[SERVICE] EVE SeAT / Alliance Auth / Pathfinder/ Tripwire / Server hosting for isk - corporation/Alliance management

Hello My name is Michael Agar and I run AgarDesigns, are you looking to install a corporation management tool that will facilitate all your needs but struggling to get it installed or running?

Home - EvE Audit Solutions

Well look no further, I am offering very competitively priced services for all your Alliance/Corporation needs. What am I offering and at what prices? Either take a look at the website or contact me here or in-game.

Complete guidance on the best server solution, we also offer hosting at an isk cost depending on the system specs you need or do you need someone to manage your auth/Seat then we also offer that at very competitive prices.

NEW SERVICE: Get your server hosted by us using isk (in game currency), no more do you need to worry about what hosting provider to use and commit actually money to the service. Use your isk today to get your service running!

AllianceAuth [ Price: 3 bil ]

  • (AA) is a website that helps Eve Online organizations efficiently manage access to applications and services. With a plethera of plugins to choose from there is no end to what you can achieve.

SeAT [ Price: 2 bil ]

  • SeAT is a simple, EVE Online Corporation and API management tool. SeAT allows you to keep an eye on all things related to your corporation; from wallets, to mail, to assets for both characters and corporations , a great tool to Screen and Vet any potential new members!

PLUGINS/Discord [ Price - 2 bil ]

  • We also offer the setup and complete install of any plugin(s);
    Complete Discord Setup (Auto Assign, Channel Setup, Webhooks, etc). Everything to get discord fully integrated with your alliance/corporation tools.

Tripwire / Pathfinder [ Price: 3 bil ]

  • Pathfinder and Tripwire are probably the most used and sought after mapper tools in the whole eve universe. Get yours now privately hosted and start your journey into wormholes!

Teamspeak3/Mumble [ Price 2 bil ]

  • TS3 and Mumble the most know communication programs ideal for those huge fleets, set roles, priority speakers and let the tools work for you!

Website [ Price 4 bil ] [8/20 spaces for hosting left]

  • Do you want a social hub for your community, do you want a fully modular design so the first thing any potential recruit see’s is your shiny new website. Integrate your eve AA or SeAT from your website and begin growing your community in style!

Contact me here or send me a mail in game and start managing your Corp more effectively.

Poolie 07

Another satisfied customer! :slight_smile:
Alliance Auth all set up and ready to go.

What kind of pricing structure do you have?

Mail sent.

Another satisfied customer! :slight_smile:
Alliance Auth and Pathfinder all set up and ready to go.

Another satisfied customer! :slight_smile:
Alliance Auth [Discord integration fully set up]
And multiple other plugins all ready to go!

We also added a custom template, this show characters skills to fly doctrine fits as well as required skills!

A handy tool for both the corp leaders and members!

Another website created!
Original post has been updated, starting to get a good bunch of orders. Make sure you get yours before it is too late!

Only 8/20 website build and hosting left!

Another satisfied customer!
Alliance Auth and Pathfinder install.
[Member audit plugin]

Mans was fast and efficient and helped me the whole way with everything. amazing service.

1 Like

Hope you enjoy it, thank you for the feedback!

Excellent service. All completed the same day. I got the Discord, pathfinder, and Allianceauth. Everything setup brilliantly, and very good value at the price. I highly recommend. You won’t be disappointed.

1 Like

Thank you for the feedback!
Enjoy the server :slight_smile:

Discord Invite link added to the first post!

Another satisfied Corp, fly safe and enjoy the server.

Did you know we also offer hosting?
We have one more server left!

Another auth and pathfinder setup completed!
Need auth, seat, discord setup… whztever you need enquire today.

Competitive rates!

Another 2 satisfied customers, enjoy your servers!

Currently building another, more space for those that are interested!

Very reliable service! Poolie help me set up SeAT for my corporation, highly reccomended!

Having issues with a current install? We can help!
Latest client had issues with pathfinder, we immediatley corrected this and now a full pathfinder experience for said client!

Also SeAT install with a bonanza of plugins :slight_smile:
With fullndiscord integration, fully setup by us.