Right here is a conflict over resources in a game that desperately needs more conflict. The solution shouldn’t be some stupid timer mechanic, OP should be able to fight for his resources rather than sit idly by being able to do next to nothing. It’s bad game play brought on by half baked mechanics.
that risk will still be ther if ninja miners get suspect timers so whats rely your point other than just arguing
Nobody said to just sit idly by. I specifically said they need to get off their ass and mine up the rocks before anyone else does. That’s a perfectly viable solution to “they stole all the ore”.
Again, there’s no such thing as “ninja miners”. Suspect timers are for people who steal. Asteroids floating in space don’t belong to anybody. The ore isn’t “yours” until you point a mining laser at it, and it falls into your cargo hold.
…are for acts that Concorde sees as questionable.
What you are asking is not questionable in Concorde’s eyes. Deal with it.
Where is the risk for the miners and where is the reward for athanor owners outside of being able to set the timer?
yes but dont se any other way to bring som balance atm to the risk vs reward.
Like I said above… Citadels aren’t meant for solo ops. They are meant for Corps and Alliances to operate together. Which means when the belt spawns, the whole Corp / Alliance can jump out there and suck it up quick.
There is little “risk” for a “ninja miner” b/c there’s also little reward if the Corp is attentive and active, and they get to all the rocks before the “ninjas” have a chance.
You’re talking about mountains of meat outside the den of lions, and you want to punish the buzzards b/c they’re better at picking through the bones than the lions who piled it up there in the first place. If the lions are too incompetent to deal with it in a timely manner, then it’s up for grabs by any who can.
In short: Don’t waste time moon mining if you’re unable to make use of the rocks.
just ignore him his not abel or willing to se it.
When I first read this thread I thought “oh ok just another miner QQ thread” but honestly I think OP has a point. Right now there’s no real risk mining from someone else’s athanor vs mining anywhere else, and there’s no reward to own an athanor except being able to set the timer. How is this compelling gameplay to anyone? Sure, you might not like the proposal of making miners suspect, but there needs to be a conflict driving mechanic somewhere in here. Moon mining was a massive boost to high sec mining despite not creating any more risk in proportion to the now greater reward. Any idea that would bring a little more risk to highsec should be discussed rather than immediately dismissed in my opinion.
Why does the game need to generate conflict for you? Tons and tons of “conflict” in Eve comes from player interaction.
The conflict is between the “ninjas” and the Citadel owners. Who is going to mine up all the ore first?
And there you go. So you can tell your corp-mates exactly when they can come on and mine good rocks. IMO it’s hugely attractive especially if you have a few of these with offset timers…
“Hey everyone, from 07:00 to 14:00 on Saturday we have rocks a plenty! Bring your favorite mining ship!”
A well run corp…
Riveting stuff here.
Mining sure is entertaining, isn’t it?
If you’re hard up for PvP, I’d try looking elsewhere besides an asteroid belt. Unless you’re one of those CODE folks, in which case I’m pretty sure they can handle miners in an isolated 0.5 belt without a problem.
Mining sure is entertaining, isn’t it? and can be more so with suspect timers.WH 0sec vet
So go setup your moon mining operation in the 0.4 system next door. Then you can shoot anyone you want.
You wanna wave that “risk vs reward” bumper sticker slogan around. Why are you trying to mine Null Sec ores in 0.5? Where’s the risk to go along with your reward? Oh, that’s right… the risk that someone will get it all first.
you must be a ninja miner that dont want anny risk at all
I gotta go with Marcus on this one. All his points are valid. If you want to keep “ninja miners” away from “your” ore, make sure the rock blasts when everybody in your corp can be online, or just get rid of the athenor altogether if you as a corp/alliance cannot successfully mine the rock out, before others come in and take it.
ALL asteroid/moons belong to concord, so its up for anybody to take a piece of the pie. How they get it, doesn’t matter to concord. While very very few would be asking permission to mine, others will just come and take it if the opportunity arises… and you have access to the names of anyone who takes it. make examples out of them and go after them or hire a merc to take them out.
its not about who owns the ore,ninja mining is just a description of a serten activety,its about ther shud be som more risk for that type of activety sins the reward is higer.
The EXACT same thing can be said for the station owner…and the risk is ninja miners for them…
Why don’t you get this?
The risk, flying out to an athenor and the rocks are gone. The reward, finding a full rock and plenty of stuff to mine.
you’re projecting your shortcomings on others that take advantage of it. Git Gud, protect your ■■■■, otherwise more ninja miners will be there.
you can always hide your athenor so it won’t show up on overview if you too uncoordinated to mine everything out.