Running for CSM next year:

In other news,

cloaks are useless in highsec


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Not even, and especially not, marathon runners can reach 5 miles in 12 mins.

Your claim to have done so, is a lie.

@Salvos_Rhoska youā€™ve now made the claim that you have ā€˜things to doā€™, which implies youā€™re too busy to answer this concern. Yet you have time to give 24 separate replies over 5h spent in this thread, including hunting down Briscā€™s post-election ā€˜thank youā€™ video.

If you have explained all of this before, you should be able to scroll through this thread (large as it is) is only a few minutes to be able to find that post, and link it in a response. Failing to do so and remaining engaged and active in the thread while claiming you are too busy to answer an actual, substantive question about your policy positions makes you appear dishonest and evasive.

An important part of getting elected to the CSM is demonstrating that you have the self-awareness and maturity to do the job. There is nothing wrong with looking at the evidence and acknowledging that there are aspects of an issue you hadnā€™t thought of, or that you can be mistaken. No-one will think less of you if you say ā€˜I donā€™t know how to avoid that problemā€™.

If you have the time to keep responding and posting about Briscā€™s weight, you should have the time to hunt down one response you claim to have already made. Please answer the concerns regarding you policy position, and if you can, please also answer the concerns you yourself have now highlighted about your honesty.

Edit: whups. 25 responses over 6h, now.


Ill get to it.
Be patient.

As I appended to my earlier post, you will get it tomorrow.

26 responses.

And what reason do I have to be patient with someone who appears to be lying to me? You clearly do not have ā€˜things to doā€™ which keep you away from this thread.

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This requires much more than a ā€œyesā€ or a ā€œnoā€ and that took two days.

So you can expect to get an answer to your question sometime before Mt. Everest falls into the ocean.


Iā€™m currently with friends and we are watching the Senate hearings/Kavanaugh election. After that we will dine and hit the town.

You will get your answer tomorrow.

I asked a sensoble question as part of the first reply to this thread, I donā€™t expect an answer this lifetime either tbh.

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I answered each of your questions.
If I missed one, please restate it.

And no, I still dont know what Snow Patrol is.

You gave your opinion on the concept of HTFU, which wasnā€™t the question.

Its ok, I withdraw the question, as Arrendisā€™ is more important.

So youā€™re engaged in a passive activity that doesnā€™t preclude you from scrolling through this thread, which you are currently clearly active in, to find your previous explanation?

If you have the time to bicker with Brisc about his weight and the impossibility of not 1, but 5 sub-3-minute miles, then you have the time to scroll through your own responses in this thread. You are asking for players to entrust you with their votes. A representative owes his constituents his industry.

28 responses, but no answers.


I can scroll, and re-read the post/question you linked already earlier today.
I will answer it tomorrow.

29 replies.

You claim youā€™ve already answered it. If you can scroll, you can find your earlier explanation and link to it. It should take you no more time than it does to continue your empty, evasive responses. If you donā€™t have the time to find your earlier explanation, you shouldnā€™t have the time to respond to anything else.


You dont dictate to me how I use my time.

Ray Patterson: Hereā€™s your apology back, Mr Simpson, and Iā€™m sorry we couldnā€™t work this out.

Homer Simpson: Donā€™t come off all high and mighty with me, Patterson. You canā€™t scare me with your office and your desk and your lamp.

Ray Patterson: Iā€™m not trying to scare you, Iā€™m trying to get my work done.

Homer Simpson: Oh, oh, oh, I get it. Put on a big show for the cameras.

Ray Patterson: What cameras? Why are you still here?

Homer Simpson: I came to fight city hall. I want to shake things up, Patterson. Stir up some controversy, rattle a few cages.

[Homer rattles a bird cage]

Ray Patterson: Hey! Stop that!

Homer Simpson: Youā€™ll never silence me. Iā€™m the last angry man, Patterson. A crusader for the little guy!

[Homer rattles the bird cage again]

Ray Patterson: Leave the bird alone!

Homer Simpson: Never!

Ray Patterson: Look, Simpson, Iā€™ve been elected by the voters of this city 16 years in a row. So they must think Iā€™m doing a damn good job.

Homer Simpson: You wanna know what I think?

Ray Patterson: No! Nobody wants to hear the nonsensical ravings of a loudmouthed malcontent!

Homer Simpson: Oh! Well, weā€™ll see about that!


Also appropriate.


30 replies.

No, I donā€™t dictate how you use your time. But Iā€™m perfectly entitled to point out when you appear to be evasive and deceptive, and when you are digging yourself in deeper with each response. That is what you are doing now: each response is more time that you could be using to scroll through the thread, find your previous explanation, and link it.

Alternatively, you could scroll back through the thread, find that you have not explained it previously, and say that. Then, of course it would be reasonable to say that youā€™ll need some time to compose a new response laying out the measures youā€™d take to implement your policy without running into the problems I outlined.

As Iā€™ve said: the ability to acknowledge ā€˜I thought Iā€™d done that, but I was wrong, Iā€™ll fix that when I have timeā€™ is an important part of demonstrating that you have the maturity to do this job. Please, please, either demonstrate that you can do the minimal amount of work involved in searching through your own responses in one thread, or demonstrate that you have the maturity and competence to simply admit when youā€™re wrong.

Run competently, instead of this stiff-necked, knee-jerk evasion and snide bickering. The people you claim to want to represent deserve that, and so do you.


Its Friday evening here.
Go have some fun IRL instead of concerning yourself with EVE issues or my candidacy.

You deserve that.

You will get your answer tomorrow, but be prepared that you wont like it.

Itā€™s Friday morning here. Iā€™ll worry about ā€˜funā€™ later.

If you can come up with a credible answer that I canā€™t blow clear to hell in under five minutes of seeing it, Iā€™ll be thrilled.


Up to you.
Iā€™m on ā€œmy timeā€ now.

Ive read your extended question, and see your impetus/agenda.
You will not like my answer, not because it does not fit, but because you have no intention of liking or agreeing with anything I say, no matter what.