I’m incredibly annoyed CCP hasn’t replied to this thread
But seeing as you’re now standing for CSM, this jewel requires some attention…
I’m incredibly annoyed CCP hasn’t replied to this thread
But seeing as you’re now standing for CSM, this jewel requires some attention…
Interesting, detailed post, thanks OP! Not sure I can add anything to it though, but it sounds like an OP ship!
This is what has been lacking in my life. I support this 101%.
Love the post and the discussion! How are you coming along with the designs for the Talocan, sleeper, jove, etc ship? I love the names for them.
I also would like to declare my support for this approach as I see it as intricate novelty that might break up the current meta. As to the balance side of things I would hope to see several other issues with the current state of the game fixed first before there are new toys to play with.
Great job!
But making new toys is easier and faster than fixing old ones!
Azdaja Clade wantsss
Wow, its been almost 4 years since this was made
We need this! This would beef up the PvP attacks
We need this, this would make EVE a lot more enjoyable, and I also want to do experiments with it, LOL
Last thing we need is more new ships. They can’t even balance what we have.
With respect, what does “we don’t need new ships” matter in a subforum that exists for the explicit purpose of giving players a place to share ideas? Replies like this read far more as contrarianism than criticism - and in any case, as it stands, new empire navy ships were just added recently.
I originally wrote this far more to say “if they added Drifter ships I think this would be a cool way to do it” than than to assert that Drifter ships are something needed; I like the idea of them, so I shared the thoughts I had - and it was useful to learn how EVE’s dogma system works through doing so
I 100% support this!
Love the Warp Lances!!!
If I can’t have the Eidolon, I’d love a Drifter Battleship.
I’d also love if they gave the iki its sig radius reduction back
I do think that an interesting balace for the DDs would be to give them actual garbage tracking and low range, coupled with a spool time like an MJD (maybe 8 seconds for the small, 12 for the medium, and 20 for the large?) and a very bright effect being shown. This gives people the time to freak the heck out and double click to the side or activate ECCM. You don’t have to make the Aegis rare/expensive if the tradeoffs are what decides the equipping of the module. It would also help if every ship got absolutely zero utility highs, so any DD had to be fitted at the expense of turret DPS. This idea is, as a whole, fantastic. I want to se these so bad, but maybe not as prevalent as Damaviks and Nergals are today. They should be expensive to produce due to rarity, and their guns should be a bit hard to find, but I really want to see them fieldable in large numbers.
I don’t want to have the DDs instantly decide FW fights. They should be tools against caps, stations, or really slow battleships in the case of the Charyb. Love the names by the way.
If evey fight against a Charyb just has it triple webbing you while you kill its Overshield and then doomsdaying you, no one will have fun.
Give the small Aegis a tracking of 20, the medium a tracking of 2, and the battleship’s a tracking of 0.05, about double the tracking of an unbonused arty Naglfar. Give the small one a range of about 5+5km, the medium about 13+13km, and the large can be whatever range, but I suggest 30+30km so it can be used against capitals at long-ish range. This will mean that acually landing a DD hit on an opponent of similar size will take tremendous player skill.
Also, please nerf the speed. I like having the huge bonus to prop mod overheat bonus, but make them pretty slow before that. Dramiel should still be the fastest, and an overheated MWD Charyb should only beat out the overheated MWD Dram (no other fittings) by about 1,000km/s. These ships should be able to boost towards you with astonishing speed, but not stay at that speed.
This should prevent it handily knocking the Succubus through Nightmare out of their niches and still provide a reason to use tankier kiters for fights with more sustain. These ships should be able to perform a quick burst of insane speed, a quick burst of pretty good firepower, and maybe even a devastating capital attack before running away and repairing its mods quickly to get back in the fight.
The Assault Damage Control should be a very strong counter to this, just like how Neuts and ECM are very strong counters to Entropic Disintegrators.
I’d also like to point out that when the Vindicator is your DPS comparison, you have too much. Tone it back toward Tempest levels.
Ooh I just had another idea. Give it average agility but give it a bonus that makes it much more agile while a prop mod is on. This goves it insane turning radius at speed but doesn’t make it orbit too tight even when MWD is off. These ships should completely hinge around their prop mods. AB + MWD + MJD Argos should be viable.
Also, none of the ships should have drone bays, fuel bays, or anything other than their main cargo. I think that the cargo bay should be very small, limiting the number of Cap Boosters and emphasizing hit and run that much more. The gun should cycle slowly and use pretty expensive ammo to balance out the rapid-firing of Triglavians and making hit-and-runs even better. If two guns run for 11 seconds, and the 5-second cycle one does 50dps while the 2-second cycle one does 60 dps, the fist one does 750 damage and the second, even with more DPS, does only 720.
This idea is fantastic, I love the designs, and I think it will add a lot to the tactics of capital fights. Seiged Dreads, Triaged FAXes, and Bastioned Marauders will all be great targets, and wow look at that these are the very same ships that a lot of people have been complaining about. While these ships can be bumped or drifted around while seiged, it makes simply dropping and popping with these heavy ships a little more difficult.
Edit: Sniper frigates are cool, maybe short range DDs are a bad plan.
Also, I meant 1000m/s not 1000km/s. That would be a bit goofy, don’t you think?