'Room-0451' Radio Station

A short transmission comes into your feed briefly with a message containing a audio log as follows

“Hello fellow pilots! I’m please to announce the launch of a Caldari operated radio station! We’ll be playing mostly cyberpunk, metal, rock, and space out music. I also take requests if you want to socialize with other fellow music enthusiasts as long as they are in the correct format for the transmission to work. The transmission can be found in Josameto IV moon 1 at the Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio. However, if you don’t feel like visiting in physical from the channel information can be found within my public files. I look forward to flying spaceship and connecting with all of you. So turn it up and let the universe smile upon you with waves of sound.” -Reiko

(( https://cytu.be/r/Room0451 ))


“I’m happy to announce a show being held in station on the 10th of Dec. YC121. It will be of ancient music from our Caldari ancestors.”
Where? Josameto IV moon 1 at the Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio.((On channel ‘Room-0451’))
((All times are in UTC))
Doors open : 2200
Show : 2230
End : 2345+

You are free to stay as long as you like. Venue sells food and drinks. Event will be open to all capsulers and commoners all ages. Standing room and VIP pass available!


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