Running for CSM next year:

Yes it is

no you didn’t.

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this is libel



Are you this afraid of me, with what you claim will be a hopeless campaign?

Please elaborate why you think I have that opinion.

Also, please elaborate why my posting stats matter. Do you want to accuse me of something because I use a thread you opened to talk about yourself to ask you questions? Do you realize that is the point of a thread like this? To be asked questions?

Are you really so arrogant to believe that everyone here fears you?


Do you think I have a chance?

If not, why are you here spamming up my thread?

this thread atm

I have lots of people rooting for me but I have as much proof of it than the flat-earthers and their plane world

I don’t have to answer your questions, despite me being the op, so I’ll ask you to answer your own question to me

I am highly intelligent


he is

he can’t be wrong, ever


I do think you could have, but only if you would erradicate some flaws that I’ve mentioned roughly 1300 posts ago for the first time and which you still show reliably. Flaws that I have repeatedly pointed out since then and which some people tried to show you (some more sublte than others).

Now, please show me the same courtesy that I granted to you (answering your question). I’ve asked you to elaborate on multiple questions that you haven’t answered.

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He admitted to a mistake earlier.

@Brisc_Rubal should get a medal.


I have been wrong, and admitted it and owned it.

I gotta see this… post links… please.

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btw, I still require an answer for post #875

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At least 5 times, in the years and the posts I have made on these boards.

Find them yourself, but its a false myth that Ive never admitted to having been wrong.
(Which is more than many others can say of themselves, including many if not all of the trolls here).

So, you are unwilling to provide proof again? Do we need to repeat this? Or can we skip that and you start answering questions instead?

I mean, you should know how that worked the last time. It took 6 people and 2 days to get an answer the last time. Do we really need to repeat this or can you finally commit to share opinions and discuss the different viewpoints that were proposed to, this post being an example: Running for CSM next year: - #1469 by Arrendis

Why is it that when someone else makes a statement, they’re required to prove it, but not you?


I cba to trawl through my own post history to find the specific posts, for a troll that wont vote for me anyways.

So, what you are saying is that you can’t be bothered to back up your claims, is that correct?

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Why is it Im required to provide proof ad nauseum, when nobody else is?

Double standards…?

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