Risk vs Reward ninja mining

way is ther no suspect timer for ninja mining at athanors when thers is for taking somwons else loot in space CCP,it shud be made so you get a timer if you dont have docking rigths at the athanore,implementing this shud not be mutch work,to day you can ninjamine in larg fleets with manny orcas and skiffs and thers wery littel the owner of athanors can do,if they dont want to be grifed even more,Fixs this Exploit plees.

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Nope…you have the responsibility to set your timer correctly. Stop asking for CCP to install yet another easy button for you.


suspect timer ?

Maybe that’s the risk of owning an athanor… :thinking:


il accept ther shud be som risk tru but the ninja miners shud have som to.

Set up your athanor so it’s out when you can mine it


This exactly. You already have the ability to control when it pops


Anyway I’m all for making miners go suspect, that’s a great idea and i hope ccp is listening


whit my proposal ther will still be risk to me attaking suspect as you get flagged to

ur spelng iz realy bad, y u no stae n skuel ?

Asteroids are no one’s property. If you can’t tend your own Citadel, making sure to schedule the belt spawn in time for your own fleet to mine it all up, then it’s going to be free game for anyone and everyone else.


i have payed for it to spawn

And this is a game not a milletary real life scenario wher all do the same at the same time

Citadels are not meant to be a solo toy. You and your corp / alliance work together to operate it, and defend it, and reap the rewards. That means having a belt of rocks to mine when everyone is available to mine it. If your corp is too uncoordinated to manage that, maybe you should join another corp instead of trying to half assed run your own.


ty so kindly,but its not the topic of this post

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Oh, but I think it is… You want a big shiny toy. And you want to rake in money with it. But you want the game to defend it for you b/c you don’t have the manpower to rake in all the money or defend it from others who try.


Risk vs Reward ninja mining. is the topic of this post,you dont have to see it may way but the ninja miners have littel to no risk most of them stay in no war corp or in npc corp,they have fare less risk vs reward,and thats not rigth.

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Mining is just about the most mind numbing activity in the game. The reward comes from mining as much as you can, as fast as you can, and using it or selling it.

Your first mistake is believing that the belt “belongs” to you. Targeting another ship doesn’t make it yours, shooting them dead and looting the wreck does. Dragging up some rocks don’t make them yours, mining the rocks does.

There’s no such thing as “ninja mining”, there’s only “mining it first before you got around to it yourself”.


I have to disagree with you. From the OP’s perspective, there is no counter to others sucking up all the good stuff. Used to be he could just wardec them or pay mercs to wardec them, but now there’s nothing left but ganking. In the broader picture, this is bad mechanics.


i think you been of topic her again its about risk vs reward,if you cant comment on that,then stop posting

The counter is… mine it up first. Plain and simple, doesn’t require any extra flags or mechanics besides getting off your ass and mining up the rocks you just dredged up. You can schedule when the rock bursts, so be sure to schedule it for a time when you’ll have sufficient ships to mine it up.

Indeed. It’s about you risking that someone else will end up mining up your rocks, before you can reap the rewards yourself.