Saveable Poses for Portraits

Seeing as CCP has been doing a lot of work with the chargen lately…


Would good ol’ evewho work for ya as a stopgap measure?

Portraits from evewho will save as 1024x1024 but forums won’t allow pics that big.

nice portrait btw.

Ah, thanks, but I suppose I should elaborate; When you recustomize your character, it can often take a long time to find a perfect pose where lighting, direction of the eyes, body etc. align well. This is what I want to be able to save, and have been asking for since 2011 or so intermittently.

It does keep your latest pose automatically, instead of reverting to a default pose, so the capacity for the engine to do that seems to be there at least.

Can this be a ‘show your portrait’ topic?

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