Scanning wasn’t designed as a precursor for aggressive acts. It was just designed as scanning. Because some people use it to check how gankworthy something is does not make it an act of aggression.
Taking a look is neither suspicious or aggressive as far as the game is concerned. You can stalk, shove and look through peoples things. But you only go suspect or worse when you take something that doesn’t belong to you or shoot something that doesn’t belong to you.
do either of these actions require you to activate a module on said ship being bumped or used as a warp in? why would being a warp in on a hunt, … look man, I said, clearly… ACTIVATE MODULE ON SAID TARGET…
nether of these actions do so… so what you are doing is either not understanding what I said or trolling…
Im not sure what your point is… and this is getting old. i dont beat dead horses. Im not reitterating what I said above. I clearly stated what my thoughts were. if you have questions on that, REREAD what I said, a bit closer this time.
modules dont define anything… humans do. for one, for two, modules either assist or damage. for three… this is really sad people cannot simply understand common sense anymore. Im not repeating myself here anymore in hopes to clarify.
its simple to me, cargo scanners, are like guns, webs, scrams, neuts, etc… they are not considered remote assistance modules nor are they ever used as such… they are intended and purposed for pvp game play. ive said enough, if you cant understand that, not my problem
Too true. Everyone is currently, or will continue to keep recycling arguments on this topic, including myself. This thread is well cooked. Unless someone posts something with a fresh perspective, the devs have enough here to implement a change or not.
You completely missed my point and conveniently ignored the relevant questions I asked in the post you replied to, in particular what if my expectations are that nobody should be able to look into my can?
Can you answer that question please? It’s relevant, because you said that going suspect as a result of breaking someone’s expectations of privacy is fair, remember?
No, you didn’t make the rules, but you want to change them, so it’s not that simple…
Sorry, but I did look it up and that’s one of the meanings the word has. I also means just “eject from a ship” with no implied discard, trash, or unwanted meaning. And I know for a fact that not all cans in space have unwanted stuff. Moreover, not all cans in space are the result of jettisoning from a ship either…
So again, who are you to decide that a can of mine in space has to be trash and that you should be able to look into it breaking my expectations of privacy without going suspect?
What do you mean? You said that flagging someone as suspect for breaking someone else’s expectations of privacy is fair, remember?
And yet, you keep posting in it too… That’s funny, indeed…
In regards to the expectation of privacy…why would you have it?
Players have been able to scan your cargo for years. Why would you expect privacy today all of a sudden? Your expectations of privacy are like your expectations of safety.
Maybe in stations and maybe if you use the correct tools you can expect privacy. But not just normally gating around. You can be scanned for your cargo, your fit, players can stalk you and ‘look at’ you to check your fit as well. So i don’t get this expectation of privacy.
A module that blocks scans makes more sense. You can choose to improve privacy like you can safety or reward.
At the cost of a slot that could have been used for something else you gain an effect. Warp core stabilizers at the cost of speed of targeting. Hull at the expense of cargo space. Cloaking at the expense of a possible offensive module.
Less powergrid/cpu/capacitor and a low slot consumed (not a rig) to prevent being scanned? Your review?
+1, cause that is indeed a fresh idea to this thread.
Can I assume it blocks scanning fittings as well, for clarity?
If a mod was created to counter scans, then I can agree with just about everything you said.
On a philosophical level I still am for the privacy argument, but as a game mechanic, the suggested mod is instead a fair counterpoint to making scanners going suspect. It puts the burden of “safety” back onto the defender, which is where EVE seems to like it.
But I suspect there will be somewhat similar arguments, and more, for and against such a mod. It may or may not be best to start a new thread about it, but not sure.
Actually no, I’ve seen this suggested as a possibility by others before, and there really isn’t much to be said against that, other that there is an entire class of ships with a role bonus to accomplish the same (Blockade runners), and CCP is unlikely to introduce such a module in the game for that reason alone.
But in this case it really is just a matter of what CCP prefers to be the way to counter cargo scanning, whether a mod that can be fitted on any ship or a class of ships having a role bonus for that, and it seems CCP prefers the latter.
Yeah, and the mod might have drawbacks even, but I think it’s unlikely CCP will want to introduce such a module in the game while at the same time having a whole class of ships that can be used for that role.
Not that I have anything against such a mod, just what I think is CCP stand on this kind of issues. They like ship specialisation and diversity of roles. Any mod that makes special abilities available to many types of ships goes against that goal.
Odd thing about that is the fact they also made specific modules to enable some ships to have such abilities. Dreads and carriers for example. They get a benefit with a specific type of module.
Not odd at all. It’s just that in some cases the specialisation is accomplished through role bonuses and in others through modules that can be fitted to certain types of ships only and not to any others, but it really is the same concept.
So they might have introduced a mod that would deny the ability to be scanned and allow it to be fitted to Blockade runners only to accomplish the same.
read the description. are you going to cargo/ship scan your own ships? lol I mean really, its a pvp game with stuff that you activate on other players ships.