distribution in the ore you are mining. Ignore Isogen. It doesn’t matter.

It has always been, and remains to be, and will continue for the foreseeable future to be more profitable to mine ABC ores in null than to mine anything else anywhere else. (Mercoxit is more valuable per m3 but also harder to mine in volume). If you have access to ABC ores then mining anything else is an opportunity cost. The literal opposite thing to being pushed out of nullsec mining.

Because they’re still the best AFK mining ship in the game and people still successfully AFK mine in null in Rorquals.

It’s not about maximum yield when you’re AFK mining it’s about the frequency with which you have to engage warp.

Except it absolutely is a deciding factor in a lot of cases. Individual mineral value is extremely important to what you mine. The ores that get mined while not always because of it are still definitely mined more (or at least aimed at more) when the mineral they contain is in high demand which isogen is. Discounting that is is not really an option when examining ore distribution. You’re wrong on that point, it does matter. Also ABC ores are not the most valuable, Triglavian are (2 of them) with Mercoxit being the third. The next being Dark Ochre (low sec), Gneiss (low sec), and then Spod. Those are by Volumn.

Your post is just not true.

Yet they arent really a problem anymore so my point still stands.

We’ve already established that triglavian ores are just not really relevant because virtually none of it makes it to market. You’re welcome to go mine it. But if you feel like you’re being pushed out of null (which is hilarious) then you’re gonna love mining in Pochven.

But if you’re convinced you’re right - then go mine in lowsec. Nobody else is gonna have a problem with this, it’s just one fewer competing vendor in Jita.

Skill injectors may have exacerbated the problem but they weren’t the cause of it. Without the rorq overbuff the skill injectors weren’t even part of the equation. Rorqs weren’t just buffed they were made into metal gods with how much they could mine. I cannot stress this enough. Skill injectors are not what caused the issue. They were just an excellerant to a forest fire lit by a (very) bad balance change.

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I want to live in null not those other places. I am advocating for a little trit ore added to null (a smidge, even a ■■■■ ore with it.). And a smidge of isogen ore to high. I’m not about huge changes, small measured changes to a balance that is working better than scarcity or the rorq times. I’m not just convinced there are numbers backing me up.

I want to live in high sec, not those other places. Do you think that high sec should be given back the sources of isogen and noxcium that were removed? I already know your answer to that…

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I just answered that…you didn’t read one post above yours…you clearly do not know my answer to anything.

Anyone that has been reading this thread knows that you just want nullsec to be able to go back to producing absolutely anything on-site without having to use outside sources of materials. Let’s just change it to where all resources are available in any and all areas, that way no one actually has to trade with other players or travel anywhere…

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No I don’t. Congratulations for proving me right again you don’t know my answers

Just keep selling us Megacyte and Morphite and we will keep selling you Tritanium. It’s working out pretty good so far…

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