Sandbox Design Mistakes

Salt is his name for a reason. He pretends a lot of things in the forum, but “discussing ideas” isn’t one of them.

It’s sad to watch him arguing terminology when his thread is titled ‘Sandbox Design Mistakes’ but is actually about open-world, non-consensual PvP.

But then, accuracy has never been one of Salt’s things, either.

And yet he is right. Just because he is an idiot, is not a reason to assume he is wrong all the time.
In that case he talks about “instanced content”, which is not the same as “an instance” - and people refer to “an instance”

Yes, the idea, not something completely different that is only related because there’s the same part in the name of it.

Which is not what people were doing here.

Indeed he is an idiot, but he is not the one arguing terminology here.
I could hop in the troll train and write that [some other idiot people] actually did it but I think it is sad to lower yourself to the level of those people (say, merin).

Thank you, I think :crazy_face:


I think the Eve universe should flip inside out and null becomes high and high becomes null

I don’t know. I never have much of an opinion about that matter. I personally never used one. I know that some people aim for the kind of results they got from the ninja salvaging days of TEARS only things have to be done differently. On the one hand it makes salvage easier, but somebody can shoot it. It would take some observation for me to figure on which was better. I never saw an MTU debate until this thread. If there was raging controversy on this I must have missed it and hence never read the pros and cons.

Were it up to me every system would have all three types of status. Highsec inside the interior solar system around some gates and major stations, lowsec further out beyond the habitable worlds, and beyond the edge of the solar system it’s all nullsec. Imagine you can get all three in one system without this having to travel for an hour BS. Or being able to jump into any system, but it’s an inhabited system nonetheless - Deep Space Probes anybody?
But… no. Fatal funnels and boredom. Ho hum.

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In regards to Abyssal instanced content, if you are rigid in your thinking, then yes, it does conflict with the concept of an open sandbox. However, EVE is also a game, and it can be whatever it needs or wants to be in order to maintain longevity. That means also having to adapt with the times.

For a game, new content that goes out of bounds of the game’s core design isn’t necessarily a mistake, especially if it proves popular. Also, in theory, the devs may have created the Abyss as a “trainer” for PvErs to transition easier into PvP. Abyssal ships use the closest fits to PvP that many PvErs ever utilize, and teaches them the concepts of tracking, sig radius, overheating, etc… Stuff that they don’t really ponder as much for mission rats and such. Also, in theory, the Abyss is also a “trainer” for the risk averse, teaching them about ship loss, as pretty much everyone running Abyss likely loses their ship sooner or later. So, likely, there was clear purpose behind their decision to step outside the sandbox.

Could they have stayed within the sandbox by improving similar content like burners? I don’t think so, cause that content is pretty solved, especially with on demand multi-boxing, which the Abyss does not allow.

However, I understand your point that you don’t want to see more instanced content developed, and I can agree with that. Fortunately, I suspect the devs are satisfied with Abyss as is, and their focus appears to be social content of late.

i made my peace with Abyssal content
i still think the red loot don’t belong in eve and in some situations "op"better than officer modules spoil the game
that said , its hard ,top of the line PVE , and the pvp is expensive and elitist AF (and have a tournament vibe)
so the content is good , my only gripe is multiplasmid red modules , moar trig blueprints and minerals and no multiplasmid and i would give a 10/10 even if at first glance i thought that instanced content was the worst thing ever

Removed some off topic posts. Keep it on topic and civil. Thanks.

I actually like the instanced abyssal. And the MTU did kill a newbro profession. Good points tho.

The alternative is Eve goes dies and goes offline, learn to live with it.

MTU’s created a new profession, MTU hunting, it also reveals possible activity in the system and a warp spot, and also decoy possibilities and baiting.

Nothing’s stopping you salvaging, you can even use your own MTU’s to compete. You can let the MTU’s bring the cans to you.

Killing their MTU’s costs your opponent.

Really, only rigid thinking, we can just ignore that they destroyed ECM game wide to make it work?

While I freely admit to using the abilities of a MTU and, subsequently, losing one here and there to a combination of forgetfulness and other players efforts, I cannot help but feel that the MTUs have lessened the role of any of my Marauders, since one of the major selling points for the ship class was the extended tractor beam range. However, I have had plenty of experiences where my MTU was attacked to generate a suspect flag with the other players hoping for some PvP. I also, unfortunately, have had to purchase replacement MTUs only to later find out that my suppliers were the ones that created the need in the first place. :flushed:
Therefore, I consider that MTUs effect on EVE to be slightly negative. While inceasing the total amount of loot gathered, reducing the window of opportunity time for ninjaing by others, and ursuping one of the roles of both the Noctis and the Marauder class is bad for the game, their possible loss, conflict generating, replacement building and isk loss helps the game…and wreck looting/salvaging can almost be as boring as mining ( or so I have been told).

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Go play in a WH, kid. Sounds like that’s all you want. You can do it!

Deep thinker eh?

I do agree with this, I never liked the concept of rolling stats in EVE, especially for a game that has for so long been based on formulas and calculations. I suppose damage is kinda random from turret type weapons, but you can still base dps formulas on averages. Ah well, the Pandora’s Box is already open on that one. :man_shrugging:

I was focusing more on the Abyssal content. I would be rigid in my thinking by pointing out that ECM mechanics is not part of sandbox design, but more general game play design. :smiley:

I didn’t address the other points, as I mostly agreed with them, and any slight differences I had was not worth expanding upon the wall of text that I had already started… :sweat_smile:

Agreed, I too felt the MTU slightly lessened the role of Marauders for PvE game play. But as this is a competitive game, it would be foolish not to utilize equipment that keeps you in the race. :rofl:

red loot refer to … dunno the name, the loot that you can sell to NPC for money. Just the same as blue loot from sleepers.
Rolling stats is mutaplasmids, or mutations, or mutators

You are correct, red loot I see often refers to the surveys and such that trigs drop. But I was guessing he was referring to mutaplamids in his reference to officer mods. I don’t think English is his primary.

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