Risk vs Reward ninja mining

I would like to be griffed, it sounds like it involves tea and biscuits before the hanky panky occurs.


You guys need to learn not to take people seriously, when there’s someone hiding his exposing writing style behind horrible and nonsensical spelling “mistakes”.

Spelling mistakes do not happen at random. Look at the patterns here. These are random letters printed out double, or some or the last letter left out completely. No one accidentially types “nn” on a keyboard while at the same time accidentially dropping a letter.

Doublekeys would indicate the keyboard(-settings) are set too fast.
Dropping a letter at the end would indicate the keyboard is too slow.
When you type “too fast for your fingers to handle” and thus drop a letter you will not double-type a letter.

Notice how there’s a pattern of people with “spelling mistakes” and/or lack of punctuation always going into the direction of asking for more security, or nerfs, or whatever it is that is supposed to be helping them.

This is a trollthread.
You all fell for it.


Except you can’t protect it.
Yet you HAVE TO buy the athanor, fuel it, prepare the agenda.

It’s dishonest to claim the risk vs reward is balanced.

We all wanted to give Dracvlad a win…

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It’s not ninjamining in HiSec. It’s just mining.

You don’t own the asteroids until they’re in your cargo.

If you don’t want people mining the fields you generate, you have some options:

  • Don’t make the fields
  • Time the fields for when you’ll be able to mine them
  • Have enough friendlies to mine them before anyone else can
  • Suicide ganking
  • Bumping

i like the idea to flag people ninjamining. More content for small corps perharps defending their field , but open the way for bait ninjamining ! it could please the pro pvpers.

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Someone pointed out that the obviously atrocious spelling on OP’s part suggests they’re just trolling everyone…

@Anderson_Geten smelled a fellow Troll, and came to join in. That’s why they’re suddenly here arguing the definition of “own” as if that makes any difference.

The point is… nobody owns the asteroid belt. Just b/c your Citadel dredged it up, doesn’t automatically make the rocks yours. Not until you mine them up and they end up in your cargo hold. So there is no excuse to give Suspect timers to everyone else for mining the rocks before you did.


and it’s not the point.

YOU claimed it is, therefore you are making a strawman.

Again, nowhere did the OP claim he actually owns the roids in the mechanism ig. On the opposite, he claims he does not yet, and his point is, he should.

You claiming that is just you being liars.

You’re not the brightest crayon in the box, are ya?

Yes, we all know that OP does not own the asteroids. That’s why there is no “theft” taking place. And with no theft, there is no Suspect flag.

But OP complaining about the lack of Suspect flags, clearly indicates that OP thinks they should own the rocks, should have the sole rights to mine those rocks.

And we are all saying that they do not, and should not. The rocks don’t belong to anyone until they are in your cargo hold. Until then, they’re just free floating rocks.

Nobody is lying about OP. You’re just trying to be argumentative for the sake of arguing. You rarely ever have anything useful or constructive to say in the threads you comment. You just stir up trouble.

Sure would be nice if any @ISD were around to stop you from trolling threads all the time…


I think the correct solution is for OP to set up his mining operations in lowsec. Then he can gank all the ninja miners he wants
Imagine believing that CONCORD will only protect you, and nobody else.


I swear its not Billy

But the resemblance is uncanny

Id show you how similar his post on the same topic might look, but I dont feel like being banned today.

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James 315 was right when he said that no matter how safe and easy CCP makes HiSec, it will never be safe and easy enough for certain players.

  • Give me Procurer so no one can gank me
  • Make my miners immune to wars too
  • Let me spawn ABC ore that no one can mine but me and my alts


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There is a risk / reward built in, but not in the way you’re thinking- if you CHOOSE to build your moon drill in the safety of high sec, others can “take” (ninja mine) part of YOUR REWARD with little consequence.

If you build your moon drill in low sec, then the ninja miners could have a harder time blatantly taking from you, but you face a higher risk.


it’s not a matter of risk for the structure owner, but for the ninja harvesters.

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If I fly my corvette through high sec with 500 plex, gankers can enjoy a reward for very little risky- but it is I that CHOSE to put that reward out there. The OP has a choice on where they build their drill- they are the one who put it out there in high sec.


again, this is out of topic.

The issue is the reward vs isk for the ninja harvesters.

If that’s the issue, then my post is responding directly to that issue.

No it does not.
It does not adress the lack of risk for ninja harvesters compared to the reward.

“Ninjas” can be ganked and bumped. The solutions are there. Stop depending on CCP to hold your hand.

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