Security Space

I would like to understand the purpose of dividing space in zones, or Security.

I understand Wormhole space, same for Trig space and Azkeban system ( hope I got the name right ) but
I can’t understand why CCP thought it a good idea to devide space like that.
I know that in each of those zones CONCORD reaction time is different but beyond that I just can’t comprehend the thinking behind it.
Maybe with this thread I can learn a bit about that thought process.
Thank you.

In short each offers different rules supporting different play styles thus provide opportunity for different experiences.


As supplemental material here’s a handy illustration:



Can confirm, lowsec is sexy

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They knew you were coming and did it just to annoy you.


I can imagine CCP did it for a couple of reasons:

  • to have a big universe with many systems, you want variation in the systems so they’re not all the same. What kinds of things can you vary? Security level is one such thing.
  • security level allows players to choose and live in a system with a level of risk and reward that they like
  • security level allows CCP to set more or less security measures in systems, like a fast CONCORD response time or a slow one, disallowing bombs, gate guns or no rules at all
  • security level also allows CCP to tie rewards to risk: better planets, better asteroid belts, better PvE sites with stronger enemies that CONCORD pays bigger bounties for in the less secure systems

With security as one way to divide zones and faction as another way to divide zones CCP already added a lot of variation for the systems in the game.


Because literally nobody would be playing a 24/7 free-for-all game.

Why don’t you just go buy ships and fly through low and null and get all the fighting you apparently want.

$50 says you are too much of a coward to do so. All talk, zero substance.


What do you mean?

We’re all playing a 24/7 free-for-all game, aren’t we?

Just in various parts of space with various levels of security.


@Rocket_Hellfire No crying whining and moaning this time?

There’s Concord reaction times to consider, but those various spaces also have other different rules of conduct and environmental differences.

By dividing regions, they allow for different types of minerals, resources, foes and encounters. They have different rules about which ships and devices are allowed to be used. You end up with different types of fights and different dangers to watch out for. The risk vs. reward changes also allows them to up the payouts for certain activities while also increasing the risk of loss.

For an idea of the mechanics changes, see System security - EVE University Wiki .


@Kezrai_Charzai So it’s mainly a question of variety? Here I thought there were deeper reasons like maybe lore or how the ships are balanced…
Thank you for your reply, Kezrai.

More visual aids about space security:


Because you’re probably approaching it from the wrong angle. In the first ideas and iterations there wasn’t going to be a division at all, everything was going to be null sec but without using that name obviously as it simply had no PVE (the initial scope of the game was very limited and grew massively over development into what it was at launch) just as there were no NPC at first (because they wanted it to be a simple “shoot each other’s face in with space lasers” game). They they decided to add NPC and that perhaps they need some safer zones “for the PVE players”.

So they didn’t start with the idea in the first place and once they did they didn’t go high sec to low sec to null. Instead they went the other way round: null sec, then added “something safer” being low sec, and then they went full carebear heaven meaning high sec. If you follow that logic it makes a bit more sense.

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WH’s are my favored place to live. A level playing field. It’s for those who dare. Thats why there’s different security space.

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I think this is probably more accurate:



Wormhole (ok, no change here, lol)




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Different space for different credit card warriors.
Hisec: low income credit card warriors.
Lowsec: middle income credit card warriors.
Nullsec: high income credit card warriors.
Gwankers… Well they just dumb credit card warriors.

@Aisha_Katalen I did approach it from the wrong angle. I had no idea that’s the way it happened!
I didn’t know that EVE had no PvE and no NPCs at first, that’s news to me.
Now everything makes more sense!

I really appreciate your contribution to this thread, Aisha! Thank you for teaching me something today :blush:

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Probably how it is intended:


So far everyone misunderstood my OP except Aisha_Katalen and Kezrai_Charzai
or they simply didn’t read it.