Scarcity, how the gankers don't want you to see and think about it

I didnt lose ■■■■, just cause people want to force feed their opinion of what something is… doesn’t make it that, I provided the official definition, that applies to eve… Not my fault people want to preach their opinion as truth.

Just cause you say the sky’s red, doesn’t mean it is. I provided facts that the sky is blue.

Not my fault your comprehension is complete crap.


Edit: I mean, i knew idiots would believe random stuff they see on the internet as truth, but i didn’t expect to see it happen in real time right now. if a website says that a stone helps focus your geo-electromagnetic resonance with the planet’s magnetic field will help purge toxics from your aura, will you believe that too?


and im done talking down to you children.

No, you provided a definition based on the opinion of some random internet users.

Yet you dismissed our opinions as irrelevant because we’re random internet users.

Delonewolf consider himself a carebear but his zkill is 50% dangerous. I consider myself a carebear because I’m 100% solo but I can support Pvper’s in my own way without directly joining them in an ingame fight…

arbitrary points and measurements on a 3rd party website are meaningless, hope that helps

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Google searches often are what some random nobody says. I mean, with the right google search I could find quotes of myself, does that mean I speak the truth?

Google search is incredibly useful, but what matters is that you know this limitation of search engines and that you keep using your own brain while interpreting the results.

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Be careful with that sort of thing…

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then why are you objecting to me stating that it is known you are opposed to it?

You mean the same way that the PVP crowd asks for nerfs, so that the other folks -have- to engage in what they like?

Remember to tell t hat to Scoots, Solstice, etc then when they are on their rants, hmm?

In daylight hours it’s actually both, along with every other visible wavelength of light. It appears to be blue due to Rayleigh Scattering which is the scattering of light wavelengths by atmospheric particles.

Science bitches.


Great plan 10/10
More ISK for me, do it.

True, but it’s not a ‘major change in effort’
just click ‘reprocess’ rather than ‘sell this item’

you could probably reprocess it -into- an iteron :wink:

I don’t know what is the OP issue with Ganking, He Belongs to Hell Dawn alliance.

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it’s more a point that the PVP folks are applauding about ‘scarcity’ for the miners, I’m just betting they reactions would be different if they were the ones facing scarcity.

What about the PvE folks who are applauding it?

hmm, I guess those would be the ‘moderates’

it takes all kinds, just some folks seem to jump on the ‘there are no other playstyles’ bandwagon.