[SAYR-] Achur-State-Mountain-Report IGS News Feed!

Today, a Federal Defense Union carrier was caught by State forces as it conducted anti-Triglavian as well as anti-Caldari disruption operations in the Serthoulde constellation.

Per an After-Action-Report from State aligned pilots in the 103rd Sublimation Group corporation, Gallente capsuleer frigate and destroyer forces began scouting and patrolling at 15:00 NEST.

103rd forces responded and skirmishes began in earnest, following poor trades against the 103rd fleet, the Gallente forces comprised of Pole Dancers, Gorkhali, and aligned pirate pilots disengaged briefly to deploy a carrier, before re-forming and deploying a Stargate blockade in Mercomesier on the Athounon gate.

Following a set of cross-gate feints from each side, and further losses on the Gallente side, the Thanatos flagship chose to gate into Athounon and engage the 103rd directly on the stargate in what can only be described as a spectacular miscalculation.

Aggressed on the Athounon side, the Thanatos found itself pinned by two Triglavian Disintegrator Werposts with a Triglavian reinforcement fleet also arriving on the stargate shortly after fire was returned.

Swarmed by combined 103rd and Triglavian Collective forces the carrier was quickly torn apart, a chain reaction of explosions culminated in a massive reactor failure detonation that shattered the carrier. Surviving escape pods and frigate escorts quickly withdrew, leaving the field and the system of Athounon once again firmly in State control. The carrier was estimated at a value just shy of 3.5 billion ISK on the popular kill reporting galsite zKillboard.

When reached for comment, Wing Commander @Remilia_Malitia responded enthusiastically and once again called for Caldari and Triglavian forces to cooperate and work together.

  1. “This is a monumental victory, not only for depriving the Federation’s deplorable privateers of another capital vessel, but for showcasing the potential a co-operative relationship with the Collective could hold for us. We can only hope that this will aid our honorable Executives reach a favorable decision regarding the Kigurosaka Initiative in these coming days. Glory to the State!”

Athounon, a system that saw attention from the Triglavian Collective during the invasions, is designated as a Minor Victory system for them and their forces and sentries are regularly spotted within the system.

In recent weeks, Wing Commander @Remilia_Malitia led the charge that overtook the system from Gallente control and has been pushing efforts to bring Caldari and Triglavian representatives to the discussion table, first on an Astrahus class Citadel, then later a more secured planetary facility on the sixth planet.

In other news.