These are fundamental flaws with Highsec and more specifically the game and it’s risk / reward structure. It ought to look like this:
- [0.0] Moon Mining
- [0.0] Belt Mining
- [Wormholes (C5-C1 progressive decrease risk/reward)] Moon / Anom Mining
- [Lowsec] Moon Mining
- [Lowsec] Belt / Anom Mining
- [Highsec] Moon Mining
- [Highsec] Belt / Anom mining
However CCP needs to properly adjust this in terms of efficiency, npc pirate spawn (differing size / type / scram or not / and frequency (random is best imo)) is up to them. I’m not an industrialist, so there’s going to be activities you can shove between there, but the point I’m trying to make is laid out above. In Highsec, it ought to be worth wanting and needing a structure so that there’s a carrot on the stick to draw players into the next levels of content. If everyone always stays in the shallow end, there’s not slowly and steadily getting used to deeper and darker waters.
So yeah, if Moon Mining isn’t worth it (I wouldn’t know, honestly) then that’s a glaring flaw on CCP’s part that needs to be fixed.
So I see your argument and understand it well enough to know that if there are people around to attack you, being suspect is a disadvantage. So the goal would be to have a system that’s not overly complicated and provides opportunity for conflict and interaction…
Lets go with a different approach…
Athanor Owner (A) is at war with Athanor Owner (B). Athanor Owner (B) is a holding corp and has a different primary corp to house all its members. If anyone from another corp or an NPC corp harvests from an Athanor, they will be subject to legal combat from Athanor Owner (A).
If someone that isn’t on the ACL for Athanor Owner (A) and thus doesn’t have permission, they inherit a Limited Engagement timer.
What this does is gets rid of the suspect timer that limits how and when players can interact, and makes it where if Corp (B) doesn’t want to keep it’s members vulnerable to war 24/7 by keeping them in-house, then they are at least vulnerable while they are harvesting the moon chunk.
So a few adaptations that I see players from Corp (B) doing is… just not harvesting the moon in fear of having to actually face the wardec. They instead choose to mine belts and anoms, which is fine. They can take a hit in efficiency for the decreased risk.
I don’t believe that the death of can flipping was the death of suspect baiting. Sure some people stopped because they liked being isolated into combat with that individual they chose, and now are open to aggression from everyone… but I suspect baited a lot back in the day.
Back around 2013-2014 I was suspect baiting mission runners and what I saw firsthand was not that CCP killed this activity, but rather:
- Pilots became more aware of these shenanigans
- Fewer people running missions than before
- A lot of time invested for minimal reward (often spent hours and hours trying to get someone to attack you)
What do you mean by this? In what way are wardecs beyond most players? Sure not everyone can instantly form a corp and do what Pirat, Wrecking Machine, and Hell Dawn do… but all it takes is a handful of pilots putting out 5k DPS to hit damage cap on medium-sized Upwell structures. This is not difficult whatsoever.
Clearing and killing Athanors isn’t the problem. The problem is that you can clear and kill them all day long, but putting your own won’t do any good because of freeloaders with minimal risk.