Running Missions Post 73:
I failed the last Mission’s Bonus time reward, however, it is only around 800,000 ISK or so (920,000 ISK), so anything over that amount can make up for the value of the ISK.
However, the time gained from completing early is another story, as for the worth of the time.
I was short by a few seconds because I didn’t know that I had to complete the 3rd group.
In fact, for the Guristas mission, the whole pocket had to be cleared before the Mission was completed.
Running Missions P73 Edit 1 @ 16:31:
Penumbra, Level 4 Epic Arc
Epic Arc Overview
Standings Required: +5.0 Caldari State (Faction) or Expert Distribution (Corporation)
Additional Requirements: Hacking III (skill) and Data Analyzer (module)
Running Missions P73 Image 1
Caldari State Base Standing 3.02
Running Missions P73 Image 2
Running Missions P73 Image 3
Running Missions P73 Image 4
13d with +3 Genolution Implants and the current Attributes.
Even when flying an interceptors, it is still possible to get trapped. Pilots should take care to use D-scan, insta-undocks, gate perches, the cloak trick, and so on. Pilots may also wish to review the procedure for creating a safe spot on the fly in case of confrontation with hostile players.
Running Missions P73 Edit 2 @ 16:47:
Running Missions P73 Image 5
I can fly Caldari and Amarr Interceptor on one pilot,
and Minmatar Interceptor on another pilot.
Standings required: 3.00 (Either Minmatar faction or Republic Security Service)
Standings required: 3.00 (Either Amarr faction or Amarr Navy)
Standings required: 3.00 (Either Angel Pirate faction or Dominations)
Additional skills required: Hacking.
My Standings are:
Minmatar Republic -1.07 or Republic Security Services 1.6
Amarr 2.63 or Amarr Navy 1.6
Angel Cartel -4.64 or Dominations 0.0
none of them match on this one pilot.
The Claw Minmatar Interceptor can be used to fly the Guristas Epic Arc.
Standings required: 3.00 (Either Gallente faction or Federal Intelligence Office)
Standings required: 3.00 (Either Caldari faction or Ytiri)
Standings required: 3.00 (Either Guristas Pirate faction or Guristas)
Additional skills required: Hacking.
My Standings are:
Gallente Federation -1.4 or Federal Intelligence Office 2.29
Caldari State 4.13 or Ytiri 1.6
Guristas Pirates -7.09 or Guristas 1.14
now, this one Caldari State 4.13 standing qualifies to over the 3.0 requirement.
The Tanaris and the Crow can also be piloted for this, which Crow this one pilot can fly.
I don’t know the standing of the Minmatar Claw pilot.
I will try to verify later.
Running Missions P73 Image 6
Those of the standing of my Minmatar Claw pilot, however, those are not the derived standings.
I will verify after this.
Running Missions P73 Edit 3 @ 17:24:
Guristas Epic arc problem
Mission 8 - Culling the Weak
In this mission you chose between two paths: You either help Irichi Path and take mission 9a, 10a, 11a and 12a or help Kori Path and take missions 9b, 10b and 11b. The final rewards are the same.
Smash and Grab/Chapter 3: Internal Security (Irichi Path)
Smash and Grab/Chapter 3: Internal Security (Kori Path)
Running Missions P73 Edit 4 @ 01:32:
Running Missions P73 Image 7
My Standings are:
Minmatar Republic 1.61 or Republic Security Services 1.6
Amarr 1.13 or Amarr Navy 1.6
Angel Cartel 0.36 or Dominations 0.8
Gallente Federation 1.18 or Federal Intelligence Office 1.65
Caldari State 1.05 or Ytiri 1.6
Guristas Pirates 0.8 or Guristas 1.18