I don’t know why your post showed up in my notifications, but I’ll be your huckleberry.
First, I frequently raise the BS flag myself on dubious claims, but that’s all you’ve done. No facts, no logic, just questioning the validity of everything -including the nature of Eve and things that would be readily apparent to you had you actually had experience ganking. Look, I can do it to:
BS and you know it.
Keep fishing and you’ll eventually pull out a shoe.
Yadda, yadda. Do you ever get tired of saying the same old BS.
Second, the fact that your post has managed to acquire so many upvotes in such a short period of time is proof positive that the anti-ganker crowd are so desperate for posts that support their position, they’ll upvote any arguments, regardless of merit.
Third, if the anti-gankers got their way, they would make Eve worse, not better. However, rather than regurgitate all my points, I’ll just link to the nerf ganking megathread.
Fourth, I complain about how people refuse to get experience with ganking before they propose changes, but you take the cake. P.S. Happy two month birthday. Now, what’s next? Are you going to tell us your thoughts on super capital balance?