Again, with the greatest of respect - they did know me and did have a relationship with me. I am kinda leaning towards agreeing with your earlier point here; in that the design of the game (at that time) was to create a COD type of ‘boots on the ground’ 3-lane level design with skill compression.
As the skype/discord session never took place, they were not to know what code I had created (it didn’t take long to code, I think it was a rainy Sunday I knocked it together ). And as mentioned, I did have all typical game modes (CTF, RUSH etc) laid out in the design, and these could have been injected into a staging area (you typically have these when prototyping, they have all the assets in ‘godmode’) to see how the design fares so one can tweak the overall balance of the game.
When speaking about balance, you will typically mean things like:
Player height, movement speed, jump height, bullet spread, recoil, (effective) range and so on and so forth, and if I had these mathematical constants to inject, I had the ability to alter the level parameters.
Y’see, it’s a tricky thing, as if you change the movement speed of the characters, the level design must also be altered as you will find the time it takes for players to get to point A, B or C is reduced, making the choke points not work, and make for uninteresting gameplay.
So - you whitebox a design, and see if the mechanics of movement and weapons match the whiteboxing. In UE4 (and UDK!) you can make rapid changes and PIE (play in editor) the results hundreds, if not thousands of times, tweaking sight lines etc, measuring TTO (time to objective) and general ‘play’ to see how everything ‘feels’.
Is that wall too high?
Can I see the enemy from here; can they see me?
Does this choke point have a counter path?
Basic stuff, but it all starts with BSP whiteboxing. Now, Epic are working on an improved BSP/static mesh editing system - but they got some way to go…I’m hoping for a better polygon tool, but…it’s not looking good.
UE4 is fantastic, btw