Safest way to unanchor a Citadel?

I haven’t really been able to find a guide on how to do this well. I did it incorrectly at one point. a few years back and it became quite expensive.

I understand that there’s a 7-day timer, get all your stuff out, etc. Beyond that, though:

  1. Do you need to leave modules online?
  2. Do you wait for the 7-day timer to end before removing the core?
  3. Once you remove the core, does it go back to a 15-minute timer before you can unanchor?

From what I understand, as soon as you attempt to unanchor a structure in Hi sec, you will get wardec’ed.


@Raketefrau be sure to link us the lossmail :wink: :smiling_imp: :blush:

Here is some more info:

I never got a chance to unanchor my station, as soon as the core went in they attacked. This is why I view stations as pinatas in space. I won’t bother with them any more.

However I did watch a lot of videos about stations. One video showed that he kept decommissioning and resetting the timer to confuse the crap out of those interested in ganking the core. The core drops out at the end of the timer and anyone can nab it. You better be there for the main event. Hope that answers the question.

Fly safe o7


Don’t unanchor it. It’s that simple. Let it run with one service module, maybe it can generate some content or can be used/sold in the future.

If you really want to unanchor it which is the worst decision in my opinion make sure to decommision it and reset the cycle a couple of times so it’s unclear when you really unanchor it.

Remember that probably everybody that put 1 Tritanium (some hs pirate groups) inside the station gets a message that the thing is being decommisioned.

You could also consider selling/transferring the ownership to someone else, leaving it as-is. Or, when messing with the decommission timers, choose the final one to be a time that’s less likely to be interfered with in your system (low activity, or right after downtime or something).

My patchy understanding of the process is, if the structure has been attacked/reinforced, you can’t change fittings or modules etc. If it is running normally, you can offline and unfit the various modules (not rigs, those are locked in). You want to leave at least one module powered and running though, as per:

" * If a structure has at least one service module online, it is considered to be in “Full Power” mode and will undergo an additional reinforcement cycle should it come under attack. If no service modules are installed or online, the structure will be considered to be at “low power” and will be considerably easier to destroy. More details on structure vulnerability can be found within the Upwell Structures Vulnerability States article."