The following is a design layout for a Drifter faction ship line - Frigate, Cruiser, and Battleship.
Includes balanced ships, modules, and ammo, with fully calculated attributes and descriptions.
A full attribute chart for all items described below can be found in this sheet.
With the release of “Into the Abyss” in May 2018, the Triglavian Collective was introduced in stark opposition to the invading Drifters - and from their standoff, we can glean a solid springboard for a design philosophy for Drifter ships and module mechanics within the new “Precursor” category, which opens up future possibilities for player usage of ancient race technology. Drawing from there, this post introduces a reconceptualized Drifter battleship (evolving from this now-archaic proposal), a Frigate and Cruiser, new modules, and new bonuses & gameplay mechanics to support them. These are the main themes for the lineup:
- Quick strikes and short-as-possible fights
- Unremarkable tank, profound mobility
- No utility high slots, minimal drones
- Strong focus on overloading modules
- Bonus to module repair amount for Nanite Paste
- Bonuses to overheating Microwarpdrives and Drifter turrets
- Standard base turret damage, which increases drastically when overloading guns
- A combined shield and superweapon module, which disallows assistance while fitted
The sections below detail each of the ships, as well as the new module types introduced alongside them - click the arrows to expand each part. Again, the full attributes for each item below can be found in this spreadsheet.
Warp Lances are the Drifters’ take on turrets, channeling a ship’s warp core through Isogen-5 matrices into sheared warp corridors that deal a combination of EM and Kinetic damage with tech I ammo, and omni-spread damage for tech II. Warp Lances are highly versatile, with ammo that trades application for strength (and vice-versa) in significant amounts. Turrets come in small, medium, and large sizes, and are paired with “Drive Capillary” damage modules.
The turrets inflict average base damage, which is increased dramatically by overloading them when fitted to a Drifter ship. Warp Lance ROF increases by 14.286% when heated, and this bonus is increased to ~50% when the module is fitted to a fully skilled Drifter hull.
Warp Lances channel the output of an independent warp core through a conducting, polar-locked Isogen-5 Matrix. The resulting vortex-field output is spooled within the reflector screens of the turret, where a radial burst of partons is then freed from its core spine into this reverse-polar compressed rotational field. These subatomic particles collide violently within the vortex, heating critically and bonding into a dense quark-gluon plasma superfluid pool - which is then shunted outward through a sharp redirection of the reflector screens, forming a narrow, spiraling lance of luminous exotic matter that pierces targets with profound force.
Though formidable under normal operation, these Drifter turrets possess additional potential for rapid firing through masterful dissipation of the extreme heat they generate during use - achieved through the practical application of Sleeper cryotech and heat management specializations.
Each unit hangs suspended above its user’s hull by anchoring its independent warp field to its own, and achieves movement and rotation through the use of thunder kites - utilizing the same motive force its host vessel employs for sub-light navigation.
Variations, Skill Requirements, Ammo
|TECH I | | |
| Module | Skill Requirements
| Light Warp Lance I
Light Compact Warp Lance
Light Scoped Warp Lance | - Small Precursor Weapon I
| Heavy Warp Lance I
Heavy Compact Warp Lance
Heavy Scoped Warp Lance | - Medium Precursor Weapon I
| Fullborne Warp Lance I
Fullborne Compact Warp Lance
Fullborne Scoped Warp Lance | - Large Precursor Weapon I|TECH II | | |
| Module | Skill Requirements
| Light Warp Lance II | - Small Precursor Weapon V
- Small Warp Lance Specialization I
| Heavy Warp Lance II | - Medium Precursor Weapon V
- Medium Warp Lance Specialization I
| Fullborne Warp Lance II | - Large Precursor Weapon V
- Large Warp Lance Specialization I|FACTION | | |
| Module | Skill Requirements
| Lux Kopis | - Small Precursor Weapon I
| Lux Xiphos | - Medium Precursor Weapon I
| Lux Kontos | - Large Precursor Weapon I
ISOGEN-5 MATRIXType Damage Type Range/Damage Tracking Cap Usage Tech Level Soma Omni Longest 0.25x 2x tech II Weyl Kin+EM Long 0.50x 0.75x tech I Dirac Kin+EM Standard 1.0x 0.50x tech I Majorana Kin+EM Short, +Dmg 1.25x 0.75x tech I Ego Omni Shortest, ++Dmg 1.0x 1.0x tech II
Weapon Upgrade
DRIVE CAPILLARY Type DMG Modifier ROF Bonus PG Usage CPU Usage Meta Group Drive Capillary I 1.070x -7.5% 1 MW 27 tf tech I Drive Capillary II 1.100x -10.5% 1 MW 30 tf tech II Tyrant Drive Capillary 1.125x -10.5% 1 MW 20 tf faction
AEGIS : Shield & Superweapon
The Aegis (better known to players as the infamous Drifter overshield and doomsday combination) generates a defensive secondary shield layer that breaks locks and allows its pilot to unleash a powerful one-shot attack, affected by tracking and optimal/falloff ranges, when depleted. Any ship fitted with the module is completely unable to provide or receive remote assistance of any kind, and firing the weapon incurs a warp delay and weapons timer, alongside immediately increasing the heat status of all racks to 100%
This module is intended to be a choice for Drifter ships, fitted & used at a pilot’s discretion.
The Aegis is a dual-function system providing both defense and offense, commonly recognized as the overshield and superweapon many Drifter vessels employ. Functionally, the Aegis is essentially an enormous Warp Lance: free partons are radiated into a generated reverse-polar rotational field, reaching a critical point and bonding into quark-gluon plasma which is directed outward toward a target. However, the Aegis exhibits a few key differences.
In place of solid-state stabilized Matrixes of mixed material, actively polarized Rods of pure, field-contained Isogen-5 are arranged within a spinal-mounted core, which can be repositioned in order to change the output angle of the weapon - as a vessel is not generally capable of rotating rapidly enough to point at and track a target.
Additionally, a magnitudes-stronger firing output is made possible by externally expressing the polar field, which is conducted directly across the outer hull of the ship itself in a repurposing of its shield emitters. The resulting shroud collects and preserves additional power and momentum from any incoming force - temporarily storing potential energy far beyond its operating vessel‘s capacity - and doubles as a temporarily impermeable defensive layer. At its maximum tolerance point, which is only briefly sustainable, the field is focused into an external point as the Isogen-5 Rod assembly tracks the weapon’s intended target. Partons are then radiated through external emitters into the focus to bond into quark-gluon plasma, which is shunted outward in a spiral lance of unmatched force.
As a consequence of the hull-spun polar field, any low-energy or nanite-based interactions between a ship fitted with this module and an external entity will be completely muted - rendering the host vessel unable to receive or provide any form of remote assistance. Additionally, an Aegis’s draw from a ship’s warp core necessitates a significant cooldown and warp field recalibration period following discharge.
Traits (In-game function overview)
When fitted to a ship:
- Base shield HP reduced by 50%
- Adds Overshield layer with HP equal to reduced shield HP
- Overshield HP cannot be repaired by any means
- Ships fitted with this module cannot provide or receive any form of remote assistance.
- When Overshield drops below 100% HP, replenishment timer begins
- Overshield resets to full HP upon replenishment timer completion
- For the duration of replenishment timer, this module cannot be offlined or unfitted
When Overshield HP is reduced to 0%:
- All target locks on or by the host ship are broken
- Incurred damage does not bleed through into Armor or Hull HP
- Standard shield replaces Overshield, charged to 100% HP
- Firing Window timer begins, during which the weapon function may be fired
Firing Weapon:
- Can only be fired once the Overshield has been reduced to 0%
- Can only be fired during Firing Window timer (prevents shedding OS + waiting for target)
- Consumes Isogen-V Rods, can only be fired if required quantity are in cargo
- Incurs a warp delay and weapons timer,
- Increases the heat status of all racks to 100%,
- Resets Overshield replenishment timer to full
- If not fired during Window, cannot be fired until Overshield resets+depletes again
- Cannot be fired in High Security space
Variations, Skill Requirements, Consumption
| | | |
| Module | Skill Requirements | Skill Prerequisites
| Light Aegis | - Small Aegis Operation I | - Small Precursor Weapon V
- Tactical Shield Manipulation V
- Doomsday Operation I
| Heavy Aegis | - Medium Aegis Operation I | - Medium Precursor Weapon V
- Tactical Shield Manipulation V
- Doomsday Operation I
| Pandoric Aegis | - Large Aegis Operation I | - Large Precursor Weapon V
- Tactical Shield Manipulation V
- Doomsday Operation I|CONSUMPTION| |
| Type | Volume
| Isogen-5 Rod | 50.0m³
Each module is fitted to its corresponding hull.
Only the Damage attribute is affected by any skills.
Damage is evenly split omni for all Aegis modules.
Damage Falloff applies beyond Optimal Range
Calculations assume level V in the following skills:
- (S/M/L) Precursor Weapon V (Damage Multiplier at Level V: 1.25x)
- (S/M/L) Aegis Operation V (Damage Multiplier at Level V: 1.50x)
- Doomsday Operation V (Damage Multiplier at Level V: 1.50x)
- Total Damage Multiplier at All V (2.8125x) assumed below:
| Module | Damage| Optimal
+ Falloff | Damage
Falloff |Tracking
Score | Firing
Window | Overshield
Reset | Warp
| Light
Aegis: | 14,999.96 | 15,000m
+30,000m | 33,300m | 112.50 | 7.50 sec. | 300 sec. | 20 sec.
| Heavy
Aegis: | 59,999.96 | 30,000m
+60,000m | 66,600m | 11.90 | 10.0 sec. | 600 sec. | 40 sec.
| Pandoric
Aegis: | 599,999.96 | 40,000m
+80,000m | 88,800m | 1.70 | 15.0 sec. | 1,200 sec. | 60 sec.
Doomsday Fuel Notes
Scalability of Aegis module usage could grow far out of proper balance, should they become widely available. One solution to the possibility of using mass Aegis usage for completely out-of-proportion damage could be the limitation of Isogen-5 Rod supply.
Limitation of supply through droprates might be easily bypassed or even monopolized by farming of source content; limitation through material consumption of industry process for the construction of Isogen-V Rods may be a more effective long-term solution. Should there be no fuel present in cargo, the weapon cannot fire, but the Overshield itself will remain usable - leaving room to play around with the module (though it would still incur complete remote assistance denial, regardless of whether or not it could fire).
Simpy requiring a significant quantity of materials/specific components/other items for construction of the charges could motivate their value upwards, ideally making large-numbers firings of the weapon highly economically unsound.
CHARYB : Frigate
Following the flooding of Capsuleers into the Abyssal frontlines in YC120, the Charyb emerged as a resource-efficient addition to the Drifter fleet. Hard-hitting and dazzlingly nimble, the vessel was rapidly incorporated into Vigilant Tyrannos operations in all areas of space.
The Charyb is capable of fitting both Light Warp Lance and Light Aegis modules. In addition, the incorporation of Sleeper cryotech and thermoregulatory specializations into the the hull’s design drastically increases the potential overload limit of fitted weapons and microwarpdrives.
Precursor Frigate bonuses per skill level:
50% bonus to Light Warp Lance overload bonus
50% bonus to 5mn Microwarpdrive overload bonusRole Bonuses:
Can fit Light Warp Lance and Light Aegis
150% bonus to damaged module repair amount per second
Slot Layout (h/m/l): 3/4/3 Turret Hardpoints: 3 Launcher Hardpoints: 0 Rig Slots: 3 Rig Size: Small Calibration: 400 Powergrid Output: 47.0 MW CPU Output: 168.0 tf
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 700 hp / 180 hp / 475 hp Base shield resistances: 33.0 EM / 10.0 TH / 33.0 KIN / 33.0 EXP Base armor resistances: 0.00 EM / 43.0 TH / 43.0 KIN / 43.0 EXP Capacitor capacity: 415 GJ Capacitor recharge time: 190 sec. Max velocity: 457.14 m/sec Inertia modifier: 2.685 Mass: 1,425,000kg Warp Speed: 5.0 au/sec Drones (bandwidth / bay): n/a Max Targeting Range: 41,000m Scan Resolution: 750mm Max Locked Targets: 5 Sensor Strength: 14 Gravimetric Signature Radius: 35m Cargo capacity: 115m3
Tech I ammo (Dirac, Weyl, Majorana) inflicts varied KIN+EM damage.
Tech II ammo (Soma, Ego) inflicts evenly spread omni damage.
Calculations performed assuming all V skills.3x Light Warp Lance II +1x tech II damage mod
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x3 |
| Soma S: | 24,500m | 12,500m | 132.8125 | 200.38 | 68.48 (136.95) | 10.46 GJ
| Weyl S: | 18,375m | 12,500m | 265.625 | 244.21 | 83.46 (166.91) | 7.85 GJ
| Dirac S: | 12,250m | 5,000m | 531.25 | 325.61 | 111.27 (222.55) | 5.23 GJ
| Majorana S: | 6,125m | 2,500m | 664.0625 | 483.32 | 149.79 (299.59) | 7.85 GJ
| Ego S3,062.5m | 2,500m | 531.25 | 701.32 | 239.67 (479.34) | 10.46 GJ
3x Light Warp Lance II +2x tech II damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x3 |
| Soma S: | 24,500m | 12,500m | 132.8125 | 217.79 | 81.10 (162.23) | 10.46 GJ
| Weyl S: | 18,375m | 12,500m | 265.625 | 265.43 | 98.84 (197.69) | 7.85 GJ
| Dirac S: | 12,250m | 5,000m | 531.25 | 353.91 | 131.79 (263.58) | 5.23 GJ
| Majorana S: | 6,125m | 2,500m | 664.0625 | 476.41 | 177.41 (354.82) | 7.85 GJ
| Ego S3,062.5m | 2,500m | 531.25 | 762.26 | 283.85 (567.71) | 10.46 GJ
3x Lux Kopis +1x faction damage mod
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x3 |
| Soma S: | 24,500m | 12,500m | 132.8125 | 201.83 | 68.97 (137.95) | 7.88 GJ
| Weyl S: | 18,375m | 12,500m | 265.625 | 245.97 | 84.06 (168.12) | 5.91 GJ
| Dirac S: | 12,250m | 5,000m | 531.25 | 327.97 | 112.08 (224.16) | 3.94 GJ
| Majorana S: | 6,125m | 2,500m | 664.0625 | 441.19 | 150.87 (301.76) | 5.91 GJ
| Ego S3,062.5m | 2,500m | 531.25 | 706.39 | 241.40 (482.81) | 7.88 GJ
3x Lux Kopis +2x faction damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x3 |
| Soma S: | 24,500m | 12,500m | 132.8125 | 223.75 | 83.32 (166.64) | 7.88 GJ
| Weyl S: | 18,375m | 12,500m | 265.625 | 272.69 | 101.55 (203.09) | 5.91 GJ
| Dirac S: | 12,250m | 5,000m | 531.25 | 363.59 | 135.39 (270.79) | 3.94 GJ
| Majorana S: | 6,125m | 2,500m | 664.0625 | 489.45 | 182.26 (364.53) | 5.91 GJ
| Ego S3,062.5m | 2,500m | 531.25 | 783.12 | 291.62 (583.25) | 7.88 GJ
w/ Tech II 5mn MWD: 3410.00 m/s (8377.50 heated)
w/ Faction 5mn MWD: 3421.13 m/s (8408.11 heated)
w/ A-type 5mn MWD: 3454.52 m/s (8499.95 heated)
SCYLLA : Cruiser
Since emerging from Anoikis in YC120, the Scylla has cemented its position as a uniquely agile fast-attack cruiser, aggressively responding to encroachment on Tyrannos resource claims in known space and bolstering Drifter actions against the Triglavian Collective in the depths of Abyssal Deadspace.
The Scylla is capable of fitting both Heavy Warp Lance and Heavy Aegis modules. In addition, the incorporation of Sleeper cryotech and thermoregulatory specializations into the the hull’s design drastically increases the potential overload limit of fitted weapons and microwarpdrives.
Precursor Cruiser bonuses per skill level:
50% bonus to Heavy Warp Lance overload bonus
50% bonus to 50mn Microwarpdrive overload bonusRole Bonuses:
Can fit Heavy Warp Lance and Heavy Aegis
150% bonus to damaged module repair amount per second
Slot Layout (h/m/l): 4/6/4 Turret Hardpoints: 4 Launcher Hardpoints: 0 Rig Slots: 3 Rig Size: Medium Calibration: 400 Powergrid Output: 1000.0 MW CPU Output: 410.0 tf
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 3,000 hp / 780 hp / 1,020 hp Base shield resistances: 33.0 EM / 10.0 TH / 33.0 KIN / 33.0 EXP Base armor resistances: 0.00 EM / 43.0 TH / 43.0 KIN / 43.0 EXP Capacitor capacity: 1,950 GJ Capacitor recharge time: 514 sec. Max velocity: 276.18 m/sec Inertia modifier: 0.345x Mass: 12,750,000kg Warp Speed: 3.0 au/sec Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10mBit/sec / 20m3 Max Targeting Range: 56,000m Scan Resolution: 365mm Max Locked Targets: 7 Sensor Strength: 23 Gravimetric Signature Radius: 115m Cargo capacity: 335m3
Tech I ammo (Dirac, Weyl, Majorana) inflicts varied KIN+EM damage.
Tech II ammo (Soma, Ego) inflicts evenly spread omni damage.
Calculations performed assuming all V skills.4x Heavy Warp Lance II +2x tech II damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x4 |
| Soma M: | 50,500m | 25,000m | 13.60625 | 1,016.35 | 201.95 (403.91) | 54.00 GJ
| Weyl M: | 37,875m | 25,000m | 27.2125 | 1,225.06 | 243.42 (486.86) | 40.50 GJ
| Dirac M: | 25,250m | 10,000m | 54.425 | 1,633.42 | 324.57 (649.15) | 27.00 GJ
| Majorana M: | 16,625m | 5,000m | 68.03125 | 2,177.89 | 432.76 (865.53) | 40.50 GJ
| Ego M6,312.5m | 5,000m | 54.425 | 3,132.53 | 622.45 (1,244.92) | 54.00 GJ
4x Heavy Warp Lance II +3x tech II damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x4 |
| Soma M: | 50,500m | 25,000m | 13.60625 | 1,074.38 | 226.83 (453.68) | 54.00 GJ
| Weyl M: | 37,875m | 25,000m | 27.2125 | 1,295.01 | 273.42 (546.84) | 40.50 GJ
| Dirac M: | 25,250m | 10,000m | 54.425 | 1,726.68 | 364.56 (729.12) | 27.00 GJ
| Majorana M: | 16,625m | 5,000m | 68.03125 | 2,302.24 | 486.07 (972.17) | 40.50 GJ
| Ego M: | 6,312.5m | 5,000m | 54.425 | 3,311.39 | 699.14 (1,398.30) | 54.00 GJ4x Lux Xiphos +2x faction damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x4 |
| Soma M: | 50,500m | 25,000m | 13.60625 | 1,044.16 | 207.48 (414.97) | 48.00 GJ
| Weyl M: | 37,875m | 25,000m | 27.2125 | 1,258.58 | 250.09 (500.18) | 36.00 GJ
| Dirac M: | 25,250m | 10,000m | 54.425 | 1,678.11 | 333.45 (666.91) | 24.00 GJ
| Majorana M: | 16,625m | 5,000m | 68.03125 | 2,237.48 | 444.60 (889.21) | 36.00 GJ
| Ego M: | 6,312.5m | 5,000m | 54.425 | 3,218.25 | 639.48 (1,278.98) | 48.00 GJ4x Lux Xiphos +3x faction damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x4 |
| Soma M: | 50,500m | 25,000m | 13.60625 | 1,118.69 | 236.19 (472.39) | 48.00 GJ
| Weyl M: | 37,875m | 25,000m | 27.2125 | 1,348.42 | 284.69 (569.39) | 36.00 GJ
| Dirac M: | 25,250m | 10,000m | 54.425 | 1,797.89 | 379.59 (759.19) | 24.00 GJ
| Majorana M: | 16,625m | 5,000m | 68.03125 | 2,397.18 | 506.12 (1,012.26) | 36.00 GJ
| Ego M: | 6,312.5m | 5,000m | 54.425 | 3,447.95 | 727.97 (1,455.96) | 48.00 GJw/ Tech II 50mn MWD: 2198.10 m/s (5420.24 heated)
w/ Faction 50mn MWD: 2196.34 m/s (5440.16 heated)
w/ A-type 50mn MWD: 2218.06 m/s (5499.89 heated)
ARGO : Battleship
First encountered in known space following the appearance of “Caroline’s Star” in early YC117, the Argo has established itself as the Drifters’ emblematic main vessel. Argos piloted by Tyrannos forces initially operated strategically, guarding and plundering untold wealths of data and materials from derelict Sleeper Caches and Jove Observatories spread across the cluster, and relentlessly demonstrated their truly vicious combat potential during the Throne Worlds incursions following the Drifters’ assassination of Empress Jamyl I.
The Argo is capable of fitting both Fullborne Warp Lance and Pandoric Aegis modules. In addition, the incorporation of Sleeper cryotech and thermoregulatory specializations into the the hull’s design drastically increases the potential overload limit of fitted weapons and microwarpdrives.
Precursor Battleship bonuses per skill level:
50% bonus to Fullborne Warp Lance overload bonus
50% bonus to 500mn Microwarpdrive overload bonusRole Bonuses:
Can fit Fullborne Warp Lance and Pandoric Aegis
150% bonus to damaged module repair amount per second
Slot Layout (h/m/l): 5/8/5 Turret Hardpoints: 5 Launcher Hardpoints: 0 Rig Slots: 3 Rig Size: Large Calibration: 400 Powergrid Output: 16,000.0 MW CPU Output: 670.0 tf
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 10,000 hp / 2,800 hp / 7,600 hp Base shield resistances: 33.0 EM / 10.0 TH / 33.0 KIN / 33.0 EXP Base armor resistances: 0.00 EM / 43.0 TH / 43.0 KIN / 43.0 EXP Capacitor capacity: 7,200 GJ Capacitor recharge time: 1,075 sec. Max velocity: 183 m/sec Inertia modifier: 0.075x Mass: 137,500,000 kg Warp Speed: 2.0 au/sec Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25mBit/sec / 50m3 Max Targeting Range: 89,000m Scan Resolution: 125mm Max Locked Targets: 8 Sensor Strength: 29 Gravimetric Signature Radius: 375m Cargo capacity: 780m3
Tech I ammo (Dirac, Weyl, Majorana) inflicts varied KIN+EM damage.
Tech II ammo (Soma, Ego) inflicts evenly spread omni damage.
Calculations performed assuming all V skills.5x Fullborne Warp Lance II +3x tech II damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap Usage |
| Soma L: | 100,000m | 50,000m | 1.765625 | 3,549.29 | 365.03 (730.08) | 225.00 GJ
| Weyl L: | 75,000m | 50,000m | 3.53125 | 4,712.41 | 484.65 (969.32) | 168.75 GJ
| Dirac L: | 50,000m | 20,000m | 7.0625 | 6,295.20 | 647.44 (1,294.90) | 112.50 GJ
| Majorana L: | 25,000m | 10,000m | 8.828125 | 8,393.60 | 863.25 (1,726.53) | 168.75 GJ
| Ego L12,500m | 10,000m | 7.0625 | 11,952.48 | 1,229.26 (2,458.58) | 225.00 GJ
5x Fullborne Warp Lance II +4x tech II damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x5 |
| Soma L: | 100,000m | 50,000m | 1.765625 | 3,649.74 | 386.86 (773.73) | 225.00 GJ
| Weyl L: | 75,000m | 50,000m | 3.53125 | 4,845.77 | 513.63 (1,027.28) | 168.75 GJ
| Dirac L: | 50,000m | 20,000m | 7.0625 | 6,473.35 | 686.15 (1,372.32) | 112.50 GJ
| Majorana L: | 25,000m | 10,000m | 8.828125 | 8,631.14 | 914.86 (1,829.76) | 168.75 GJ
| Ego L12,500m | 10,000m | 7.0625 | 12,290.74 | 1,302.76 (2,605.58) | 225.00 GJ
5x Lux Kontos +3x faction damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x5 |
| Soma L: | 100,000m | 50,000m | 1.765625 | 3,695.66 | 380.08 (760.18) | 206.25 GJ
| Weyl L: | 75,000m | 50,000m | 3.53125 | 4,906.73 | 504.64 (1,009.30) | 154.69 GJ
| Dirac L: | 50,000m | 20,000m | 7.0625 | 6,554.80 | 674.13 (1,348.30) | 103.13 GJ
| Majorana L: | 25,000m | 10,000m | 8.828125 | 8,739.73 | 898.85 (1,797.73) | 154.69 GJ
| Ego L12,500m | 10,000m | 7.0625 | 12,445.37 | 1,279.96 (2,559.96) | 206.25 GJ
5x Lux Kontos +4x faction damage mods
| | Optimal | Falloff | Tracking | Alpha | DPS (Heated) | Cap x5 |
| Soma L: | 100,000m | 50,000m | 1.765625 | 3,826.39 | 405.58 (811.18) | 206.25 GJ
| Weyl L: | 75,000m | 50,000m | 3.53125 | 5,080.31 | 538.49 (1,077.00) | 154.69 GJ
| Dirac L: | 50,000m | 20,000m | 7.0625 | 6,786.67 | 719.36 (1,438.74) | 103.13 GJ
| Majorana L: | 25,000m | 10,000m | 8.828125 | 9,048.90 | 959.14 (1,918.32) | 154.69 GJ
| Ego L12,500m | 10,000m | 7.0625 | 12,885.63 | 1,365.82 (2,731.69) | 206.25 GJ
w/ Tech II 500mn MWD: 1395.38 m/s (3436.97 heated)
w/ Faction 500mn MWD: 1399.95 m/s (3449.55 heated)
w/ X-type 500mn MWD: 1418.25 m/s (3499.86 heated)
Again, full attributes for each of these ships, modules, and charges can be found in this sheet. With the Precursor designation’s arrival on TQ, players gaining access to more ancient race tech is just a matter of time and development resources - and with the Invasion beginning, hold out hope for seeing Drifter vessels and modules sometime soon™ ∰
edit 1: removed Afterburner overload bonus from skill bonuses, leaving MWDs & Warp Lances
edit 2: changed skill and role bonuses - see here
edit 3: simplified turrets and ammo types
edit 4: adjusted skill and role bonuses for ships - see here
edit 5: changed storyline turret and superweapon categories to faction, adjusted formatting
edit 6: various significant attribute adjustments, added calculation sections - see here
edit 7: significant attribute/name/description/other adjustments - see here