Apologies for not updating this thread for a while. Real life and work has been pretty full on (that’d be the pesky thing that most of us have to do to afford superficial things like rent, food, utilities, oh, and also the important things like Eve Online Omega subs. LOL)
Progress Report
I’ve made some significant progress on the chart and I’ve now dropped in all of the existing career path cards that were in the original chart. In addition to this I’ve also added in some additional cards based on the (really helpful) feedback that I’ve had here and via comments via in-game email.
I am seeking some addition feedback (see below).
The final positioning for the individual cards still needs to be finished off (to make sure everything is logical, aligned and aesthetically okay) and the structural flow elements (arrows and directional/divider lines) are still to be added in but I am getting there, slowly.
They’ll look something like this in the end …
But much more elegant and crisp (these are the old arrows next to the new boxes).
In terms of how the schematic actually works, the cards are arranged in vertical streams with the directional ‘flow’ away from the centre of the chart arranged in in genres. Easy is supposed to be closer to the centre, more difficult is further away (feel free to suggest changes if you spot something askew…).
Below is a very rough draft of where I am with the chart. Please note that this is not the final positioning!
Constructive Feedback Panel
I have started to put together a constructive feedback panel (the aim being to try to capture some rank and file player feedback before the project officially goes ‘live’).
In order to try make the feedback diverse I’m trying to seek out voices various styles of game play , up to a point (I obviously can’t have every account holder contributing feedback).
At the moment I have a pilot from the Goonswarm Federation; a pilot who does a mix of manufacturing PvP and mining; a pilot who describes themselves as an PvP anti-ganker; a disabled returning pilot who’s mostly a miner; a pilot who does a mix of PvE, manufacturing and research, and lastly a pilot who says their play style is mixed.
If you’re interested, please email me in-game with an email address and a brief description of your playstyle.
I’m particularly interested in feedback from people with disabilities, women (real women not in-game women) and in groupings that aren’t represented above, for example, wormholes and gankers.