Ship fit lvl 4 brawler

Anyone have a ship fit that works for a lvl 4 in gallente space thats a brawler not really looking for sniper fits. Have seen some kronos fits but not looking to break the bank as well.
thinking about using this but not sure if its to blingy and makes me a target.

[Leshak, PVE Monster - Lvl 4s with ease!]
Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Entropic Radiation Sink II
Entropic Radiation Sink II
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane

100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Thukker Large Cap Battery
Thukker Large Cap Battery
Thukker Large Cap Battery

Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator II
Salvager II
Salvager II
Salvager II
Auto Targeting System II

Large Ancillary Current Router I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II

Hobgoblin II x8
Hammerhead II x6
Ogre II x6

Occult L x4913
Mystic L x3999

Megathron since you evidently have gallente battleships trained. Some blasters, afterburner, microjumpdrive, T2 armor repairer, damage control if you want, 3 x magnetic field stabilizers. kaplaah.

That is a bad fit to far far far to much tank for level 4 missions and wasting so many slots for cap.

Drop the CPR’s add Drone damage amps or one and another ERS.
The second large armour rep is not needed if you need it you lack the DPS in the first place for the mission.

The cap batterys can be replaced for drone tracking or webs.

You do not need a super bling fit for level 4 missions i have a basic T2 mega i use now and then for fun.

If you want to brawl that much a Vindy with T2 blasters 2 tracking comps 2 webs and a MWD will do fine.

Fit has issues, massively of cap generating. You shouldn’t need that much for a Leshak.

It appears you’re trying to go armour HP active tanking with the plates and regen. It is possible to go resistance and do a better job.

No sure why you need to have an powergrid rig or even the armour repair rig, normally shouldn’t need them.

You should have at least one tracking computer to help tracking for fast movers, and range for those just outside turret range.

I suggest a grappler also for the smaller close in targets .

Increase your resistances to match damage types your facing. This normally mean mount one dedicated resistance energized module for each damage and then mount a single nano to boost those and add to the others.

As for dual rep, no issues using it, but normal tactic is have one that reps fast for slightly less and second one is a one cycle emergency rep, used only when the first can’t hold the damage back.

Also if you going passive of resist, install DC or if active the reactive armour hardner, as both add pure unaffected resistance (meaning stacking pen has no effect on their bonus if mounted)

Rig wise trimark and specific resist modules to increase tank,and maybe 1 CC rig.

Ammo wise, you’re screwing you tracking and cap using pure T2 ammo. The T1 range and close range will cost you less and maintain a higher tracking for less cap use. And the meson has better range than the mystic ammo. I would keep occult hand for hard targets or pvp.

Expensive ammo.

yup a megathron with blasters (T-2 Null/Void), will chew through many lvl 4 missions, and also it’s fun.

Hyperion would probably do well with the repair bonus.


to catch close targets : either grappler + web, or grappler+drones.

should not be enough to increase the DPS against small targets. range is I think always the best choice, if you can’t track small fries there is no point even shooting at them.

I remade the fit a little bit :

[Leshak, *PVE Monster - Lvl 4s with ease!]
Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
Reactive Armor Hardener
Entropic Radiation Sink II
Entropic Radiation Sink II
Entropic Radiation Sink II
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Power Diagnostic System II

100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Heavy Stasis Grappler II

Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator II

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II

Hobgoblin II x8
Hammerhead II x6
Ogre II x6

Occult L x4913
Mystic L x3999

should be capstable, 510 ehp/s before RAH kicks in (so effective 510 EHP/s).
Most of the time you won’t need the second rep active, so you can as well remove the cap recharger and go for web/TC/MJD if fitting room.

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