Seeking Capital For Small Trading Operation 15% APY 1 YEAR No Collat

some delays in the discord/SEAT/vps/domain setup due to weekend and slow customer service from the host companies, but I continue with trading and scores, here is what I have until I can get it automated and sent to the discord on its own. I hope to provide somewhat of a trail and proof of what I do, consistency is key in this business, and I value my reputation highly.
This isnt a throwaway alt lol, i use my main in every game i play, youtube, blogging etc.
ie F3ND1MUS.
Anyways here is a screenshot.

Again this is a work in progress, and it is not conventional, the process of going public is new to me, and this is my first time to go " all in" so to speak.
for more transparency and public disclosure to attempt to show my work, proof, etc, I have invested my personal funds into securing a domain ie and a vps service to hopefully have the information in near real time depending on trade data and need for secrecy in market advantages, i may have to delay the trade data not sure how long to delay it to retain my market advantages, maybe hours maybe days/weeks idk.
The websites I have searched through eve uni which show third party dev apps/programs through web portals i am seeing and have tried or tested, here is another one, eve tycoon, and the image unedited with date and time:
I am not sure how to work eve tycoon, SEAT ESI etc, but the goal is to get my corp trading data to the public to ensure there is knowledge of the trades earnings and reward investors accordingly, in the near future.
appreciate the time/opportunity, patience and understanding.
shoutout to the lurkers!

discord link added: F3ND1MUS RESEARCH LABORATORY

update screenshot.
corp financials, discord almost up and running, hes setting up a role for the wallet access and it should be done soon.

second image is the discord convos where im having the access setup and completed for public to get access to my financials.

and as far as the short version idk if i can add all my characters to eve tycoon to make an accurate chart but here is a chart with only my main character f3nd1mus:

Financials update from EVE HR

The trading continues.
reminder to see the discord for more financials and other trading information.
the offer above is being revised to reflect market demand for “uncollateralized loans”

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