Running for CSM next year:

You probably also wrote half of it


not wrong

Summary of the last 300 postsā€¦

Salvos: Iā€™m not crazy.
Everyone else: then why are you acting crazy?
Salvos: POTATO!


Norway is not in the EU.

I live in Finland, am a Finnish citzien, and have travelled back and forth from here more than I can count within the Schengen countries.

Twice ?


no its not part of the eu, but it is part of the schengen region. holy ā– ā– ā– ā–  you donā€™t even know the members of the region you claim to travel in so frequently.

(iceland is also not part of the EU just FYI)

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Norway has implemented various border control measures contrary to the Schengen agreement, to combat illegal immigration.

Norway is a Schengen agreement signatory, even if they arenā€™t within the EU.

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doesnā€™t change the fact, that as of this moment, they are still a member country in the agreement.

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See above.

Also when did my CSM candidacy thread become about Norwegian border policy?

This would be inefficient as it doesnā€™t allow real-time discussion and would take much longer to conduct. The CSM members in this thread could undoubtedly give examples where this would be true.

He lied about running 5 miles in 11 minutes.

Nobody can do that.

When you made the claim that traveling to the CSM summit was not a key function of the CSM, and that you could board a plane from Finland to Iceland without showing ID.

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Border controls are not contrary to the Schengen Agreement, in fact the agreement specifically allows members of the Schengen region to introduce border controls to ensure national security, amongst other things.

Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden and Norway have all done so in the recent past.

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This is libel.


You do know the difference between a definitive statement and an estimation, yes? :smiley:

Thank you - I appreciate your support. I was very tired, but it was satisfying.

I still havenā€™t decided if Iā€™m running again, but if I do, I know that help from voters like you will be key to ensuring you are well represented on the CSM.


Rambo could


I am going to try this ā€œI dont need IDā€ next time I get on a plane. I am sure they will just wave me through.

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I have a passport.

But no, I dont need to show it to travel from here to Iceland.
I just walk down the ā€œEUā€ empty passport control line.