Salvage Upgrades/Changes

Packrat MTUs cannot warp away though when hostiles appear, unlike the Noctis.

I’d rather pay attention and warp my 120M ISK ship to safety when I spot danger than leave a bunch of 30M ISK piñatas scattered in space to be shot by whoever brings combat probes.

But I’m glad you found a solution for your gameplay.

It’s harder to scan down the ‘Packrat’ than it is the Noctis. Unless you’re aligned out in your Noctis (usually not the case), if you get dropped on you’re hooped (the Noctis just can’t align and warp out that quickly). So ~25m ISK (maybe) vs. ~125m ISK (more likely) - it’s not even a question; the ‘Packrat’ is the safer choice.

I’ve used a Noctis, been ganked (recently) in a Noctis, used Packrats and lost Packrats - so I’m speaking with some experience here. The Noctis is just not in a good place to operate in most types of space.

The best ROI on my Noctis was selling the spare I had, extracting all the related skills and selling the injectors.
. . . . .

It’s great to hear it’s working for you, but I think if you dig deeper you’ll find that it comes up lacking for most players who’ve used or even tried it out.

See, there’s the difference.

My MTUs don’t align out when they spot danger. They cannot warp. They’re a guaranteed kill if someone wants them dead.

My Noctis does align out and can spot danger. I have not yet gotten killed because I pay attention to who is in system with me and don’t sit in a site at 0 velocity when there are combat probes out.

The only way the Noctis is ‘easier’ to kill than a stationary shooting target is if the Noctis pilot messes up.

So the comparison of “safer choice” to “unsafe choice” is a scale:

Noctis pilot (good) > Packrat > Noctis pilot (bad)

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No disrespect intended, but the whole “I have not yet gotten killed” statement is the same kind of recycled strawman argument presented against any kind of change. Sh*t happens - mistakes happen. When you do - and it will happen eventually - you might finally have a different perspective.

If I make a mistake in a Noctis - I’m toast. If I make a mistake in any other ship I use for salvaging - I have all sorts of recourse. That’s not just an opinion - it’s fact.

The Noctis can’t align/warp quickly, it can’t warp cloaked, it has an abysmal tank and it can’t dodge gate camps. Anything you to address any of these shortcomings just makes it primary application as a salvager worse. It’s nothing more than a glorified loot pinata.

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Case in-point, while I was typing out the above reply I was waiting on a timer to jump and a ganking fleet dropped on the gate. If I’d been in my Noctis I’d have been toast… (the EVE forums and multitasking have been the root cause of many a capsuleer’s destruction…)

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That was a close one I bet. Glad you were able to give them the finger!


In the ship I was in I had options - which was key. If I’d been in the Noctis I’d have been locked, killed and possibly podded.

I’m running a L4 mission right now and I have my DSCAN open. Combat probes are out. Am I worried? Nope - one of the usual suspects (literally suspect status) on my blacklist is out hunting MTUs (so not a great time to deploy MTUs).

The danger isn’t from the “usual suspects” - it’s from the new players and groups trying their hand at being d**ks. Every time I die (and it’s not often, but it happens) - I apply the lessons learned and use the opportunity to build a better mousetrap.

My “mousetrap” isn’t 100% impervious or perfect, but it works the vast majority of the time - and if I adhere to the guidelines that I’ve set out for myself it’s as safe as you can get.

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@Arthur_Aihaken I suggest that when you have a ship out you concentrate on the game. The forum can wait until you dock up.
I did lose a ship while I was reading the forum but it was a Venture that paid for itself several times over.

Probably good advice. On the flip side, I’m just as likely to experience a game crash or dog-related emergency (what is it with dogs and this insane obsession with paper and paper products anyway?)

Would give ppl like me a way to hunt down anyone who killed a ship including miners who shot an npc.

I’ve flown mine into combat. It does not need a cloaked warp. Some ew love would be nice! :wink:

Well, you definitely took that to the extreme…

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:scream: oh no, don’t want that

Never underestimate the power of a pissed off “Bitter old vet.” :rofl:

When you’re willing to risk everything, use every trick you have learned and can turn a Noctis into a ship that can fit a role that it was never designed to fill and leave everyone speechless after my small fleet got away, including myself as I was not sure it would work. But in a panic, try anything! :rofl:

That may have been the wrong phrase? It’s not a panic. My old corp taught me very well not to panic.

Be active, think fast I guess…

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