[SAYR-] ASMR News Special Report! ARC Fleet Collaborates with Triglavian Kybernauts against the State!

Is the self-determination afforded to us by immortality lost on so many?

I’m baffled by how many capsuleers seem unable to comprehend those of us who do not slave ourselves to a single polity – not an ideology they and others may follow, but a single faction.

Can a Kybernaut who aligns himself with the dialectical philosophy of the Triglavians not also have an interest in seeing what other capsuleers could achieve, using knowledge gleaned from Triglavian technology claimed only in name by one of the Empires? So much information is shrouded by these nations; I any who seek to expand what our empyrean kind know of the world we inhabit.

If everything remains static, and no new developments are made, we cannot hope to realize further procession in the flow of Vyraj. Historically, ARC fervently pursued the theorization and expansion of capsuleer knowledge, beyond any trappings of the Empires – even when it attracted controversy.

While in my opinion ARC’s adherence to EDENCOM during the Liminal Provings contrasted heavily with this core motivation, I’m deeply pleased to see that a spark of this spirit remains, and applaud that they are indeed still capable of operating unbound by a fear of “making dissidence”.

Arek’Jaalan indeed.