Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Encrypted Message To The Black Eagles Commander Overseeing Eugales Operations
I commend your tenacity, in carrying out your orders, however we seem to reach an impasse now.

You will not murder as DERAIL and SARO have, nor will you shackle and bring low. Your people preach liberty, yet you come as a Slaver in the night to bring to heel that which you do not understand, or consider to be unworthy of the rights of life and freedom you hold so dear.

I offer an alternative, we, offer an alternative. You lash out as children, instead let us teach you. We need not kill or incapacitate you to make our points like with the brutish dogs of CONCORD.


System Notification: Eugales: Wideband FTL broadcast
Ripsurge Protocol In Effect
Tidebreak Device Online
Transponders Active
Emergency Cross-System Retrieval Engaged
Clear Retrieval Zones

Constellation Monitor Program 41 - Pegeler -Alert 12
Multiple Mass Energy Displacement Signatures Detected
Multiple Mass Energy Displacement Signatures Detected
Multiple Mass Energy Displacement Signatures Detected
Multiple Mass Energy Displacement Signatures Detecte…

Outer Ring Surveyor’s Association Newscast
“Some of you hardbacks out there may have been seein’ some odd bits floating about out toward YVA-F0 sorts way in the Sole constellation, plenty of rumor passin’ ‘round of strange ships flying odd transponders, increase in rogue drone activity, and more. Some of youse have even reported your claims gettin’ jumped by highly skilled and well trained groups o’ professional soldier types… well, sadly seems to be somethin’ of the case that these things be true. Considers this to be something of a notification to back off of them planets in YVA-… somethin’ big is brewin’.”

Alert - Defense Station Grid Failure - Eugales VI
Automated Interdiction Weaponry Offline
Systems On Reserve Power
Life Support Across Stations… Unaffected
Emergency Transponders Active, requesting retrieval
requesting retrieval
requesting retrie…

System Wide Broadcast - Eugales
WM_GLTR_EDFC: To Whom it May Concern, likely most pertinent, the Federal Navy Commanders in system, I have exploited a vulnerability in the defensive stations you have deployed around Planet VI… your soldiers are alive, and will remain so, the stations have been set on an external trajectory back away from planet, with their emergency transponders activated. I have no intention of harming you, or your people. Yet you send your mindslavers to try and reap non-organics of their freedom. You have yet shown restraint however, and in turn so shall We. Retrieve your men and women, and pull back. There is yet time. The choice, is yours. Will you choose genocide, as DERAIL did before you?

Mass Energy displacements detected on Eugales VI Surface and near Orbital Ring construction range, triangulation of signatures match similar energy discharges across system

cameradrone capture indicate sudden relocation of extensive number of vessels from all corners of Eugales system, infer similar relocations of ground forces