You guys need to learn not to take people seriously, when there’s someone hiding his exposing writing style behind horrible and nonsensical spelling “mistakes”.
Spelling mistakes do not happen at random. Look at the patterns here. These are random letters printed out double, or some or the last letter left out completely. No one accidentially types “nn” on a keyboard while at the same time accidentially dropping a letter.
Doublekeys would indicate the keyboard(-settings) are set too fast.
Dropping a letter at the end would indicate the keyboard is too slow.
When you type “too fast for your fingers to handle” and thus drop a letter you will not double-type a letter.
Notice how there’s a pattern of people with “spelling mistakes” and/or lack of punctuation always going into the direction of asking for more security, or nerfs, or whatever it is that is supposed to be helping them.
This is a trollthread.
You all fell for it.