Returning player - 24m SP

Sub cap T3 and logi, as well as T3 destroyers or flying dictors/tackle if you like the small speedy stuff would fit perfectly with what the alliance is doing.
People who like to do scanning to look for wormholes and wormhole routes are also always very welcome.

Frequent kiki/bombers fleets for whaling excursions via wormholes, too.
Lots of opportunities to find your niche in general, be it PVP or isk making.
Superb alliance organisation and infrastructure, both in and out of game and great leadership. You can haul your stuff on your own if you want ofc, but I have stopped doing that completely and just use alliance services.
Just now added option to romp around in faction warfare with the alliance for the faction of your choosing (ships supplied, fleets run) since direct enlistment is here and you don’t need to leave your corp anymore but can join FW as an individual.

If you are interested in a nullsec alliance environment, come check out our recruitment thread: Here we grow again!