Oh, and double clicking when zoomed out is better than a joystick. You can see the situation, the velocity vectors, all the stuff in relation to yourself.
Hold on… Hold on.
I just…
I just gotta get all the laughs out.
Ok… Ahem
Alright. Hehe. Oh man. I couldn’t have chosen a better time to sign into the forums just for the lols. On one hand, i’m actually happy there’s someone who isn’t a fanboy (delusional, actually mentally ill; jokes aside) and is objective (again, in this context; sane) about the whole situation. But what makes me chuckle most is how it took the Doctor WhO crossover to make people lose their patience.
First off, I gotta say that Doctor Who and EVE Online COULD NOT be a more compatible pair.
Come on!? British pothead entertainment meets a “video game” that’s been in its own category since 2009?! Vegetable-ware.
The UI is ugly you say? Well, I won’t go into details and bother making making any creative analysis on the UI, but given EVE plays more like an RTS than something like Elite which is more of a sim - it’s really analogue - it makes perfect sense. Could it use an overhaul in visuals? I don’t know Maybe. But that’s besides the point.
The Doctor Who rabbit hole (I just can’t help myself still, this is too funny) you have to (unironically) go through to see ANYTHING in this “game” as normal is absolutely hysterical. Why i’m barely able to type because it’s just killing me, still. 18 years and they didn’t fix or update the UI, you say? To understand where EVE puts itself solely into the spot of Vegetable-ware, one has to go back to 2009. When WiS or “ambulation” was promised. Ambulative gameplay, as I like to call it myself. Allowing us to be our characters and to experience the EVE universe through this new paradigm of GAMEPLAY DESIGN and perspective. Well, you probably know the rest. It gets shelved, and that’s that. But what stands out? Post Incarna? Or what it was supposed to be, anyway? I’ll give you some time.
Still nothing? Ok. The character creation system.
That’s so well-done and it’s actually the only thing remaining of that era in EVE that stands as a monument of the last time this “game” was ever attempted to be further developed. Seeing how delusional most folks are, i’ll spell out the rest of it (Doctor Who, baby!
The “game” is so reduced in all aspects outside of base ship gameplay, that it can pass for a 90s MMO. Which in all rights it was and still is, aside from the graphics. 2003? Yeah, not far off from the 90s. 2009 (Incarna time) it was basically the time to do or die for SEE SEE PEE games!
. But, well, once again, we know how all that happened.
By 2009, that would have been the absolutely last time for EVE to even be a viable, passable video game by such reduced, simplistic standards. It is now 2022. It’s going to be 19 years since launch. And this life-support-ware “game” is still an online game circa 1998. After ditching further development from 2009, the smartest move would’ve been to do the Free to Play move they did a few years back.
EVE Online exhudes free to play. The reduced nature and production of everything SCREAMS free to play. A character creator that’s still very, very impressive. And for what? To create a JPEG of your character with?!
Let that sink in. Oh yeah. And let’s not forget another aspect which is so reduced in nature that I would be EMBARRASSED to release anything other than a F2P mobile game (even then). Enn Pee Sees!
Let’s just take a look and analyze an Enn Pee See interaction between your player character and an Enn Pee See from EVE!
Bring on the Doctor Who, baby! I need a hefty dose of REALITY!
Agreed. They made it much better a few years back, it even had color…and then they went backward for some reason. All the icons look the same to me.
Just as they say “Thiers no such thing as bad publicity”. Theirs also no such thing as bad content! Should CCP stop adding content to this game then you’ll have a real and valid reason to cry.
So what if CCP’s new owners want to add a little “extra” to the game, it’s not being forced on you just keep doing what you do and ignore it. Or have a little fun and try it out.
What ever you do, please stop crying!
There was no general purpose computers as of WWII.
I do agree with you, with a little reservation, content should not be enforced or obrigatory. WoW LFR was part of evolution of the gear and that killed it for me.
So yeah, let’s keep things in perspective. Optional content, sure, keep it coming. Even the bad ones.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I read these ‘Eve is going to hell’ posts with much the same amusement as I read the endless plethora of ’ The world is going to end in ( substitute year and month ) when we collide with the planet Nibiru’ diatribes.
This came out when I was in high school. They got it wrong.
it got worst
there is 5 years i don’t press undock
its my secret revenge against all the gankers
bunch of monsters ruining other peoples fun
times are changing if CCP don’t implement only consensual pvp eve will lose all the subscribers in few months
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