RIP Project Nova.... again

Ah, different times. Days where emergent behaviour still had room to be unique, as opposed to repetitive, where EVE’s growth was still - for the most part - in the hands of CCP’s customers.

Also the days where CCP’s management was constantly looking for ways to get back to the headlines of international mainstream media, sadly to indeed pop up again there but not in line with aspirations.

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Sure, i’m not required to like it, i never said i disliked the idea to drop this pointless game on its ass :stuck_out_tongue:

That doesn’t mean i won’t sit there and point out how dumb it was to even spend time developing it

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Sounds to me like CCP suffers from “It’s not our idea therefore it’s not an idea” syndrome.
Yeah, their loss indeed. Blasted Vikings.

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With the greatest of respect, as I outlined above: I had a BR game mode ready for them in C++/Blueprint form, using the same game engine they are using.

This was BEFORE all of the games you listed were on the market.

That’s $2bill - poof. Gone. Could’ve been theirs.

If you want to be steadfastly resolute about business decisions - how’s that for a business decision?

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I think (at that time) it was more a case of them trying to create a COD replicant, which I completely understood at the time, because that was (and continues to be) a big money maker: an FPS with a skill-compression and 3 lane level design.

I could site many maps which employ this type of design from multiple games, we all could; but that may (or may not) have been the problem.

I suspect their level design for the maps was along these lines. If you manage a company from an excel spreadsheet, you are typically going to use a system which is popular, and try to duplicate it.

When designing the maps, I did employ the typical game types and objectives, but this extra one I had setup was just something to sprinkle on top - I had no idea such a game mode had the potential to yield $2bill a year…

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“I had a BR game mode” Then apply to CCP and join there team. Why would they enter into a business relationship with some one they don’t know on your word alone?

Again, with the greatest of respect - they did know me and did have a relationship with me. I am kinda leaning towards agreeing with your earlier point here; in that the design of the game (at that time) was to create a COD type of ‘boots on the ground’ 3-lane level design with skill compression.

As the skype/discord session never took place, they were not to know what code I had created (it didn’t take long to code, I think it was a rainy Sunday I knocked it together :slight_smile: ). And as mentioned, I did have all typical game modes (CTF, RUSH etc) laid out in the design, and these could have been injected into a staging area (you typically have these when prototyping, they have all the assets in ‘godmode’) to see how the design fares so one can tweak the overall balance of the game.

When speaking about balance, you will typically mean things like:

Player height, movement speed, jump height, bullet spread, recoil, (effective) range and so on and so forth, and if I had these mathematical constants to inject, I had the ability to alter the level parameters.

Y’see, it’s a tricky thing, as if you change the movement speed of the characters, the level design must also be altered as you will find the time it takes for players to get to point A, B or C is reduced, making the choke points not work, and make for uninteresting gameplay.

So - you whitebox a design, and see if the mechanics of movement and weapons match the whiteboxing. In UE4 (and UDK!) you can make rapid changes and PIE (play in editor) the results hundreds, if not thousands of times, tweaking sight lines etc, measuring TTO (time to objective) and general ‘play’ to see how everything ‘feels’.

Is that wall too high?
Can I see the enemy from here; can they see me?
Does this choke point have a counter path?

Basic stuff, but it all starts with BSP whiteboxing. Now, Epic are working on an improved BSP/static mesh editing system - but they got some way to go…I’m hoping for a better polygon tool, but…it’s not looking good.

UE4 is fantastic, btw :slight_smile:

So what are your intentions in those discussions?

To whine how its pointless to do anything you dont like? :stuck_out_tongue:

That doesn’t mean i won’t sit there and point out how dumb it was to even spend time developing it

Looks like it.

I too would like CCP to do something different with a lot of stuff, but at least I am constructive and gave few ideas for NOVA for example.

As I said, I would advise you to perhaps apply to CCP, Personally I would play a Eve Online themed FPS BR.

No offence is intended btw, was merely making a statement :slight_smile:

Appreciate the comment 'sir - but I have my own company, I just wanted to throw out that aside to flavour the coffee.

Which is a good thing and I salute that. I would just say, if u have a BR design, maybe, peruse it etc

You seem very bitter ccp didn’t produce your ideas…
And as such are overlooking incredibly huge elements of what made these games you are pointing at so successful while ignoring others that weren’t.

We’ll start with pointing at pubg and the fact that while the stand alone game is new it’s a concept built over near two decades with a player base that has followed as mods have become stand alone games and have then spawned new mods.
Then at Blizzards pr budget and already existing playerbase to get Hearthstone off the ground as well.
And how anti that market existing players would have been resulting in large quantities of bad press had ccp gone that way.

This means that even if CCP had made an identical product it is unlikely that they ever would have had success on the same level.

Really, you talk a great talk, but you don’t seem to walk the walk.

Of course, they could have achieved for example a lot bigger success.

At this point its whatwouldbeism.

I very seriously doubt anything CCP made would have made that much cash off a project, CCP would have been more likely to have created radical heights which would have instantly been outclassed by everything else, including PUBG in its terrible launch state, i mean why would you even pitch that sort of idea to a studio as small as CCP when you know its just going to fail :stuck_out_tongue:


Cool, and how well did that work out eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

There is no point encouraging them to waste money, they are essentially a one trick studio, they have been for a very long time now, they should just focus on what they do well rather than trying to spread out in to markets they arne’t going to be able to compete in

We are yet to see.

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Far from it. Very far.

I just wished to demonstrate what I had designed and offer (unpaid) assistance to them, because of my knowledge of the UE4 system(s) and, honestly because they were very good to me in the past.

Pay it forward, you might say.

Possibly, I felt it would be better to offer something a little more tangible and connected than, say, a forum post. They got skills in the staff, and (at that time) had a lot of assets (static/skeletal meshes, materials, audio, animations) so whatever I (or anyone) put in front of them, could have been ctrl-c, ctrl-v’d into the existing uproject file. This is why I used the ‘standard’ assets from Epic, instead of creating exotic and bespoke assets.

As mentioned - as I had included in my code the scaling of the environments (which is very easy now, but then was a little ‘tricky’) if any of the designs were proportionally wrong, then the geometry could have been scaled.

At that time, I did not have any knowledge of the mathematical constants for player height, movement speed etc, and so, would not know if the designs were palatable to their game mechanics…hence the scaling code. Once I knew those constants, I would have no doubt made changes/alterations.

My convo with Mike Read was really speculative on the topic of a CCG, was really just (if I’m honest) something that anyone would have thought as a possible course of action, if you have an existing IP and launched product for the market.

If, one has everything that they did at that time (see above) then incorporating a new map with game modes is very easy. Surprisingly easy.

And no, I would never ignore any game or dismiss it - just was reiterating that which was said at the time by the devs. Not to me, but to the public in what they were aiming for, excuse the pun.

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As I said - I never pitched it.

In time sir. In time.

I got my staff working on much larger concerns right now in software development - have to see how the next 5 years go.

Well considering NOVA has basically been cancelled at this point, i’m going to go with “badly”