Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Fitness Fiend’s Fanatical Regime Turns Into Cult Craze!

In an unexpected turn of events, Capsuleer Ax’l Thorne has left behind his days of daring with the Black Rebel Rifter Club to embark on a new and personal journey as a fitness enthusiast and self-proclaimed spiritual leader.

What started as a humble gym has now transformed into a full-fledged cult, captivating the attention of Capsuleers and ordinary individuals alike.

Mr. Thorne, known for his physic and physical prowess, not to mention his unwavering dedication to fitness and bad hair, recently spoke with our reporter to shed light on his unusual physical and spiritual conversion.

When asked why he decided to leave the Black Rebel Rifter Club, Thorne replied, “I left the Black Rebel Rifter Club and started up my gym.”

The unexpected departure from the rifter gang raised eyebrows, but Thorne quickly dismissed much of the gossip and assumption surrounding his departure. “It was a rifter gang. I was with them for almost 3 years. They are a good group of folks. But it was time for me to strike out alone,” he clarified.

Curiosity piqued, our reporter delved deeper into Thorne’s unusual fascination with the spirituality of physical fitness. Intrigued by the paradoxical combination of a powerful Infomorph indulging in mundane and perhaps unnecessary physical activities? *“So, why would a Capsuleer want to lift? Couldn’t you just upgrade a clone?”

Thorne chuckled, “What’s the fun and challenge in that? If ya wanna be lazy and seek instant gratification, I suppose.” It became evident that Thorne derived more than physical and emotional pleasure but spiritual fulfillment from his fitness regime. “It feels good, not just physically but also emotionally, even spiritually,” he explained, emphasizing the holistic nature of his practice.

Our self-proclaimed lazy agnostic reporter questioned further, fascinated by Thorne’s unique perspective. “That is kind of interesting. Most folks concentrating on the physical don’t seem very spiritual, and I suppose the opposite is true. Care to elaborate?”

Thorne elaborated, “I think anyone can relate what they are doing in a spiritual way if they want to. Kind of like a relationship, ya know?” His words offered a glimpse into what he perceives as a more profound bond between one’s physical journey and spiritual quest.

While Thorne’s fitness endeavors initially seemed personal, his magnetic energy and passionate beliefs have attracted followers from all walks of life. When asked about his aspirations and whether he aims to recruit others into his fitness cult, Thorne responded, “I enjoy it. I don’t expect others to join. But if they want to, I’d happily work out with them, no matter their level.”

Thorne’s gym seems to have become a place of camaraderie and transformation, transcending the boundaries of Capsuleers and extending its reach to the general public. Ax’l Thorne’s charismatic approach to fitness and the spiritual connection to one’s body he promotes has reinvigorated the debate, often dividing the physical from the spiritual. Will his cult-like fitness regime become the next big trend? Only time will tell.

As this story unfolds, we can’t help but wonder what lies in store for Ax’l and his growing following. Will his fitness cult become a cluster-wide sensation, or is it just another fad?

One thing is for sure his ideas have captured the attention and imagination of many, leaving us eagerly anticipating what’s to come.

Ailer Stane
Reporting for See & Hear


intercepted Comms near MHC-R3 III

???: Massive energy spike in local system volume!
Millicent: Oh fu… okay.
Adam: Yeah… Its starting.
Millicent: Technically it started the moment she sent us out here to set beacons…
Adam: what are we looking at?
???: Major Mass Energy displacements over MHC-R3 II, III, and VI, Moderate Mass Energy displacements on surfaces of III and VI… ■■■■ did Glitter Tidebreak planetary infra?
???: Incoming transponders, definitely ours, running live… lot of disoriented people, but non-organics are compensating while they recover. Be advised, local spaciotemporal shifts are… significant.
Adam: Ash and Smoke… She’s insa-
???: More displacements! Bigger… Oh fu-
???: ■■■■ That’s Wellspring and Gingana… son of a… More spikes… they keep sending more through…
Millicent: gods… That’s the Alta secondary!
Adam: Also picking up Jenara’s signature, interplanetary space, seems it missed one of the beacons… We should get underway, reel it in…
???: What the hell kind of op did we get ourselves into…?
Adam: An Op planned by someone even more incomprehensible than the Director…
???: Why’s she not sending it all in one pop?
Millicent: If I had to guess? Saving the real juice for the Ring and Arcologies, sipping on the Coils to send the rest piecemeal until there’s actual reason to. Maybe a bit of PsychWar on the Birdies as well? Showing she and the boss have the luxury of taking their time?
Adam: ■■■■ if I know… let’s just… ugh this is giving me a migraine again.


Broadcast Intercepted by Capsuleer Fleet During Siege of Serpants Coil Sotiyo, Vilinnon


Forward assets used against ‘SEMYON-DMITRI-IVAN-IVAN’ and ‘Sable Fortune’ staged in Serpent’s Coil displaced following strategic destruction of warbarge fabrication depot. Fabrication depot likely designated high value target following yearly demonstration teams and storm world infiltration maneuvers alongside non-empire observers. Fabrication depot within Federation territory may have proved a determinate factor in moratorium of large structure deployment in high security sectors of Ancient Domains. Non-Varyazi research and development teams under the command of Bosena Accords Warden to seek alternative escape routes after final preparations for evacuation or scuttling of unfinished prototype craft. Varyazi subcommanders have been granted authorization for a general retreat to Outer Ring. Remora lend-lease vessels dispatched for convoy escort.


Strategic destruction of Serpant’s Coil fabrication depot coincides with large offensive against Skarkon orbital facilities. Warplan Gruz is in effect. Rotation of assets from orbital facilities to planetary outposts given strategic primacy. Varyazi settlements, outposts, and combat teams ordered to begin implementing direct integration with Khymorodnik subclade. Pochven teams will cease to operate independently and will fold directly into Special Operational Troika for the Extirpation of Corrupted Narodnya Siege Elite command structure. Independent operations will continue to as pathfinders and stay-behind combat forces within Forest of Glorification and Ancient Domains.



intercepted comms near Eugales VI

Mahazkei: Looks like we pulled out in time.
YY: Barely. Clades are kicking up a storm, and a lot of people are looking at Pochven.
Mahazkei: Too many. If we stayed any longer, I would have needed to throw Block on the pyre.
YY: You say that, but Block isn’t NKE. She’s better fitted and crewed. She’d put up more of a fight than NKE was able to.
Mahazkei: Maybe, but I’ve flown long enough to know that you start a fight like that, and people come out of the woodwork just for the killmark, let alone anything that could be salvaged off of it. Blood in the water.
YY: And you’ve kept your head down despite claims since we made planetfall.
BE: Hard not to when you don’t want to draw more attention than necessary to people who don’t need it. Let the forest know you exist, but not where you are.
YY: That your old man’s words?
Mahazkei: Grandfather’s. Forester, had to deal with wildlife regularly. Have you ever seen a jiinstrax?
YY: Is that what you based your modifications off of?
Mahazkei: No, these are from a distant cousin. Jiinstrax are suited to the frozen reaches, and while they prowl the ground they like to travel long distance via tree-hopping and short glides, which makes them well adapted as an ambush predator. Due to frequent ice storms, they don’t see very well past a hundred meters, but anything in that range is nicely focused. Good hearing, too, used to supplement their poor eyesight at range.
YY: Sounds familiar.
Mahazkei: It should, I based your morph on a jiinstrax, though something less intrusive, back before Laura corrupted my sense of aesthetic.
YY: It looks better on you now than you used to. Easier to read, and the kids love you.
Mahazkei: Yeah…
BE: Uh oh. I know that tone.
Mahazkei: Well Laura’s got her hounds, why shouldn’t I have some jiinstrax?
BE: That’s not your wheelhouse, though.
Mahazkei: But it is Sakabkei’s, especially since he had to do remediation on the secretaries and the rest of the Way. He’s been talking about matching Laura since we got back. On that note, does she seem… more than usual?
BE: I’m not sure if that’s a stress response to the sieges and occupations, or if the causation is your return. You haven’t spoken to her much since we arrived.
Mahazkei: There’s usually not many of us as there is of her, and he apparently keeps her occupied more than any one man should, so who’s to say me existing in the same space isn’t lighting a fire under her ass?
YY: I swear, your relationship with her is weird.
Mahazkei: Less weird than having a girlfriend that shoots back at you when you stop her from murderizing other Amarrians?
YY: …that’s fair.
Mahazkei: I do have to question what her endgame is. She’s gotten my attention, though distance has not made my heart fonder for her shenanigans as it has for the kids.
BE: Sakabkei feels it stronger than you, he has to deal with it every waking moment he’s not with the kids.
Mahazkei: He’s not much better. I get he’s stepping back to not smother them, but what’s he thinking stooping to her level?
BE: You mean rising to it?
Mahakzei: Shut up.
BE: Same thing you do. I’m just saying.
Mahazkei: …oh those ■■■■■■■.
BE: Aaaaaaaand Captain Oblivious ranks up to Vice-Admiral Obvious.



Request for deployment of Galahad nuclear strategic deterrent and Questing Beast screening carrier denied. I understand the loss of Bosena Accords infrastructure will be a severe loss to our operations in the region and the ability to enable non-Collective affiliated warclones to thrive in Skarkon as they once have. However, Varyazi has taken a long term approach that has seen to it that we have taken proper measures to continue our settlement and influence in the region in the absence of independent structures. It is our opinion that no capsuleer force, no matter what size, is a strategic threat worthy of nuclear deployment and should instead be reserved for a prospective nation-state force.

I understand that the loss of these irreplaceable assets will be felt dearly. Every attempt was made to keep the flame alive, and a successful three year defense effort is nothing short of commendable for a primarily warclone-based alliance facing the combined threat of the enter cluster. We all knew this day would come sooner or later, and I’ve endeavored to do everything I could to protect those that saw the merit in building bonds with the Collective to ensure a life here after the worst has come to pass. For the rest of the warclone community, I can only offer some solace as a former Warden and founder of our attempt to build our own future.

Avalon already fell. It was destroyed twice before, if you remember. So long as the idea persists of an independent warclone territory free from the Purges of the empires, I can assure you it will rise a fourth. As to where and when I cannot say, but we have the advantage this time of not starting from zero. Avalon is wherever we dig a trench, base commander. Its my promise despite my commitment to Varyazi Clade that I will use whatever backing is necessary so that the Round Table Assembly will be there putting independent warclones in trenches across New Eden for a very long time.








Initiative Destroys Bosena Accords Skarkon II Support Infrastructure

The Anti-Satallite and Anti-Aircraft weapons across the Ishohuolvi district have been firing all day as the first of the debris from the destroyed Customs Office has begun to breach the atmosphere in pieces large enough to make surface impacts.

The war torn surface and remaining non-combatant populace were extremely worried about the availability of basic necessities following the destruction of the Customs Office, only to have been able to see the battle around and subsequent destruction of the modified Raitaru that has been a near constant presence for the planet populace. Already the First Skarkoni Legion, a Warclone organization formed of locals by The Bosena Accords, have begun directing the populace to hardened shelters beneath the shield domes, while the organizations AEGIS Umbrorum and Collegium Clipius begin spreading the warning and supplies to those remaining peoples outside the shield domes in Ishoholvi.

The destruction of the Structures comes at the hands of The Initiative, a single pilot responded for comment, Cpt. Pllanett of the WCBR corporation who stated

“The treachery of [Pandemic] Horde was unforgivable. The wrath of WCBR shall be felt by the entirety of the triangle. All will burn.” When pressed on the topic that The Accords were not part of Pandemic Horde, they simply responded that “All will burn, it is nothing personal.”

What this means for the Skarkon Tribal Resistance Army is not yet known, as they have yet to respond for comment on these events, but an attempt to reach them has been made by The Bosena Accords Warden Thaddeus Reynolds who provided a statement in his speech on the loss,

“…and to Kril Efrit and his fighters in the Tribal Resistance Army, we are not your enemies, I am issuing further contracts and providing supplies to those Warclone Clans who are doing their utmost to preserve the lives of the Skarkoni people, I implore you not to attack transports during these trying times as we provide more humanitarian support.”

The remaining population of the Ishohuolvi district has a mixed opinion on The Warden himself based on recent polling, but an overall positive opinion of most Warclone Clans active in the Region, but low opinions of the Variyazi Clade whose extreme methods and collaboration with Kybernaut and Triglavian groups has called into question their willingness to defend. Cmmdr. Veil of AEGIS Umbrorum was quoted as saying, “Galm and his supporters are fools, always supporting what they see as a potential disruption to the status quo, a way to ‘stick it’ to the powers that be, without really checking what that will mean for everyone else. Short sighted fools should have their status reviewed and revoked, a motion I intend to carry towards the next meeting of the Round Table Assembly.” Cmmdr Veil has brought such motions in every meeting of The Round Table Assembly in the past 2 years, none of which were successful. Her own AEGIS Umbrorum clan is viewed relatively negatively as well, with one local political leader stating, “They say they are there to defend humanity as AEGIS should be doing, but all they have become is a force mindlessly trying to counter everything a Trig collaborating Warclone does, which while may seem good means that we, [people of Skarkon], often get left out in the cold and footing the bill.”

Officials from the Shield Cities on the surface as well as the Bosena Accords leadership have reached out to the Sisters of Eve in order to help predict the path of orbital debris as additional assets are moved into position. Heathrow’s own orbital dynamics department predicts that without sufficient intervention, widespread devastation is likely, with some harmful material falling from the Stations engineering sections, and larger pieces of debris presenting a significant danger of not breaking up. The Warden has also authorized the deployment of the hospital ship L’Arachel to the field to assist with any injuries, while the modified Orca vessel Prayer for Rain uses its tractor beams to try to bring the worst of the debris could into a more stable orbit of the planet, while the Bosena Accords have deployed more Sica class HAVs to network their power generators to augment the shield generators protecting the cities further.

So far, the Skarkon Tribal Resistance Army has declined to comment on the situation, and the attempts at contacting the Triglavian Collective in the region has resulted in esoteric responses about proving.

This is Kristur Amurald correspondent for Heath Row News, Pochven Bureau reporting from Benteng Para Abadi, Ishohuolvi District, Skarkon II

BREAKING: Varyazi Warbarge Fisher King has entered into orbit over the surface of Skarkon II, over the horizon from Veil of Amber
BREAKING: Varyazi deployments have been confirmed in the Skardisaad district, landing close to major flashpoints of STRA and Svarog fighting

BREAKING: HAVs under the command of AEGIS Umbrorum have broken from their route to reinforce Iddeserigard shields, and have been picked up by RDVs, moving north to deploy into Skardisaad.

BREAKING: Comment from Warden Reynolds, “The clans are free to accept what contracts they will or operate as they will, we are a standards organization and union, not a military force.” As he orders the field production of an additional group of HAVs to reinforce the cities under threat of orbital debris.

BREAKING: Scuttled ship wreckage of Gilliam from Raitaru battle discovered by STRA forces, “significant cache of small arms, rocket artillery ammunition, and armored fighting vehicles” discovered aboard and recovered.


Decrypted Trinary Relic Recovered by Third Party Capsuleers Among Salvage Looted from Skarkon


Varyazi Clade has relieved the Avalon Warclone Complex base commander previously managed by the Bosena Accords holding group Elysium Stewards. It has been relinquished to third party for its protection.


The structure will not be returned to Bosena Accords and has now become a permanent protectorate of the Triglavian Collective for the sake of its occupants and to preserve it as a relic of a now-bygone age.


Long live the revolution. S nami Svarog.



intercepted Comms near MHC-R3 VI

Millicent: That should be the last of the bouys… two weeks, two fuckin’ weeks and constant shipments of these target relays, constantly reeling in off target 'Breaks, and this should be the last of them…
Adam: I really do not envy the people going through the process, its absolutely abysmal.
Millicent: Yeah, ‘The Pink Stuff’ that is mandatory for most people to take is horrific, like, for something that’s actually going to protect ya from any potential radiation that might get through the precautions… holy f… yeah.
???: Please don’t talk about The Pink Stuff… makes my guts churn just thinking about it.
Millicent: Oh hush… and yes it gets worse after each time, like free falling.
???: oh screw you…
Millicent: You’re not my type, besides, something something fraternization
???: Never stopped the Boss.
Adam: not a lot stops the boss, but yeah we don’t operate under normal regs Milli
Millicent: Hush up… Things are getting real antsy back home.
Adam: No ■■■■, so… We’ve had… something like forty major 'Break events on our end, no telling where else she’s sent a few things
Millicent: Means less mass for whenever the final ones go loud.
Adam: Think they’ll actually do it? Go all in?
Millicent: You know what the boss and Glitter get up to… yeah, I think they will. Guarantee, even. Six Months of Pay.
Adam: Including the Service coupons?
Millicent: Including the Service coupons.
Adam: Damn.
Millicent: Probably looking at soon, if I’m honest… Probably Arcology first, and then the rest of the Ring


Intercepted Comms from Metropolis Region
(… denotes static)

Voice1: “… are still some things with highest classif…”
Voice2: “Ar…lan?”
Voice1: “No body ev… vered”
Voice2: “… still alive?”
Voice1: “Wouldn’t th… thing?”
Voice2: "How?
Voice1: “… help”
Voice2: “Who?”
Voice1: “highest classific…”
Voice2: “Jove?”
Voice1: “…”

End Transmission

1 Like

Intercepted Transmission near Nakri VI - Moon 1 - Amarr Navy Logistic Support

Voice1 “… break break, urg… istance immed… outpost…”
Voice2: “Last caller, Station 6-1, I have you broken and unreadable, retransmit without delay.”
Voice1: “Plan…ary… …post… evac… urgent…”
Voice2: “Last caller, I understand evacuation, what is your situation?”
Voice1: “…mething… in… ventil…ystem… e…irosuit filter …fective…”
Voice2: “Last caller, your signal appears to be coming from the planet’s surface. Evacuation shuttles are being scrambled.”
Voice1: “Don’t ha… longer… …nutes… biolo…gent… everyth…urn…black…”
Voice2: “Planetary outpost, come in. Planetary outpost, come in!”

Within minutes of each other, similar transmissions are also intercepted at several other locations throughout the Domain region…


Brarel Bi-Weekly Breaking Business News

Last month we noted a former Idic Research and Development corporation now capsuleer headed Mastir Reborn Technologies Incorporated (MR-TI) were buying the capsuleer haulage group Sigil Solutions (SISOL) for, rumours say, between 3-4billion ISK.

This month we report that the deal has gone the way of sour Pygmy Water Buffalo Milk.

Chief Executive Officer of SISOL Cathy Okagima is being accused of misrepresentation of company assets and using the corporation like a personal piggy bank. While such behaviour is not that surprising in capsuleer organisations MR-TI is rumoured to be floating the idea of legal action.

If your a lawyer maybe reach out, it could be worth your time.

Andy Jenings

Investigative Reporter

In other news.

  • Price of rice sky rockets on Brarel II as Federation Navy impound shipments due to…

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  • Can Protein Delicacies really fix your diet and why has the Federation really outlawed them and can you make a profit…

  • Alice in Space is this a cute kids story or the scourge of Brarel’s space lanes…


After nearly two years of ongoing legal battles between capsuleer Emilia Dallocort and Aliastra’s Kohiri advertising department, the courts are finally coming to a close. During the latest hearing in Kohiri city’s judicial tower, it was ruled by judge that while Aliastra’s contract fully detailed the terms and conditions of Emilia’s sponsorship, the contract’s language was misleading at best and potentially exploitative at worst. Given Emilia had already bought out her contract from the Aliastra retail giant, the ruling determined that the rights to and ownership of Emilia Dallocort’s image should be reinstated to Miss Dallocort immediately, with all advertisements that include and all products incorporating Miss Dallocort’s likeness to be discontinued within the month. Furthermore, Aliastra is to pay legal restitution to Miss Dallocort for damages caused to her image by the megacorporation.

However, despite the apparent legal win by Miss Dallocort this past weekend, her calls for further regulations over corporation contracts and negotiations have apparently fallen on deaf ears. During his ruling, the only statement the judge had on this matter was that Aliastra “should rework any relevant contracts and legal documents to be more explicit, to avoid future confusions and drawn out legal proceedings.” It could be easily argued that Aliastra’s Kohiri branch received only a slap on the wrist for activities appalled by Dallocort and her supporters. No further dictations other than the forfeit of Dallocort’s image and fees therein were imposed by the judge, and given the length of time Aliastra held Dallocort’s image rights, it is estimated that the profits gained from product sales far exceeds any legal fees owed to the capsuleer.

Our writers reached out to Miss Dallocort as well as Aliastra for comments, but were unfortunately declined on both requests.


Intercepted Comms Near Eugales IV Surface In Vicinity of damaged Subsurface AI Complex

???: -ltiple entrances across cra-er
???: -ve visual from far side. Eagles are keeping a wide berth
???: did the previous team ma------ak successfully?
???: above our paygrade.
???: -me old sh-
???: -eam 3 is in position to breach
???: Team 2 is in position
???: One way trip. Closed Casket boys and girls, if we don’t find anything worth grabbing, we ST, and get our last back ups woken up in 48 hours
???: So what ex- -e looking for?
???: Anything and everything useful that’s not nailed, welded, or melded to the floor, any data dr- -ss extractors, nanite utility units, contr- -ystems… anything we can get a TB beacon onto and get back out with.
???:May want to hurry it up, I think we’ve been noticed.
???: Show time boys and girls. Corps ain’t payin’ us by the hour.
???: Zone’s heatin’ up real fast, so get the ■■■■ to it.


Placid Trade Journal Headline Updates

  • 617B isk ore value mined by Capsuleers During July YC125 Period
  • 1.016T Isk Production Value In Capsuleer Manufacturing Cycle for July YC125 Period
  • 4.8T Isk Trade Balance Through Capsuleer Markets for July YC125 Period For Region
  • Pegeler District Trade Prospects And Opportunities Expecting Significant Downturn in Immediate Future Following Mass Withdrawal of Funding and Materials From System of Eugales and Novel Space Storm Activities In Area

Peeking Behind the Veil: An Exclusive Interview with James Syagrius

By Ailer Stane.

Intaki, 13, 8, YC125 - It’s not often that one gets the chance to delve into the mind of an accomplished Capsuleer, especially one as potently enigmatic as Mr. James Syagrius. Often referred to as ‘The Humble Trader’ or simply as That Good Ole Man.’ I spoke with as many people as I could coax into sharing their insights about the man in preparation for my interview with him. I was warned that this was deep water, that he wouldn’t be what I anticipated, and I must admit, I wasn’t disappointed.

As I approached the ‘Syagrian Estate’ on Intaki, the air was thick with tension from the crowd of protestors gathered at the main entrance, the security attending to order, my crew, and, yes, the fog of unanswered secrecy surrounding this man. Cloaked in rumors, shadowy affiliations, and a past that seems to blur the lines between loyalty and betrayal, James Syagrius has a name that sparks controversy.

The estate itself stands as a testament to both wealth and grace. Standing in the lush Intaki landscape, ringed by an ancient olive orchard, this opulent villa exudes an air of vast, quiet, confident wealth that contrasts sharply with the turmoil outside its gates. As I am escorted inside by a barrage of servants, I couldn’t help but wonder if this disconnect between order and chaos was a reflection of the man himself.

Meeting James, as he prefers to be called, for the first time, I am struck by his aura of calm confidence and self-enforced humility. Dressed in a simple yet impeccable suit, he extends a hand and offers a welcoming smile. It’s hard to reconcile this composed figure with the man accused of past dealings with the Angel Cartel, an organization known for its criminal activities. “Rumors tend to exaggerate the truth,” he remarks, his voice carrying a hint of weariness, as though he’s grown accustomed to dealing with the accusations.

James’s reputation for complexity only grows as I try to delve into his past. This self-professed Federation loyalist who allegedly worked with the Cartel and yet maintains good relations with Federal intelligence. He raises an eyebrow at my question. For a moment, I glimpse a more profound emotion behind his practiced facade. “In the world we inhabit, associations are transient,” he says cryptically. “Loyalties shift, and survival sometimes demands choices that might not align with our ideals. The only true loyalty is personal.”

This fluidity of allegiances is perhaps best exemplified by his surprising connection to the Amarr Empire. Despite his Gallente roots, he confesses sympathy for the Amarr and their empire and counts known Amarr loyalists as his closest friends, though he will mention no names. “While the books about it are written in black and white, the history itself isn’t,” he muses. “Sometimes, the past casts shades of gray that we must navigate. It is a long and slow surrender from our collective past.” His willingness to embrace moral ambiguity within a rigorous analytical framework to me sets him apart from many.

Our conversation turned to his current association with an organization with deep ties to the Intaki Syndicate, a group with troubled ties to the Gallente Federation, often operating in the shadows of New Eden’s underworld. Ironically there seems to be a synergy between his persona and this organization’s ethos. “The Syndicate shares a unique perspective,” he says with a faint smile. “In a galaxy of chaos, they offer a different kind of order.”

Despite his elusive nature and the rumors of shady dealings, it’s impossible to ignore the admiration and loyalty many I spoke with hold for him. As I probe into this duality, Mr. Syagrius leaned back, his gaze distant yet focused. “Perhaps people see in me a reflection of their own complexities and are thus forgiving of my many flaws.” he reflects. “In a realm where kinetic power reigns, I’ve sought to retain a sense of humility and humanity. I try to be nothing more than I am.”

Our conversation covered a lot of subjects, but one constant remained. Despite my questions, James remained an enigma to me. Throughout the interview, he remains poised, calculating, and, yes, aloof. Yet beneath that practiced veneer, one can glimpse the cold pragmatism of a man who considers himself something ‘other,’ apart, and of the vulnerability that comes with introspection.

As the interview concluded, I was left with the sense that this ‘Humble Trader’ walks a tightrope between loyalty, betrayal, ethics, depravity, and the all-corrupting influence of power on humanity, navigating a path less traveled by most who bear the weight of immortality. His estate on Intaki, a sea of calm amidst the protests and whispers, reflects his intricate personality – a tapestry woven with threads of gains and losses, loyalties kept and betrayed, past choices honorable and corrupt.


A paparazzo posted the following on Peeper Y:

Spotted Ché Biko in Caille with an unknown woman and child.


Rumors about “CONCORD-affiliated Capsuleer initiatives”

Yulai, Genesis - The increasing tensions around the cluster caused numerous disorders and panic on the people of New Eden that’s losing more trust on who should guarantee safety and security and continuing to suffering the side effects of the consequences of the conflicts. With the CONCORD, according the more optimists, “powerless, having tied hands”, there are increasing rumors about proposing to “allow Capsuleers to act where the CONCORD can’t do that, without any security influence”. This propose is immediately considered “dangerous, if not absurd”, considering also these initiatives are already on the way by individual Capsuleers performing activities like gate guarding or suspect hunting.

Rumors are also mentioning the specifics of the proposal: it consists about the creation of a defined Peacekeeping authority run by Capsuleers focused on rescue operations, first aid at the colonies that are suffering from the conflicts and resolutions of border disputes. Other rumors said that to prevent any abetment with one or more of the Big 4, everything will be funded by third-party entities, independent Capsuleer alliances or by CONCORD (and EDENCOM) itself, resulting also in the increasing use of their technologies.

All these reports are still a theory that’s not confirmed by the interested parties. Should a similar initiative come out in a concrete way, this may have some difficulties to be recognized by authorities, militias and right the capsuleer community itself; furthermore, it could also be considered as a “5th faction” that will clash with the already affiliated militias on the shadow war.



Following the reactivation of the State’s Samanuni-Athounon military stargate connection after almost two months of downtime, reports have been pouring in of a resurgence of Taayusaka Eskeitan Corporate Security forces massing at the Samanuni Anchorage station.

Taayusaka Eskeitan once held considerable territory on Athounon’s sixth planet, inherited from the 103rd Sublimation group during its acquisition.
While Taayusaka forces officially withdrew from the Athounon system back in February, unverified reports indicate that a large scale salvaging and asset repossession operation aiming to recover leftover equipment is being prepared, with footage of dropships, military MTACs and corporate warclone detachments bearing Taayusaka marks surfacing.


YC125.08.20 // ATHOUNON VI

Following the swift recapture of the Reschard system by State Protectorate forces, and the reinforcement of the State’s control over Athounon, Taayusaka Eskeitan’s anticipated operations have began.

According to conflict monitors, Taayusaka CorpSec forces began their assault during the routine fluid router downtime at 11:00 NEST, targeting the Federal garrisons of multiple major urban centers with high-altitude strategic bombers, while warclone forces are reported to have seized control of multiple commercial spaceports across the planet.

Skirmishes against the invading corporate forces within cities have been relatively subdued, with Federal marines and planetary militia retaining control over population centers, successfully repelling the invading vanguard.