Resource Wars. Where is CODE?

Wrong. Poor game design makes them easy targets. You can suicide gnk anything with enough ships andt is very easy to do.

What I’m going to say is just an impression Haplo, nothing more.

I used to read /r/eve, quite a while ago. What I noticed was that yes, generally it dealt in-depth with matters Nullsec (not so much WH), to the exclusion of almost all else, but the back-and-forth reflected very much what you might hear on comms in that region; a kind of smart exchange of opinion, information, and invective. There was not a lot of reasoned debate that wasn’t immediately succeeded by crass comments designed to deflate the commenter. Don’t worry, we get it here too, but thread trolling is, it seems, part-and-parcel of the Reddit experience!

If /r/eve identifies itself as primarily a place for Nullseccers to hang out, that’s fine. If they want to deride any Highsec-related presence (they usually do…), that’s fine, too. But understand that it’s the reason that many people who only post Highsec stuff here on the forums are unlikely to spend much time there.

In that way some younger people have of wishing to appear ‘cool’ to their peers, the EVE-O forums are roundly trounced as a ‘not-cool’ place to be. The only way to change that would be for Reddit fans to come here and start a few discussions. LOL…

The inability to down-vote here is, I gather, a deal-breaker for some.

I also dislike the past practice of CCP employees providing information exclusively on Reddit, or in that forum before burying the same information in EVE-O somewhere, instead of in GD, where most of us at least begin our forum travels. I don’t know if that still happens. It did appear at one time that CCP thought Reddit better than their own forums!

Don’t get me wrong; I think it’s perfectly reasonable for Nullsec matters to be discussed in the media formats you’ve identified, I just think it’s a pity that we can’t have all of the general stuff in one place.

Actually, for all things Highsec there is a blog. Minerbumping! Countdown to salt-salvo…3…2…1…

So they WONT fight back because of design?

Shouldnt that be CANT fight back, then?

Wont suggests a choice.

You should have been able to figure it out. It isn’t irregular

Im asking you to please clarify if you meant

  1. Cant


B) Wont

1 or B. Just the answer will do, thanks.

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There is nothing more funny than some miner who basically just clicks f1 every 20min complaining about ganking being easy.


I love the irony of your statement when you continue to cry so much about miners :smile_cat:

Im not sure a circular argument can be described as ironic.

You didn’t understand because you are an irrational person.

The inequity of suicide ganking is well known and often criticised. Conversely, how many people do you see crying about mining?

It is actual comedy how clueless and dunning Kruger you two dumb kids really are. Just stop posting befote you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

Try getting a life.

Both of these things are true, but there is no direct causation here.

Further, are you saying that lots of people complain about ganking and no one complains about mining?

Because ganking is pretty much the ultimate protest about the pathetic state of mining in the game short of miners suiciding their ships and pods en masse.

Of course, if they made an event of it, CCP might even pay attention.

Maybe, if you suicided your pod enough, you could get CCP to nerf ganking.

Why not give that a try?

This is a computer game, almost every activity in a computer game is to some degree “easy”. However, there is a lot more to ganking than the visible gank. There are few things in this game that need more knowledge about game mechanics, preparation and careful execution than ganking.

Funny that you think ganking is so complicated, and that you choose to cry about miners shooting rocks of all things. Your post contributes to the idea that gankers are some of the dumbest of players, preferring opponents who present the lowest of challenges.

I did not say it is super complicated. I just said it is more complicated than most things in EVE.

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Ah Rod, you’re back!

Listen, if ganking were easy, financially rewarding, and AFK-able, you miners would be at it like a shot - or off to pastures new.

Tears are about complaining, in an entitled and immature way. One of the things I complain about is the miners not presenting a decent challenge - which is wholly within their own control.

I make this statement calmly and in a mature and steady fashion, but you are quite welcome to call it ‘tears’ if you’re one of those people who believe that by the vigorous assertion of culpable ignorance you can turn a parrot into a turtle.

Not saying you are one of those, Rod, just, you know, putting it out there…


Yes, and you can win any war in nullsec with enough ships, and its very easy to do.

Infact, you can do anything in eve with enough players. This has nothing to do with poor game design, and has everything to do with poor decisions on behalf of a player. Your argument is a lazy way of saying that people are out-numbering you and therefore this is poor game design, because the game wont let my single character be enough to fight against 20 characters and come out victorious.

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Yeah, cause we all know auto-piloting through hisec or mining rocks is far more complicated than ganking. And yeah, we all know how most people go for the highest challenges. I myself know that when im out with my BLOPS fleet, we try to get into fights were we are vastly outnumbered, and we each jump in one at a time with a 10 second delay between each ship just to make it more challenging. And when were roaming, we try to ensure that the challenge is the highest possible, by having everyone warp at various distances to the gate, then jump through at random intervals so that half the fleet is always out of position.

Oh, wait, no, thats not how EVE works, thats not how fleets work, and thats not at all how any sane, rational person who plays eve, would do.

Infact, doing so, will probably get you flamed for being an idiot.

Which is the opinion everyone here seems to have of you, fabulous rod.


Believe it or not, not everyone wants to go around beating up noobs and people who can’t fight back. I consider that as low-class pvp. Some people prefer a challenge, others like to chill and grind.

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A deer or a rabbit has very little means to fight back against an armed hunter.

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EVE online is not a solo player mining simulator, it is a competitive multiplayer sandbox. If you want to “chill and grind” that is perfectly possible, but you have to invest some minimal effort to protect yourself by making the right ship and fitting choices for your situation. That is the game!

It is easy to just blame others for your mistakes. But it will get you nowhere.

The real issue you have is not gankers, the real issue is you don’t even try to play the game or don’t understand even the basics of it.


Yeah though miners can be high speed superaware armadillos if they choose.