The easiest way to deal with gankers is to not fly ganker bait.
Anyway, I’m by no means an expert price manipulation, but I’ve never seen anyone try to manipulate prices on entire categories of items. I’ve only seen them do it with select items, and even then, it was never on things that could be produced. Which makes sense, right? Players can’t do anything to increase the drop rates of particular meta or faction mods. However, industrialists can quickly change what they produce. I mean, increasing production on things like capital ships would certainly take a significant amount of time and effort, but things like T1 and T2 tackle mods can be churned out in mass even by industrialists under a year old.
Evidence that the OP didn’t actually thought this through …
… and just posted on a whim, because he thought he had a smart idea …
… is the fact that he’s talking about some of the most common goods …
… is the fact that meta items drop …
… is the fact that people will just build and use meta0 items …
… and the fact that an actual item shortage …
… will lead to an actual mineral shortage caused by the craze for building meta0 items …
… which would massively increase the amount of miner ganking …
… not just, but also because nothing outpaces the ore/hr you get from ganking filled mining ships.
wasn’t talking about price manipulation at all, just a change in how folks do some things.
when you get loot drops of ganker toys, instead of just dropping them on the market, get the minerals from them. if you stop thousands of tiny leaks, you’d be surprised what an effect that has on a flood of things.
So, you can’t grasp certain concepts then.
miners and industrialists don’t -need- ganker toys to do their thing.
if they realize if the don’t -make- the ganker toys, then it increases the odds of not having them used against them.
if the gankers are busy having to farm ganker toys, then that is time they won’t be spent ganking, which is a benefit to the miners and industrialists
nope, no thought involved at all…
sounds more like the gankers aren’t liking where this chain of thought is heading.
I don’t know what’s so hard for you to grasp about the fact that the best ore/hr comes from ganking filled mining ships.
Letting others do the work and then stealing it from them is the best way to gain ore period.
Plus, we can use alts! Have mining ships mine afk, gank another mining ship while we’re at it.
Unlike people like yourself we don’t actually get ganked, because all we need is a tiny part of the window to be open …
… so we can see the overview …
… while being aligned at slow speeds …
… and a ready-made right-click menu allowing to warp out as soon as something warps onto grid.
People like myself know how to play this game.
Unlike you, who’s just a perpetual loser posting because he’s literally butthurt about getting ganked.
You believe people like myself are as incapable as you, but we are not!
We’re better than you and the likes of you …
… in every single ■■■■■■■ way …
… and no matter what you come up with …
… you’ll always be at a disadvantage.
oh, would you care to point out the lie…
would it look something like this
well, if you are watching the overview, then it makes my earlier assessment that if they are attentively mining, then they can’t be ganking at the same time true, no?
Well, see the above post.
It’s not actually afk.
I’m still at the keyboard.
The overview of the mining window is set up at the right side of the screen.
All ships, boosted Orca + 3 Covetors**, are constantly aligned towards a bookmark.
The whole fleet is equipped with a higgs rig and fitted for max yield.
All ships are spiderwebbing, dropping max velocity to 8msec.
All ships are always aligned and moving towards a bookmark.
The rightclick menu to fleet-warp to the bookmark can be suspended while alttabbing out.
Testing revealed that it takes me one second to warp out.
You can try as hard as you like …
… if my mistake of calling it afk is all you have …
… then you’re well aware of how ■■■■■■ you truly are …
… which, I guess, is also another reason why you can’t stop posting about that what you hate.
You’re a loser and it’s hilarious.
**(I’ve replaced one of those with a Hulk eventually and then stopped because it got too easy and boring to clean belts in perfect safety.)
This could theoretically work, if those ‘thousands of tiny leaks’ all work together against the evil ganker menace.
I find it more likely that some of those industrialists, even if you exclude all the industrialists that occasionally gank others, would prefer the profit of selling those modules for a now higher price, rather than working united against those gankers and losing potential money.
And in the end, if you do get all industrialists to stop selling ganker modules, what stops gankers from creating their own modules on an alt?
You make a mistake to assume that, just because you as industrialist would never gank, others are the same as you. Other industrialists may enjoy ganking, and gankers may enjoy producing items. You will never get all industrialists to withhold all ganker modules and that is why your plan will fail.