Sig size increases with time? Starting at 1 hour. Gives the pve runner chance to collect their spoils, then after that, new bros have a chance to collect some abandoned loot.
I agree.
I think everyone wants their sig size to increase with time amirite
been a while since i looked at this thread and I’ve had an idea, someone had put up an idea for distress beacons.
so rolling with that concept and adding a pinch of salt while throwing in a few exisiting concepts. how about this.
any group of 10 or more wrecks within the last 30 minutes of their life broadcast a “wreckage beacon”
“but why?” i hear people asking.
well even though space is a big thing, there is a reason you can’t run reactions in highsec, some kind of law in the lore of the game about space waste or something (details allude me sadly) so we could bundle this new beacon idea in with that.
i think a very low fuel costing high slot noctis module “salvage beacon detector” would be pretty cool
I also now personally think that salvagers should be disallowed on all non salvage ships, that being said.
I think that there should be a specific line of salvage ships.
I think salvaging as a career path in game deserves a few strokes of respect and a tiny hat nod as well as a new lick of paint many who do it have said it needs over the years.
Ship crew rescue would cover it. SOS message from personnel trapped in hermetically sealed compartments running out of vitality due to the creeping cold, dot dot dot.
maybe there could be some kind of LP reward for returning crew this way the markets don’t flood with them, it makes sense to get some kind of crew member, then again maybe an actual crew member npc available on the market instead of the usual marines and such.
I like the idea of attaching a sig to wrecks that are over an hour old. (Could go 2 hours, if the length of time wrecks survived lasted longer.)
I do think there should need to be < 5 - 10 wrecks on grid for a sig to appear though and it would have to be something you (as the scanner) can disable. Can you imagine trying to scan for other anoms in high sec without the ability to discount these salvage signatures? Good luck finding any wormholes.
I think the current options available are perfectly adequate in this regard to be honest. A salvage fit dessy is a good interim before jumping into a noctis. Which in turn doesn’t waste your time in terms of its effectiveness.
tbf the options are pretty good, i suggested the specific line of salvage ships so that only those ones could detect distress beacons, but that was just my thoughts on it. my thinking behind it was so that if two capsuleers met in a salvage site, it would be more balanced ratrher than any old bs, dessie or t3d rolling up and going “hahahaha, nope” and blowing you out of the sky.
maybe just a rig to detect distress beacons, perhaps existing ships used in salvage circles just get some kind of benefit of some kind perhaps just for installing it. then again maybe thats not even needed.
People will just take 2 ships if there’s restrictions for fitting the scanner.
Another possibility, which will skip all the issues regarding the balance surrounding scanning player missions down, is to keep a tally of all wrecks in a system that expire naturally. Each wreck would be weighted so higher value wrecks would have more value in the tally associated with them.
something like:
t1 frig value 10
t1 dessie value 15
t1 cruiser value 25
Once value = 1000, a salvage signature spawns. (maybe more for higher value salvage sites. These could also be separated out into their own tallies based on what type of wrecks are in system.)
That would work for npcs but player wrecks might need to be handled differently, especially if there’s t2 salvage.
As to the lore reason for how wrecks from all over the system end up in one location? Make it a rogue drone site. Maybe the little guys like collecting shiny things. Like rats. Would be kind of interesting if there was a timer on the salvage sites… leave them alone long enough, and they turn into a drone hive.
Actually… I’m starting to really like this idea.
Edit: do the same thing for jet cans, keeping track of what is in the wrecks and cans and add them to the salvage site loot tables. In this way, player wrecks could be added to this system without any issues as well.
yeah man you’re right on the money with rolling with the concept.
the idea is of near end of life wrecks become salvageable and detectable via special ship equipment, this will minimise risk to mission runners because you cannot then scan and warp directly into someones mission. the EOL factor gives mission runners to come back and salvage their own ships
special ship equipment to detect distress beacons will reduce the amount of visible pings to the server which in turn saves on graphical and other processing stuff
“only display if this equipment is equipped” or perhaps something like that
i feel a value score system creating a public ping would cause mission runners sites to be pinged prematurely to the whole universe causing people to warp in and hog the salvage or cause problems with mission runners.
but whatever the lore reason being behind the beacon being created i’m sure there is some kind of sci fi exposition dues ex machina which could be used to help flesh out the world building aspect.
i personally would use this approach rather than wreck value because a wreck value score could still possibly cause a sig to occour while someone is running in a mission.
That was in reference to wrecks that had already respawned.
My idea was, instead of trying to modify how the current system works (which can get extremely finicky with some of that old code,) just track wrecks in each system that have despawned and add those values to a pool which would spawn a new signature somewhere else in the system when the value reaches a certain point. The specific wrecks could even be tracked and respawned in that site.
This has the added benefit of increasing the population numbers around the systems where people are killing npcs. Which gives hunters more targets to kill in low and null sec.
edit: Example Anomaly
Rogue Drone Recycling Center
1 drone overseer structure (killing this npc will complete the site and potentially drop an item that could be turned in for a bounty as well as follow the normal cargo hold loot rules for destroyed ships.)
Overseer uses a tractor beam to pull in wrecks and then activates salvagers on the wreck.
Overseer manufactures rogue drone combat npcs and other site structures when enough materials have been collected.
3-5 hauler npcs that warp away to “collect” salvage and return with it, dropping it off at the site beacon.
Once the site reaches maturity (reaching all specified objectives,) it escalates to the next stage. This could easily tie into the incursion system.
Or essential. If you want an alert that there is salvage for you then every hunter in the game should get an alert to. You get salvage content. They get you as content. No such thing as easy mode.
I don’t think there is a problem with the current system. It encourages co-operative play. But…… if something really needed to be implemented I think it’s being over complicated. Just tie it to the wreck status. I.e. if a player abandons their wrecks they can be scanned. If they don’t they can’t.
you’re right, so we should remove all data scanners and relic analysers too?
perhaps we should also remove scan probes and make all scannable anomolies like wormholes and combat sites publicly available too, we should also publically ping mission sites at the very beginning of their life too so other pilots can go there, so players with that interest can go there and pvp pilots get quick cheap content where they can easier bully other pilots. but then again no such thing as easy mode so perhaps we can agree that to do certain things you need certain skills and equipment.
if a combat pilot wants access to the site they can book mark it and come back in a few hours.
why would abandoning a signature cause its sig radius to increase?
this makes no sense to me.
@Rali J’kar
i see what you’re saying, however this seems like a lot of work when in my humble opinion it would be easier to trigger a sig ping for wrecks which are near EOL and providing there are over a certain number of them on grid. I admit i’m not sure what that would take but the majority of the exisiting mechanics and code are there. in my mind it seems a few tweeks could really get what i propose working, but i’m not coder so i’m not entirely sure how difficult it would be to code that. I’m not saying your idea of tracking is bad, or your thoughts don’t have merit (because they do) I just think there is an easier way to achieve the same ends.
i don’t think that wrecks should be de-spawned then tracked this seems like a lot of data to store, however I do agree with the idea of salvage sites, i very much like this idea and think it deserves a post of its own.
short life sites caused by EOL wrecks i think is where the good stuff is in my humble opinion.
What are you talking about. This is just nonsense.
Because its simple…….It would be easy to implement as the mechanic of abandoning wrecks is already in game……….As oppossed to spending months of development time on new modules and balancing those against existing fitting requirements in order to add more complexity and drudgery to a game that doesn’t need more complexity and drudgery.
It honestly wouldn’t be that much work. Wrecks already have values attached to them and those values live in a text doc on the server. What I’m suggesting would only be another layer on top of it that would utilize events that are already being fired on the server.
Wreck code is very old, and might not be able to be modified easily. So having a sig ping off during it’s current life span might not be possible without a massive rework of the backend. It really comes down to how easy that code is to modify.
It’s really not. Text docs are small. The only new code that I’m suggesting to be created (other than the modification for a new anom,) is the tracking of despawned wrecks. The server already fires event handlers for despawning. It should be possible to track those and add them to a pool for the spawned sig.
A major issue with spawning a sig for wrecks that just exist in space, is mission systems will have hundreds of these signatures. It’s not an elegant way to handle it. It’s a much better idea to move them all into a handful of anoms players can interact with.
Or we could have something entirely more dynamic in space.
Back in the trig invasion those systems being invaded were a gold mine as npc trig fleets were fighting npc Edencom fleets. And those fights happened at moons, planets, asteroid belts, gates and stations. Because it was npc wrecks they were blue so no risk of being suspect either. The risk came from other players hunting and the NPC fleets themselves if your standings weren’t correct.
Seems to me that npc battles in space like this would give you lots of wrecks that could be d-scanned. It would make space feel more dynamic. It would also fit into the things that CCP talked about at fanfest and updates to a “living universe” and improvements to faction warfare. The factions themselves could have npc fleets fighting in certain systems.
And the big +…………It’s mostly all coded already. It’s been in game. Still kinda is just not on the same scale as 2 years ago. Hell the npc fleets are still there. They just don’t have anything to fight. Have you seen the amount of Edencom ships on the gates in the Edencom systems between Jita and Amar.
If its made part of faction warfare then there could potentially be big rewards in the forward systems but depending on your faction standings you could be a target of the players trying to take or defend the system.
It’s not without problems. But id prefer this to…….let’s have another set of mechanics and another set of modules that divert dev time away from actual content.
Its been mentioned before, either by @Brisc_Rubal or ccp why we cant scan wrecks
Thought-terminating clichés are definitely the way to go to support the cult of is.
The valuable property of Player Features and Ideas are that they are not encumbered with technicalities that they are not aware of. Imagination is the limit.
but why would wrecks increase in sig radius because they’re abandonded, the legality of a wreck has no applicable state when sig radius is to do with mass.
and instead of Modules it would Module (singular) and its not like it needs combat balance just a CPU and power grid requirement, its not like salvagers have their own line of ships for such things.
actually you’re totally right, i thought you meant saving the model data i didn’t think about a text file aspect, you’re right though, i must of misunderstood what you said 100% agree with your view point then, having a couple of recycling stations perhaps as part of the new faction mechanics they plan on working on would be really good, i can see crew members sending out distress beacons to be saved before the recycling centre kills them, its not like they get downloaded!
this might also apply to what @Etch_Masuka has mentioned about space being more dynamic if there were away to fold the base concept together with these mechanics i could totally see this being more of a thing. but i like the idea of putting those two aspects together from what you’ve both said.