Return the ability to use the old interface

Return the ability to use the old interface.

For many years of playing, I have never visited the forum. I don’t understand English so I’m writing through a translator, so sorry for the inaccuracies in the translation.
With this eye-catching interface, in principle, I personally can’t play Eve anymore. And I’ve been playing for a long time. and gave several years of his life to this project. For me it is more than just a game. It’s already a part of me. Please bring back the old interface. Make a paid subscription to the old interface. Or just ban me all accounts, the game has become dead for me with the new interface.


agreed, new UI is bad.


Yup. Until I can use the old UI again, I’m not paying for Omega or logging fully in.


Photon ui ruined my game experience. I played the game for fun, i dont have fun whith photon ui. conclusion this is the end of my eve experience. Experience that start in 2013.

Fly safe guys


Old players don’t pay cosmetics enough like new players do. That’s why they’re trying to make things easy for them, not for you.


Bring us back the Old UI !


Options to configure are severly lacking in the new UI
Even with Linux there are amazing choices
The new UI is so limited in scope
I want the choice of using the Original UI

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I pay for the game with money, not in order to experience unpleasant sensations when playing


Ты не одна такая, сестра) Очень, очень жаль, что так сделали эти бездушные космические твари.

You’re not seeing another penny from me whilst this Photon shite is forced on me.

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