That’s just nonsense. A Venture mining in an asteroid field can WARP OUT when a red scary looking Catalyst warps in. You don’t need any special skill to survive. This game is not too hard, but the AFK playstyle is too dumb.
I apologize. It appears that my feeble attempt at humor has failed.
I remember the first time I hauled 100mil in a nereus. I was so paranoid that I would get ganked before I could get to Jita with my cargo. I used all the tricks that I had read about.
( tanking properly, not using auto pilot, and paying attention. ) It was an exciting and stressful trip. I don’t engage in much pvp, but I also don’t want High Sec to lose the sense of danger that piracy and ganking brings. Without that sense of danger, it wouldn’t be EVE.
I simply read the following sentence fragment, “You just can’t keep yourself safe” and decided your paragraph was too long, didn’t read. I now acknowledge that the intent of your paragraph was different than I assumed, and I am glad we are in agreement on this topic.
People have been known to get some amusing solo kills with the Nereus; gangs of them have been known to roam low and null.
The Badger was/is infamous for amusing PvP incidents too, hence the term Battle-Badger that you’ll see thrown around occasionally.
You didn’t mention it because I doubt you’re aware of it; I agree you shouldn’t be able to buy sec status with tags.
ok so here is my initial response:
Ok, look. the answer is NO. here’s why: EVE is a sandbox MMORPG game where the players in it can do well… whatever they want. There is an article somewhere on the forums called the 8 golden rules of EvE.
you will not be able to change the actions of the players in this game. CCP actually encourages behaviour like ganking in HS. The groups that you are complaining about are players who have chosen to prey upon unsuspecting players who undock their cheap T1 transports loaded with expensive cargo, or are war targets not paying attention. The summarization of this is: Stop complaining and adapt.
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