Resource Wars. Where is CODE?

It was James 315 who first posited that miners lie at the bottom of EVE’s food chain. Here’s what he said (links follow):

“Miners are not defenseless. A mining barge is unlikely to defeat a combat ship in a 1v1 battle, true. A pigeon is unlikely to beat a cat in a 1v1, and a gazelle won’t fare well against a lion in a 1v1. So why do pigeons and gazelles still exist, and for that matter, why do mining barges blanket highsec? Because their defense is to avoid getting into a situation where they’re trapped in single combat against those who can beat them at it.”

(MinerBumping) Jester’s Dreck: Why You Shouldn’t Vote for Ripard Teg for CSM
(SoundCloud) Audio Version with Yours Truly (shameless plug…)


He was neither the first, nor last.
(And you are paraphrasing incorrectly)

As far as lying at the bottom of the food chain, thats an opinion.
Not an objective fact.
Arguably, for example, non-cloaky explorers are the most vulnerable targets.
They have neither tank, dps nor cloak and operate in some of the most hostile space in EVE.


I can, of course, only speak from my own experience, and James’ promotion of the ‘food chain’ statement was the first (and only) one I encountered. I’m happy to stand corrected. I won’t ask you to dig up links, because I don’t believe it’s necessary in such a trivial matter.

Posit: ‘put forward as fact or basis for argument’ (my italics)

I think most people will understand that, in terms of availability and nutrition, the miner offers a more attractive prospect than what-was-it? a non-cloaky explorer. I was not speaking of vulnerability, but of availability (amongst other things).


I would agree with James315s statement, insofar as the RL hunting and ecology model I use frequently myself.

However, the bottom of the food chain IRL would be plants, and in EVE would be NPCs.

Rocks, (or rather the minerals within them) whether in EVE or IRL, are not part of the food chain, atleast in any active role.

They merely provide an inorganic/passive environment in which they exist/or dont, on which living entities can subsist for their own survival.

Now that NPCs also mine rocks, there has been a paradigm shift in EVE.

He talks about the PvP-foodchain

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PvP occurs whenever two players interact, either directly, by proxy, or extension of their actions.

It is not disputable, that NPCs (yes, even space rocks are artificial entities generated by the same system that generates and operates NPC ships/structures, even though they dont move or shoot back) are the lowest wrung on the EVE food-chain, upon which we all feed.

If CCP stopped introducing NPCs/rocks, we would all die of starvation.

_emphasized text_Still going round in circles Rod,
Your opinion is as valid as your opinion
But accusations of dunning Kruger also apply to accusations of dunning Kruger
Good luck flogging this dead horse, I am sure you enjoy making the same statements and declarations

But where’s the proof

@Fabulous_Rod your thread ‘the cost of suicide ganking is too low’ contains much well thought discussion of this issue you keep raising
Why not engage properly with some of that discussion instead of just repeating yourself,
Lots of different opinions there
If you just keep repeating the same justifications and feelings, without listening to others, no one will listen to you.
So you are doing the CODES work, for them, gl I hope you
Come to understand this game
And like Yogi or Booboo become a careful bear, or a powerful care bear
And stop with the self entitled careless bear wining

  • @Fabulous_Rod touches the ‘ward of gank expense’ emblazoned in lustrous purple tones upon his hairy belly-

A rainbow of ‘elite pvp’ light surrounds him, giving him and his kin an unfair advantage over other (none arbitrage or pve) pvpers


Sincerely hope you meet some nice guys n girls who help you to
Git gud?

On phone so spelling probs worse than normal

TLDR: its @Fabulous_Rod again! Fabulousity to the max! Engage Elite pvp tactical and strategic AI! MAKE IT SO!

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Again, James does not talk about PvE or NPCs but only about the PvP-foodchain

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The PvP-foodchain is sourced from NPC environment.

NPCs are the lowest wrung on the food-chain.

Persons engaging in action against NPCs (ie:PvE) are the ones that introduce isk/materials into EVE.

Without players running PvE, we all will starve.

Yes, but on the bottom of the PvP-foodchain is the miner. Do you agree?

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Eve is something different for everyone. There is no rule that says I have to play with low life trash in my activities, nor should there be. It is no wonder this ■■■■ game is dying from lack of sand with the prevailing dunning kruger ganker attitudes: “you exist as my stress ball” bs. CCP needs the separate the wheat from the chaff and get rid of “PvP”-for-dummies by making ganking require more expensive ships. The game isn’t worth playing for too many people because it caters to cowards. Unlike the rest of eve, suicide ganking is a safe space for the most garbage of players, being that they take no risks while flying disposable ships and makes eve a joke of a game.

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No, I would not agree.

Data/relic explorers are the lowest on the PvP-food chain, with no cloak, tank, or dps.

If anything or anyone so much as farts in the general direction of a Minnie Probe explorer, it explodes in spectacular fashion.

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There is no rule, but there is the possibility that our paths cross in the game and depending on a lot of things there will be explosions.

A lot of the actually gameplay of EVE happens when you select or fit your ship.

Based on this choices you will present a target to other people or not. It is up to you to decide if it is dangerous to mine in a Hulk and be more efficient but risk to get ganked or if you want to play it save and use a Skiff because gankers may be around.

Just because someone bested you in honourable PvP does not mean they are “garbage players”. It just means you made a mistake and should learn from it. Blaming others will get you nowhere.

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I come from skill-based full loot PvP mmorpgs. I have a hard time believing that many who would spends time doing SGing (going after noncombatants as opposed to those more deserving of aggression) aren’t garbage players (gamer) or ignorant of better games.

Clue to help:
Check my contract history for easy access to my alts- the obvious ones anyway.
Not in space much due to pc, but can be a lot.
Use locator agents to track and cross ref. Times with kboard to work out when I am active on these chars.

Come and find me.

Game doesn’t cater for cowards
Hard to hide from your past and words said on forums.

The rest of the ‘cowards’ in this thread, have assets in space all the time,
Especially the code agents.

Risk some assets or stop calling others cowards lol @ tired rhetoric:

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Resource Wars involves risk, skill and effort. Code don’t do those things.


Also, please keep the thread on topic!


I disagree, but as a devburn that’s gonna require a skin graft.


Im not sure that free frigates count as risk. But then I dont want to be seen as discussing moderation so best forget I spoke.

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too late, you are banned.


===========================END OF LINE

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Please elaborate, otherwise I’m likely to conclude that:

a) You don’t know what you’re talking about, despite your connection with CCP, and
b) You’re using your position and reputation to deliberately foster acrimony among forum folks.

If our activities require no exposure to risk, no skill, and no effort, it’s mystifying that CCP deems it necessary to retain the playstyle at all. Whoops! I shouldn’t have said that :sweat_smile:

Perhaps you were joking. However, this is not Reddit, and there are very serious issues at stake here for suicide-gankers and anti-gankers alike.

I’d certainly be interested in seeing an elaboration of your views, if you’re minded to produce one.

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