Rokh question

You realize that large railguns are long distance turrets, not small blasters. If you need to distance yourself from some cuddleies, try those fancy new mjd’s, I have heard, they help.

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I’m aware rails are for sniping, I had never used large rails before and was testing them out. I’ve never had such difficulty hitting a same size as me, close orbiting rat, with medium or small rails loaded with javelin. There is a reason large rails are getting tracking buffs.

As for MJDs, I much prefer MWDs, much more flexible for me with no cool down. In the Syndication arc in particular, the elite battleships have MWDs and will cover the distance before your MJD comes off of cooldown. A MWD allows me to constantly maintain range with out issue.

That was specifically meant for the Rokh. I wanted to keep you from loosing your patience when slamming a mwd to a Rokh.
Even the Raven does move slightly more elegant than a Rokh.

Since they are trying to rescue large railguns. In addition to lots of tracking, a little damage wouldn’t break EVE - well at least not forever. When the new shiney toy has lost the focus or flavor season or whatever, we can can agree that large railguns aren’t very good now and hopefully get better.


incoming -15% cycle time so +17.6% DPS next patch.

* +15% bonus to Rate of fire.

Oh, I didn’t realize, the new patchnotes are out. Sorry didn’t read yet.

In any case, this sound like excellent news. Thanks!

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