Rumors about “CONCORD-affiliated Capsuleer initiatives”
Yulai, Genesis - The increasing tensions around the cluster caused numerous disorders and panic on the people of New Eden that’s losing more trust on who should guarantee safety and security and continuing to suffering the side effects of the consequences of the conflicts. With the CONCORD, according the more optimists, “powerless, having tied hands”, there are increasing rumors about proposing to “allow Capsuleers to act where the CONCORD can’t do that, without any security influence”. This propose is immediately considered “dangerous, if not absurd”, considering also these initiatives are already on the way by individual Capsuleers performing activities like gate guarding or suspect hunting.
Rumors are also mentioning the specifics of the proposal: it consists about the creation of a defined Peacekeeping authority run by Capsuleers focused on rescue operations, first aid at the colonies that are suffering from the conflicts and resolutions of border disputes. Other rumors said that to prevent any abetment with one or more of the Big 4, everything will be funded by third-party entities, independent Capsuleer alliances or by CONCORD (and EDENCOM) itself, resulting also in the increasing use of their technologies.
All these reports are still a theory that’s not confirmed by the interested parties. Should a similar initiative come out in a concrete way, this may have some difficulties to be recognized by authorities, militias and right the capsuleer community itself; furthermore, it could also be considered as a “5th faction” that will clash with the already affiliated militias on the shadow war.