I don’t run meetings at my company like that! - in essence you are correct, as the devs are not the problem. I have always found the devs at CCP to be exceptionally professional and enthusiastic members of staff.
It may additionally be of interest for you (and others) to know that one of the games modes I thought would be interesting was a Battle Royale mode, as an addendum to the ‘scavenging space jump’ map I had built. Now, you need to bare in mind - this was pre-PUBG, pre-HZ1, pre-Fortnite.
The map and game mode I had laid out, with very simple blueprints, was just a ‘space jump’ down to a planet, where players must ‘in racial wreaking crews’ try to control the map, before deadly radiation kills them off - in an effort to locate and find something of value. This could of been anything, but essentially, there would be an NPC in orbit trying to locate the item, and until then the radiation moves in like a wall of totalhelldeath, and players must fight it out, scavenging for weapons on the map as they went.
I did find it ironic that, giving the amount of money earnt by Epic, PUBG ét all over the last two years; that CCP Games pretty much had this available to them. It literally would have been “CTRL-C, CTRL-V” into their uproject file, and shazam, $2bill.
My original contact was Mike Read, a significant time ago now (2007), who went on to work for Cryengine. No idea what he is doing now, but that’s where he went. It was really he and I that were (at that time) talking about Unreal Engine 3 development. Not related to FPS in any way, but really just as a ‘cool development platform’, and yeah, hints were dropped regarding future development for PS3, but nothing was even a reality at that time. I don’t think EVE was even DX9 at that point, but I might be wrong.
I almost forgot! I also suggested (to Mike Read, over a 1 hour phonecall in 2010 - this guy can talk your ears off!) that CCP could take their card game (yes, CCP did have a card game with real cards, it used to be played at Fanfest for those that do not know) and make a digital version of it.
I said this, because I saw the (then) new iPad and thought a simple cheap game on that platform could work in CCP’s favour. It was shrugged off, and then Blizzard released Hearthstone 3 years later and it went on to generate $20million per month.
Oh well…