You claim you have explained why your proposal for limiting CSM seats to one per Alliance/Corp can be implemented without running into the simple and easy methods for circumvention that I have outlined. Can you either repost, or link to, your explanation, as I’ve done?
would have answered the questions asked the proper way (i.e. with arguments instead of statements/ make believe/ accusations)
Instead, you chose to not do the above and that’s what caused everything else. Just as you always do - in pretty much every single thread you appear in.
Maybe that substantial proportion of players needs to start educating themselves before making those claims. Apart from the forums there are various EvE related news sites where quite some useful and interesting info can be picked up. (Not to mention that those sites are free from Salvos Rhoska shitposts, so that’s a bonus).
Q: Since you claim to know so much about what’s wrong with the CSM, have you ever visited any 3rd party EvE related sites apart from the forums and read some of the blogs/articles written by both current and previous CSM members? (Note: only a YES or NO will be accepted as a valid answer).
Yup. He’s using your own tactics against you.
Actually that’s not true. At least one came in here to offer support. Unfortunately, within the first few posts she told someone to “go and take a bath with a toaster”. The post has since been deleted as it was offensive. It appears this is the “silent majority” Salvos here is representing.
Your platform is wobbly at best. Some might argue it actually collapsed a while back.
You’re probably the only one with that opinion.
There would be no replies as we would all be too baffled to come up with a suitable response…!
It doesn’t matter wether he did or didn’t. The fact that you just can’t let that one go is funny as hell…!
but then you can’t complain about meeting resistance, yet you do just that since what, 200 posts? You know what that is called.
No, you didn’t. Not at all. But hey, we all give you another chance to answer Arrendis’ post. After all, it was repeatedly asked for and you will have a hard time finding anything you could use to claim “troll”.