Returning Player Looking for Corp

Hey there, I go by Quantum and I’ve been playing eve for about a half a year now in total. I used to play till about October and I stopped playing. I am back, an Omega Account with 13M sp on this character. Amarr pilot primarily but I have speced in Drones.

Right now I’m looking for a new relatively safe zone to call home, Basically I just want to do some basic ratting for the time being to build up my own ship yard and have enough stability to continue playing the game for a long time.

I do plan to contribute as much as possible, if not by bounty then by any other means. I am not looking for WH space nor am I looking for any PVP type action until I have built up enough stability to jump into the action without worring of losing what I’m currently Flying.

Message me in-game or reply in the forum postand i’ll get back to you asap.

As a corp we understand life and life come first… (I was a student once too, I get it!). ratting, help, ship building and fun people we have in spades.

check us out we might be a good fit.

Dark Crimson Sinners is recruiting . We are an EU /US timezone corp with stable ratting space in premium negative high truesec systems with no corp taxes and the freedom to play how you wish with no pvp requirements .

Hey man thought I would drop you a message we are a smaller corp based in null have high levels of earning opportunities, pvp training if you wish to do it with free ships and SRP :smiley:

Lots of help and guidance run by veteran players, drop me a message if you interested to chat.

Im in-game all day today so feel free to convo or join public channel will link our corps recruitment post below so you can get extra info.

Fly Safe and happy hunting for corp.


Krypted Gaming is looking for quality, social pilots to join us on our space adventures. We are a community focused on quality over quantity, and look for pilots with great attitudes towards the game and fellow players. We live in the nullsec region of Deklein, and are proud members of SLYCE.

We aim to be,

  • Tight Knit (~40-50 actual humans)
  • Highly active (88.5% of our members are online daily)
  • Top Contributors in PvP & Industry (top 3 for monthly alliance fleet participation)
  • Knowledgable & Approachable (tons of guides on our website)

Whether you are a new player or veteran, we are looking for team players who want to contribute to a community. All of our members are active, decent human beings (except our corporate Grandpa, Helltrek) with lives outside of the game. Given that, we also have plenty of memes!

Monthly Krypted Updates
Fleet Commander Logs
EVE Online Guides

Come chat with us in our Discord!

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