Sell Alliance Tornament Hulls on the Nexus Store

Aye, I and many other players. Not to mention ccp does not get money from it.

I still argue because one does not stop arguing and countering others points. I welcome other arguments and suggestions, you may not feel that nothing new is added, but another person reading may. You are right that ccp will read this and make a decisionnn, I hope it is in favor of adding these ships to the nexus store.

And you can make isk and buy the ships on the forums or on contracts too. This is simply a way of doing what you said faster. Before you had to wait and keep yourself subscribed for skills, now you can pay for immediate skill gain. You can make isk and perhaps save enough to get an AT ship, or it can be released and more people who may want it can buy it, thus giving ccp money.

You really don’t understand what you are asking for.

How so? The ships themselves are not invincible, people lose them all the time to foolish reasons. This is not a ship that does the damage of a battleship in a hull of a frigate, its a frigate that is around twice the strength of a pirate frigate.

The reason why there isn’t an issue with them currently is due to their limited availability and the target that is painted on them because of the rarity. If you allow them to be sold for PLEX, it would firstly be P2W and secondly cause them to become best ship for certain things due to their overpowered bonuses. A single AT-frigate or -cruiser is not a big deal, how about a full fleet of them? It would soon become that the only way to counter them is to have a bigger fleet of another AT-ship.
You keep just handwaving this away due to “they are too expensive”, but you forget that the same was said about titans and supers. Look at where we are now.

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Your concerns are valid, but unlike titans or supers, AT ships are easy to kill.

There are more examples in the zkill highest value section. All of these ships were easily killed with a few t2 and pirate ships. Another argument to support my stance, the Marshal. The marshal has very good bonuses, it could even be considered at the level of an AT ship vs faction or pirate. However it is cheap, aronund 3-6B isk, and it is not dominating the meta, because its expensive to just be losing. An AT ship would be around 10B on the plex store, more if its a very good bonused ship as determined by ccp.

Releasing this ships would make pvp more fun, and it would make for a memorable kill. And finally, it would help increase the revenues of CCP Games to further keep this game alive and updated with new and fun expansions.

Marshal is not at ship thus it give no special feeling besides just being expensive.
And in terms of performance it is not close to AT ship. AT ship usually has a special role that make it special.

Why are you suddenly making AT ships so cheap? If I could fly an AT ship for 10b, would there even be any point to ever using something like a supercarrier? If you take the chremoas, you can warp cloaked, sub 2s base align, 400 dps and fast AF.
I’d support your idea if the prices fluctuated depending on the current average prices for AT ships, at a slight premium. That way, instead of buying a chremoas that’s limited to only 50 you could buy a “golden” chremoas that’s indefinitely limited, for the low low price of whatever chremoas costs + 10%

Still these skills are sold by players not CCP. And this is the only argument from CCP to keep player from raging because of the introduction of Skill injector.

If you sell them in store they won’t be rare.

Yes but people are not forced to pay real life money to get ship to PVE. The only thing you are talking about is “CCP can sell this and CCP can sell that” without ever care about those player who just want to pay a subscription fee and enjoy the game.

Evidence? CCP themselves admitted the retention rate is very bad, and the alpha accounts are more used by old players for certain “unique” usage than new players.

Whether it is easy to kill or not does not depends on How Many Ship it requires you to kill it, but the success rate of killing one.
Please check the kill to loss ratio of the ships.
You will see they are extremely efficient in terms of killing, but very unlikely to get killed.
Sure there are stupid people around messing up with the ship, for example the guy in the 2nd killmail lost two Vanquishers in 1 month :slight_smile:. That does not mean Vanquishers are easy to kill, right?

:slight_smile: and don’t use the first killmail as an example, that is an AT match.

I do not think I should continue this discussion. It is quite obvious to me that you’d prefer the heavy monetization way of game design. EVE was not based around it and its current playerbase is not okay with it. If this is going to be the future, sure, get those new players who are okay with heavy monetization to play. That is not the game I’d like to continue playing :slight_smile:

Special feeling perhaps, but the marshal has great power. Would you rather have 20 marshals or 20 widows in a black ops fleet for raw damage?

You can get the Chremoas to that level, but that is only with expensive bling, and you could trap it with webs and very quickly kill it. The reason I make AT ships cheap like a supercarrier is because they can be viewed as the supercarriers of sub capitals. However unlike supercarriers, their number is limited by purchases on the plex store, or alliance tournaments, for the rare variants.

The skills are sold by NPC orders, and SP can be bought with starter pack DLC, buddy invite, or SP weekends/giveaways. That argument fails, and yet players are not raging.

They will be rare in that you won’t see them very often. How many solo roaming supercarriers are about in lowsec? The price of an AT ship should be similar to a supercarrier, 10B or so in plex. Designed to facilitate collectors and show offs, and if you want to pvp in it, you have to pay a large cost to get it.

You are not forced to pay to get PVE. You could PVE with a Marshal, and that is around half the cost of what an AT would be in the plex store, yet they are rarely used in PVE.

Evidence is many newbies in highsec that I meet and talk to that do the alpha then omega when alpha is maxed route. Yes, initial retention of brand new accounts is very low, yet alphas cannot be used as alts in tandem with omegas, if old players are then they are at risk of being removed from the game. Many more players are entering the game with the alpha to omega path, replacing anyone who quits out of boredom or protest.

Sub capital pvp is not like capital pvp. An AT frigate only has a dozen thousand, maybe 30-40k ehp if fitted for buffer. It can be killed with tornadoes nearly instantly if still, or webbed down and killed with around a 1000 dps combined fleet. Most solo kills with an AT frigate are because they selectively hunt their targets, in a 1v1 the AT pilot has the advantage. Yet if I hear of a AT pilot killing people, I would want to band together and trap him, so AT ships won’t be the kings of pvp since they can always be hunted by packs and killed.

I prefer monetization of game design if it helps the game. I play many games that have much more monetization than EVE, and they survive just fine and have a loyal fanbase. If the monetization is logical, fair, and has purpose, it is good design. If you end up quitting, then yes players like me will replace you, however the game will not die as you fear.

:slight_smile: I don’t fear it will die, like I said if it change towards that direction I will just leave.
Before the death of eve, just as you like it and wish it to happen, I dislike it and vote against it.
As simple as that.

The whole concept of the system itself selling stuff is just not what eve features.
And selling reward for special tournament that were promised no going to be available after that year is not a good thing.
If pay to win is going to be implemented, the better way is simply call it a Special edition [whatever ship name you like] instead of suggesting any close relation ship with AT reward. They are special, keep them special.

No the majority of skill are sold by player extracting from their account.
And don’t forget how CCP quickly wrote the post trying to put out the fire when player found the starter pack skillpoint.

Cause they are not working well roaming in low sec. Not designed for that

Same, not designed for that. Stop using a single ship as an example. There are more ships than a marshal.

The last point is a good one. Perhaps CCP can release special ‘Nexus’ ships, that have stats similar to an AT ship, but are named differently? Exclusive only to the plex store. Thus AT ships will only ever be associated with the tournament.

Fair argument, I won’t contest it.

Then how many marshals are solo roaming in lowsec? My point is powerful ships that are expensive are not used even if they are powerful because they are expensive. Better to fly a t1 battleship for solo roaming then a marshal, since you can get 10-20 t1 battleships for one marshal.

I’m using the marshal as its a ship that is the closest to what the AT ships are. Expensive, powerful, and limited in quantity, only released by hitting level 500 in project discovery.

Any reference to AT ship is just bad.
Stats is one thing. Bonus is another.
90% web @ 40km in a cloaky Victor will kill the fun of any mid range kiter.