Running for CSM next year:

Why are you still here then?

Either answer now or gtfo lol

Or better, if you don’t want to answer, say so

32 replies. And in Goonswarm. I’m in the same corp as three of our CSMs. I make no secret of either of those things. And you have no idea what I will like, or what I will agree with. But I don’t think you’ll have any method for implementation that will stand up to scrutiny. I sincerely hope I’m wrong. But I don’t think I am.

Not while you’re running for CSM, you aren’t.

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Nuff said.

I am.
You do not dictate to me how I use my time.

Yes we do

Come back to the thread and answer those questions Mr. wanabe CSM.


Last I checked, nobody can force you to vote a certain way. You can be asked to do so, but it’s up to you to decide. Automatically counting out people just because they belong to x corp or y alliance is stupid from your part.

Stop assuming people won’t vote for you and start assuming everyone is a potential voter for you.

I dont need your vote, nor will I ever get it, nor that of the trolls here.

You assume I have to pander to you to get elected.
That is false.
I dont.

Either vote for me, or someone else, or not at all.
Thats your choice, not mine.

Good boy

Now I command you to go dine with your friends.


You are not on your own time. You are asking to be entrusted with players’ votes. Your job is proving to the players that you deserve those votes. From now until the CSM election, you are on the job, every minute of every day. Every action and every inaction, every word past and present, all of it, will be used to make those determinations.

You do not have ‘your own time’ now. You are on the job. Always. Welcome to politics.



You always have to pander to somebody when you run for election.

Most of the people posting are actively engaged in the CSM process, as in we vote.

Most of the people that you’re claiming to represent are not, for one reason or another.

You’re pandering to a group that by and large doesn’t appear to give a shite, furthermore you’re assuming that they’ll support your platform by default.

If you want to get on the CSM you either have to pander to the active electorate or encourage the unengaged to vote; so far all you’ve managed to do is alienate some of the actively engaged.

~edit Grrrammar

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Not to trolls.

Vote for me, or someone else, or not at all.

Thats up to you.

For someone who claims to speak English better than many native speakers, you certainly seem to have a habit of misusing certain words.


I tried explaining this before, but no dice.


What part of my post above is in incorrect English such that you do not understand it?

The word troll, you misused it.



You are trolling here.
Not I.

*Not me.

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Please do tell.

Where, in the definition of the word troll does it say that disagreeing with someone, raising legitimate concerns about a subject or discussing the legitimacy of statements made by others, is trolling?

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Not I is still correct, it’s just a more formal expression, not me is more common.

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This is libel.



Be thankful I don’t post in Scottish or “Billy”