[SERVICE] Bring your corporation online with Yulai Analytica! (Alliance Auth, SeAT, Wanderer)

Yulai Analytica - Your premium hosting provider

You looking to punch above your weight as an alliance or corporation? But do you lack the proper tools to compete with the larger actors?

Yulai Analytica is introducing a new suite of premium managed services for alliance and corporation management - allowing you to punch above your weight without having your own IT department or spend ours managing configurations or services. That’s why we are here to handle all the technical details for you - from initial configuration to continued maintenance and support. We ensure that your services are kept online, updated, and ready to use, while you focus on what really matters - leading your capsuleers to victory.

Premium Managed Services

We are offering an initial suite of services for Alliance Auth, SeAT, and Wanderer - Community Edition. This allows us to cover everything from advanced corporation and alliance management to intel gathering and wormhole mapping. All of our services always include:

  • Personalized subdomain or the possibility to bring your own.
  • Full transparency with status pages tracking uptime and maintenance windows.
  • Continuous upgrades and maintenance as the various platforms are developed.
  • Hosting on dedicated servers in Europe with solid performance and backups.

Alliance Auth

Alliance Auth is an advanced tool for managing alliances with various options for running in-house services such as buyback programs and freight. It also comes with the potential for providing comprehensive structure management tools.

  • Alliance Auth - Standard Package - All the core features of Alliance Auth, incl. application process and tools for vetting members. Initial setup: 3B ISK incl. first month hosting. Continued hosting: 1B ISK/month incl. maintenance and upgrades up to 200 users..
  • Alliance Auth - Premium Package - Integration with Discord server and configuration of buyback programs, fittings, and fleet pings. Initial setup: 5B ISK incl. first month hosting. Continued hosting: 1.5B ISK/month incl. maintenance and upgrades up to 500 users.

Various other extensions exist for Alliance Auth (Freight, structure management, moon mining, etc.), we therefore highly recommend that you reach out to see if this platform is right for you and inquire about any additional features.


SeAT is a tool that excels at auditing new potential recruits and managing your existing members. It offers strong tools for configuring groups based on skills, assets, and more, which gives you the ability to quickly gain an overview of your capabilities.

  • SeAT - Standard Package - All the core features of SeAT for vetting recruits and configuration of basic groups (e.g. by corporation). Initial setup: 2.5B ISK incl. first month hosting. Continued hosting: 750M ISK/month incl. maintenance and upgrades up to 200 users..
  • SeAT - Premium Package - Integration with doctrine plugin, configuration of Discord service and essential ping channels. Initial setup: 4B ISK incl. first month hosting. Continued hosting: 1.25B ISK/month incl. maintenance and upgrades up to 500 users.

Other plugins are available for SeAT to add additional features, we therefore highly recommend that you reach out to see if this platform is right for you and inquire about any additional needs.

Wanderer - Community Edition

Wanderer is a new platform mapping and gathering intel in J-space. Offering a friendly UI and with more features getting added constantly, we believe it is the new standard for mapping tools.

  • Wanderer - Community Edition - Initial setup: 1B ISK incl. first month hosting. Continued hosting: 300M ISK/month incl. maintenance and upgrades up to 200 users.

Ready to get started today?

Contact me in-game, Vega Synaptica, and we will help meet your requirements, so your corporation or alliance can have the necessary tools online by tomorrow.

Fly safe,
Vega Synaptica
CEO, Yulai Analytica

Contact me ingame